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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
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    Default Ok here\'s the first test of the new batch I made.

    I shook it up and splashd some on all over.15 min later I felt really spaced out like I was on valum.BUT! I also felt horny as all hell!So I had some really good sex with my husband.After I still felt very spaced out and very sleepy.I drank some coffee and went out to the post office and RX. Didn\'t notice any reaction from anyone like the 1st mix that I made,but dam I felt sooooo spacey and tired like I was on drugs.So I went home and went out to eat with my husband.Again no reaction from anyone.Also eating took the druged feeling away.I think I OD\'ed.Like I said,I just splashed the stuff all over me.It\'s a very light scent that I made.I\'ll use only a little tomorrow.So far the stuff is good if you need a good nerve calmer, and female sex stimulant.It\'ll help put you to sleep also.LOL!

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
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    Default Re: Ok here\'s the first test of the new batch I made.

    You are the OD queen aren\'t you. You just splash a bunch all over yourself! lol. None of this counting the drops and sprays bullsh#t like the rest of us heh? With the EW content you mention, I recommend a dozen drops at most. Even that is dangerous. I can make people pass out with that much. As for sleeping, WOW! I can sleep like a stone with EW. I think I could sleep like sleeping beauty. I never wake up during the night anymore like I used to. Never until the alarm goes off.

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