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  1. #91
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    Default Re: \"Human, all too human.\"

    Wow, this thread has really taken off and if I were a guy I\'d be tracking it daily and maybe even printing it out. ALL of the guys in the forum should take particular heed of the fact that so many women are in agreement about WHAT WOMEN WANT.

    I\'ll add that I too am in full agreement with the women who\'ve posted. I\'ll take genuine over contrived any day. If a guy ever tried to use those fast seduction techniques on me I\'d recognize it in a heartbeat and be headed for the nearest exit just as quickly. I would consider it not so much an insult but rather a pathetic attempt to use a \"method\" in the absence of any real, underlying sincerity. Not to mention the fact that my intuitive self would immediately peg such a guy as a total loser. Anyone who thinks women are THAT stupid really needs to pay extra careful attention to this thread.

    As for \"pushing buttons\"..... that\'s just another game better left unplayed. I\'ll agree that both men and women have \"buttons\" but mine don\'t get pushed unless I want them to be. In other words, if I like you (sexually speaking) and want to get it on with you then I\'ve ALLOWED you to push my buttons, period.

    For a long time alot of men on this forum have been asking women for their input specifically relating to what women want. Well, here it is it or hate it ..... here it is [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


  2. #92
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: \"Human, all too human.\"

    ...If a guy ever tried to use those fast seduction techniques on me I\'d recognize it in a heartbeat and be headed for the nearest exit just as quickly....

    I\'ll be waiting.

  3. #93
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: \"Human, all too human.\"

    ccbythesea wrote: <<<<<BEGIN QUOTE>>>>>Wow, this thread has really taken off and if I were a guy I\'d be tracking it daily and maybe even printing it out. ALL of the guys in the forum should take particular heed of the fact that so many women are in agreement about WHAT WOMEN WANT.

    I\'ll add that I too am in full agreement with the women who\'ve posted. I\'ll take genuine over contrived any day. If a guy ever tried to use those fast seduction techniques on me I\'d recognize it in a heartbeat and be headed for the nearest exit just as quickly. <<<<<<END QUOTE>>>>>

    Actually guys should read this but not to follow this advice - rather to take note that the advice here is pretty much what you get from women\'s magazines, advice columns etc, and also the pc men\'s magazines. There are elements of truth to some of what is said, but from my experience there is a large gap between what is being \"said\" and what the average women actually ends up \"doing\" . Knock the sites all you want, and even some guys will jump on this bandwagon, but women who either visit the fs forum, or discuss this on their boards pretty much say the same thing as you did, that \" this wouldn\'t work on me\", but when you start asking them about the type of guys they\'ve generally ended up dating, looks-wise, personality-wise etc., status-wise, you end up finding that guess what the type of guys they actually date/sleep with are the opposite of what they \"say\" and are again that certain type of man. There are exceptions to everything, but the question is what do women end up doing generally. And as for women saying looks are less important to them than guys think - if you believe that I got a plot of land on the moon that I\'d like to sell you :-) . when it comes to looks women are just as superficial and shallow as us men are. As I said earlier, I know what I say is not pc and it\'s probably kinda pointless reiterating what I\'ve already said on this subject but what the heck it\'s interesting to read the women\'s perspective on all of this. You may \"feel\" this stuff won\'t work on you, and maybe that\'s the case, but all I know is that as Machiavellian as it probably is, a lot of these strategies work and I gauge that by the results that I get from this, and make no apology for this. If ya want to keep getting the same results as you\'ve been getting for years with women, then continue to follow the advice in the conventional media, women\'s/men\'s magazines shows etc. but all they will teach you for the most is to end up with lots of LJBF situations.

