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  1. #1

    Default pheremones changing current relationships?

    Ok, so i\'m not getting any really noticable hits. There are a few things that COULD be hits, but they also could just be random incidents. They aren\'t big and i can\'t even tell if minor hits are happening more often that they would without pheremones.

    However, I\'m still believe in pheremones because the people I use pheremones with are people i\'ve known for a while. Also, I go to high school, where people are catagorized mercilessly and it\'s much harder to work out of those pigeon-holes than it is in other situations.

    So, what I want to know is what kind of phero combo would be best to change opinions that are already pretty fixed? I have been using SPMO\'s and PCC. Recently, I got PI/w and NPA/w, but i haven\'t really tested these products out. I have used PI/w for a few days and NPA/w not at all yet.

    Anyone with thoughts would be appreciated, but if you have ever done this before, i would especially love your advice.

    Thanks guys!


  2. #2
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: pheremones changing current relationships?

    You can start by indicating to us how old you are, your sex, and your height. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    - Krish

  3. #3

    Default Re: pheremones changing current relationships?

    That would help if you could tell us if you\'r male or female (yes lot\'s of guy also use the /w versions...)

    I\'m also testing \'mones mainly with people who already know me. What I can say up to now is some women who where just acquintances are slowly becoming friendlier. Some seams unaffected but some other (the ones I know to be more \"hormonal\" in their ways of handling relashionship) are realy more attracted. Of course they know my girlfriend so they won\'t just jump on me but it is clear that I wouldn\'t stay single for a long time if something bad was to happen to my relationship. I can see a lineup growing longer...

    But as I said, some are almost unafected, it just make it clear who\'s more animal or not.

    Playing with /w version in my mix of \'mones increase the good behaviors of male friends. When I only used \'none, I got agression from a stupid jerk because I was \"steling\" the girl he\'s after (see story in a previous thread).
    When I came in a bar this.03 week, one of them standed up from his place at the bar and ofered me his place as if I was an old lady needing a bench !
    I refused, went away to see some other friends all around the place and when I came back and sat there later, there was a gathering around me for the remaining of the night.

    That *sometimes* happen even without phero but *every* time I used some (especially a mix of /m and /w versions), it happened (that is 3-4 times up to now).

    My behavioral study is still at an early stage but I\'ll keep counting. I can\'t wait to get my AE to test something stronger than my APC mix. I think I\'ll have to be carefull with dosage because I already see the effects with APC !

    Ho and I also have this girl following me around... I know she was a hit before I used phero but now the poor girl will have a hard time with all my phero experimentations!

    What else ... I didn\'t see much reactions from my girlfriend. She don\'t like cologne so that doesn\'t help. Since I mixed APC/m and /w with just some drops of Azaro and vanilla oil, I didn\'t get any bad comments. I also think it doesn\'t change anything right on the spot with her but after some time near me, it is possible that her mood is influenced by the phero. She\'s very stressed theses days so when I use more \'nol (/w version), it does help after maybe 15 minutes (she calm down and slowly enter a mood where she want to get laid). It\'s still not conclusive with her tho.

  4. #4
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Change yourself first and all else will follow

    If you\'re still in high school then you\'re actively forming your character. The first thing you need to do is have a vision of that person you want to be - great scientist, star athlete, diplomat, master woodcarver, painter, damn good plumber, military hero, loving mother - whatever your goal in life is, get a clear idea of how you\'ll be that person. Then think about how you get there. Reading biographies of great people can be a big help in seeing the course a life takes.

    Once you have a vision, a goal, and a plan, then you can start to make yourself that person. As you start to change, recognize to yourself the successes you achieve along the way. People respect, honor and flock to people working a plan for their lives.

    Maybe you are pigeon-holed with a bunch of losers - then become a winner! People recognize winners. Pheromones can open the doors and assist in changing other people\'s perceptions but the real change has to start from within or it\'s all for naught.