    As for whether using these technqiues makes you a \"loser guy\" well think about it, you are saying this on a \"PHERO \" board - I can tell you the majority of the public out there, male and female, who have never used pheros, would more than likely say \"anyone who has to use pheros to make themselves more attractive to others must be a real loser\" and a lot of them would probably be horrified if they knew that you regularly used pheros. I don\'t feel this way about pheros, and I don\'t feel this way about these methods - I try the pheros and find which ones work for me just as I try different methods/strategies from fs and other seduction sites and see which I feel comfortable with/which will work for me and throw out the rest. To me it\'s the same as using pheros - just another tool in the bag. Anyway, this thread is very useful and has been interesting and I\'ll probably get flamed or sent to Coventry for all this non-pc stuff I\'ve said but so be it :-)

  4. #94

    Default Re: \"Human, all too human.\"

    I agree with a lot of what you\'ve said. I don\'t agree with the fastsuduction type of sites. I think they\'re a bunch of bullshit.. We\'re not talking about taking a computer course here. We are talking about people, who are so different from one an other that there are no set of rules that you can follow. Why do you need a technique of some kind? I don\'t even know what that means when you are talking about women. What\'s wrong with the old fashioned way, Boy meets girl, boy asks girl out on a date\". It\'s worked for a long time now, why change it? From my own experience, I do agree that many women say one thing and do something totally different. A woman will say that looks aren\'t important in one breathe, and then proceed to buy you new clothes because she thinks that you\'d look good in them. They try to dress you to the way they think you should look. I have found in my experience with women, that the majority of them are like that.. They want you to look good for them. If that\'s not placing importance on looks, I don\'t know what is..

    Another thing to keep in mind as far as women go. Most women, and I mean the vast majority of them, are motivated by other women. A woman doesn\'t dress for a man or even herself, she dresses for other women, and this holds true with just about everything that they do. The ladies here can say that\'s not true, but not only have I seen it, but have been told the same thing by several women... At least that\'s the way it is here in the US. I think it\'s that way in a lot of places in the world. My wife is from Poland, and she is one of the women that has told me that. I agree with FTR that women and men think differently. Have had many arguments where she would say, your too logical, and I would say your too emotional. Didn\'t need to read about it to know that...

  5. #95

    Default Re: \"Human, all too human.\"

    I couldn\'t be any less motivated than by other women. Groups of us trade fashion advice and groove on trying different looks, but most women over highschool age have found their own style and pretty much stick with what works for them. If I dress any differently than I feel like, it\'s only because a guy asked me to wear something for him in particular, and then I\'ll put on whatever he wants to see me in.

    Women dressing men is sometimes because guys don\'t think to update their looks, but mostly it\'s an act of love, like little girls dress and pamper their dolls. If you buy a woman a new dress, is that because you\'re only concerned about what she looks like, or does it mean you don\'t like the dresses she usually wears? Probably not ...

    It\'s interesting - women of various ages from different countries and backgrounds agree completely on things, and you guys come on and tell us we\'re full of sh*t, that\'s not what we really think ...


    You have a potentially good source here in us. Just seems a shame not to allow it any credibility.

  6. #96
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Default Re: \"Human, all too human.\"

    I have not been to those fast seduction sites but can guess based on the comments here what they say. And I\'ll bet that many of the methods work pretty well on many people. While we are all different, in many ways we are all the same.

    As cynical as it sounds, what is seduction but a sales job? Everybody here who has had some sales training knows that although people are different, standardized techniques work on many perfectly intellegent people. You learn the rules and you keep trying until you get a method that works for you. After all, you are trying to sell something to somebody who wants to buy in the first place. The shortcoming is buyers remorse. If you are looking for a long term relationship it should be based on trust and respect, a sales job is probably not going to hold up long.

    I agree with FTR that men and women are wired differently. It would be a terribly boring world if we weren\'t. That doesn\'t make one gender superior to another. It simply means we think differently.


  7. #97

    Default Re: \"Human, all too human.\"

    As cynical as it sounds, what is seduction but a sales job? Everybody here who has had some sales training knows that although people are different, standardized techniques work on many perfectly intellegent people. You learn the rules and you keep trying until you get a method that works for you. After all, you are trying to sell something to somebody who wants to buy in the first place. The shortcoming is buyers remorse. If you are looking for a long term relationship it should be based on trust and respect, a sales job is probably not going to hold up long.

    Are you kidding?

  8. #98

    Default Re: \"Human, all too human.\"

    I don\'t think it\'s so much that there is a technique being taught -- it\'s the underlying philosophy behind the technique that is disturbing. For example, Dale Carnegie\'s famous \"How to Win Friends and Influence People,\" is excellent sales advice -- with a superlative, positive attitude toward the potential buyer. And there is nothing degrading to the practitioner or the target of his methods. Ross Jeffries, on the other hand, is contemptuous to a sickening degree. His attitude is toxic, for both parties involved -- I think a pretty fair summary would be \"How to Trick Any Stupid B*tch into Sleeping with your Worthless, Clueless Ass.\"

  9. #99
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    Default Re: \"Human, all too human.\"

    Amen FTR, and as usual you\'ve hit the nail squarely on the head.

  10. #100

    Default Re: \"Human, all too human.\"

    I\'m sorry that you have the impression I think that the women here are full of sh*t. I\'m going by my own experiences and observations, not what is being said here. I\'m expressing my opinion and nothing else.Three things I have learned, from past experiences, what not to talk about, politics, religion, with anyone,(goes without saying) and about the opposite sex, with the opposite sex... (I\'m sure I\'ll get nailed for that one)

  11. #101
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    Default Re: \"Human, all too human.\"


    I don\'t think anyone was referring to you specifically as thinking the women here are full of [censored]. I appreciate you taking the time to post in this thread regarding the male perspective. I take exception to those who would tell me that what I SAY I want and what I actually DO want are two different animals.

    Call it whatever you want; integrated whole, walking your talk, etc.. It\'s most important to me (and many other women I know) that a guy be up front and honest in all his interactions with me. That\'s what I give to a relationship and that\'s what I expect back, right from the get go.

    That\'s my story and I\'m stickin\' to it cuz I live it everyday [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


  12. #102
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: \"Human, all too human.\"

    Boys,pay attention to women\'s actions and not so much what they say. Women, do the same to the boys. In all aspects of life, actions speak much clearer than words.

  13. #103
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: \"Human, all too human.\"

    Remember that cute little song of about 4 years back, sang by a woman..

    \"Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies....\"

    I never said that women were stupid, nor am I foolish enough to EVER say that (in mixed company.) I will say that men perceive women to sometimes not have their conscious mind connected to their emotional mind. In women, emotions and intuition lead and the \"rational\", forebrain follows. In men, the forebrain (rational mind) plays a stronger hand. Men can be cold and unemotional, from a woman\'s point of view. It\'s a reflection of our brain anatomy - live with it.

    Men and women are different; a justifiable complaint is when one gender gets too snobby about their strenghts visa vi the other gender\'s weaknesses.

    Wisdom is in understanding and appreciating the differences.

    All these seduction sites are for as-of-yet unwise people. May they lead the guys to find a good woman to teach them greater wisdom.

  14. #104
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Default Re: \"Human, all too human.\"

    No sense of humor, I couldn\'t be kidding. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    I probably spoke too strongly, bad habit of mine. I do believe that seduction by either the male or the female is sales. For the fun of it, could you please tell me where I am wrong?

    There are principals involved as well. Either gender can be a \"Worthless, Clueless Ass\". Is there anybody here who has not run into those types? It\'s a matter of how you want to use the tools, not the tools themselves. Remember the old \'guns don\'t kill people...\'? It\'s true of seduction as well. It\'s how well you treat the other person that matters most. It\'s unfortunate that so many people never seem to learn that.


  15. #105

    Default Re: \"Human, all too human.\"

    Belgareth, probably it would be good to read some of the sites so you\'ll have it first hand rather than on assumption.

    I\'m saying that this is the attitude the sites have towards the men and the women they\'re trying to get. Not that either gender is a worthless, clueless ass.

  16. #106
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Default Re: \"Human, all too human.\"

    Never thought you were saying that. Sorry if it came across that way. Your term appealed to me for completely unrelated reasons.

    I was saying that there are some of that type in both genders. I will look at one of those sites later but it is not very high on my priority list. It\'s a lot more interesting to follow this site.

    Several of the young single people who work for me follow the advice on those sites and I\'ve seen the results. Mostly I view the whole idea as offensive. They tell me it\'s because I\'m a conservative old married man.


  17. #107

    Default Re: \"Human, all too human.\"


  18. #108

    Default Re: \"Human, all too human.\"

    \". If you are looking for a long term relationship it should be based on trust and respect, a sales job is probably not going to hold up long. \"

    If you are selling life insurances, your sell job will also have to relly on trust and respect ...

    Everything can be sold, everything.

    I did a good sell job to get my girlfriend into my life. She\'s just lucky I\'m an honest seller...

  19. #109

    Default make them happy

    Well,one thing that i have observed with a woman is find something that makes her happy and and what she really likes. if you talk to her enough about what she really likes and bring up what makes them happy the throw in some flirtaous seual undertone in your conversation its easy to get them comfortable happy and wet for making love

  20. #110

    Default Emmylou knows

    what women want ... \"High Powered Love\" from her CD, \"Cowgirl\'s Prayer\"

    I\'ve been runnin low on inspiration
    Tired of the physical intrigue
    There\'s nothing left to the imagination
    Living in a world that treats love so carelessly

    Don\'t want no smooth talking lover
    I can\'t play a role
    It just leaves me cold

    I need a high powered love
    I want to feel that lightening streak
    High powered love
    Got to be down in the heart with me

    Sometimes it\'s hard to keep believing
    Too many pretty faces all skin deep
    Now is there anybody left
    with teeth just a little uneven
    Won\'t spend more time in the mirror
    than he does with me

    If you\'re looking for a good time
    A notch on your gun
    I ain\'t the one

    I want a high powered love
    Got to have intensity
    High powered love
    Don\'t start the fire
    if you can\'t take the heat

    I need a high powered love
    One that\'ll defy gravity
    High powered love
    It\'s got to be strong and keep on lifting me

    Yeah, I need a high powered love
    I want to feel the lightening streak
    High powered love
    Got to be down in the heart with me

  21. #111
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    Default Re: Emmylou knows

    Good set of lyrics!!

    I have always been intrigued by the emotions vs logic argument, if we can even call it an argument. There is no right and wrong, it\'s just differences. As far as I\'m concerned everyone here is correct in their observations, despite the seeming contradictions. Just that everyone has a different reality.

    I don\'t have anything profound to add, but a lot of what has been brought up here is very thought provoking.

  22. #112

    Default Re: Emmylou knows

    To answer the question with humor : they want to argue ;-) .

  23. #113
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    Default Re: Emmylou knows

    I do like to argue\'s one of the joys in my life.... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  24. #114
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Emmylou knows

    kind of late to jump in, i know...

    i make generalizations all the time about women and men
    sometimes i\'m right, sometimes i\'m not

    FTR, wimmin ARE stoopid, cant think for themselfs. dey need a MAN to pay the bills and support em and then they can suk his dick. it sounds like a good trade too me. if there were no wimmin in this world, we\'d all be perfectly reasonable and damn near maximum efficiency... but that\'s not very fun. we need some hormone stimulation?

    statistics show that people with less education have sex more - maybe because there\'s nothing else to do? or just less to think about? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    *and this has been another rambling thought brought to you by xxxpantero. thanks and good evening.

  25. #115
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Emmylou knows

    In defense of my post...
    “I just want you to live up to
    the image of you I create.”
    (Ani Difranco)

    Pantero ...
    “Woman needs a man
    like a fish needs a bicycle”

  26. #116

    Default Re: Emmylou knows

    a.k.a. - which post?

    xxxPantero ... I know, I know ... damn stoopit wimmin.

    So ... if I hadn\'t gone to college I\'d be having more sex? Oh FINE, NOW you tell me!!

  27. #117
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: Emmylou knows

    Okay everyone, I believe that we I can officially declare this thread to be the longest ever on the LS forum at least since I´ve been here ! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] 6 pages now ...phew. CJ

  28. #118
    Phero Guru
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    Default Re: Emmylou knows

    I figure women want the same things I want. Hope so.

  29. #119

    Default Re: Emmylou knows

    Less education = more sex. Bugger!!!
    Having finished two degrees though, I\'d argue against that. While getting the education there is college life. And I KNOW that makes up for the odd drought later in life.

  30. #120
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: Emmylou knows

    I´d be careful offering someone both -booze and pot. A lot of people can´t mix the two!

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