  5. #5
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Change yourself first and all else will follow

    Once out of high school things change. But the gathering thing is common other people are attracted and then use it all without knowing it themselves to chat up other women. Its sort of like everyone likes to hang around the popular person at school (something happening here we see what we can gain by being in the same area or grouping as this person) just as long as we give something in return then thats ok with me. Although once you do get pheros really working for you (they are already by the looks of it - body size also helps enhance the visual aspect of pheros with the body scent.)

    You can start using those dumb gathering type of people to youre advantage it took me a good 6 months but i work this stuff to the limit and even go out of my way to cause a few things.

    Yesterday i was on a bus and was next to a couple of 19 year old couple. Well i had to stand right next to them, bus was crowded and i use public transport where possible because of my environmental beliefs - ok well she was checking me out trying to get close, he started blabbling to get her attention and by the end of it he was dribbling on about how much he loved her and she should love him back and he wanted to marry her (shed knocked him back apparently - a typical young italian australian male who with his armani jacket and staright hair and octopus arms type of smooth style usually works but just didnt stand up to the pheromones floating around, in the end he dragged (literally) her away to the other end of the bus and then proceded to ask for her hand in marriage she went red and mumbled something about talking to him later.

    THis happens all the time - mind you unless i work the situation nothing usually happens to me i just provide the source of the amusement which i then feedback into the forum for an amusing laugh or two.

    I got home and did my usuall thing.

  6. #6

    Default Re: pheremones changing current relationships?

    Ok i\'m 17, female, and 5\'5\". sorry about leaving that out [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  7. #7
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: pheremones changing current relationships?


    Have you checked out the scent of the NPA/w yet, and if so, what\'s your opinion?
    I got a bottle from the returned products page, and I find the scent to be damned near addictive!
    I\'ve got no idea what\'s in there, but being a guy, and finding the scent SO intoxicating, I\'d venture a guess that this stuff is one hell of a womens additive!

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  8. #8

    Default Re: pheremones changing current relationships?

    Oh, NOW we get the news! You\'ve been holding out on us, Oscar.

  9. #9
    Banned User
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    Default Re: pheremones changing current relationships?

    So, what\'s your problem?

    This ia ANOTHER THING, that girls don\'t believve, that it is the guy\'s responsibility to ask out the girll, which, maybe it is, maybe it ISN\'T..But, if you are a girl, and, you walk around looking hot, guys are going to be intimidtated, and, not ask you out, and, if you aren\'t hot, noone will want to go out with you...

    My suggestion, is that, if you are a female, you have to learn how to give the male better signals...Lots of my friends, the reason they have a girlfriend, is because she came on to him, and, they hooked up...f*cked, whatever...It\'s not USUALLY, BELIEVE IT OR NOT guy asks out girl, it\'s girl flirts with guy REALLY bad, to where guy KNOWS she wants to hook up, so, they hook up...Not, guy asks out girl, without him knowing she likes her, all that...


  10. #10
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: pheremones changing current relationships?


    Okay Reds, I\'ll confess. I HAVE been holding out. I\'ve been saving my money until I have enough to clean out ALL of the NPA/w on the returned products page.
    For $12 I got a bottle that was nearly 90% full, and the stuff is INCREDIBLE!
    I haven\'t mixed it, or used it in any way other than to put some on my upper lip or the back of my hand to inhale for my own pleasure.

    But now, thanks to you, I\'m feeling guilty about not sharing with my brothers and sisters on the forum, So I\'ll put the link for the returned products page below, but if you want some of the NPA/w that\'s on there, you\'d better hurry up and get your release form in, because I\'m ready to buy about 5 bottles of the stuff just for my own personal use.


    I would definitely include NPA/w in my phero strategy if I were you.
    Hey, I\'ve fallen in love and there isn\'t even a woman attached to the stuff! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  11. #11

    Default Re: pheremones changing current relationships?

    I didn\'t get what you got from her question. I understood it as she wasn\'t sure if the phero\'s were working for her or not, ie, no stand out hits. I also disagree with what you said. A guy will let a women know whether he likes her or not by looking or even staring at her. He may not approach her until he is sure that she is interested. From what someone says, it sound like that isn\'t happening any more than usual.

    Someone, I would increase the amount that you use a little more each time until you get a reaction that really stands out, good or bad....

  12. #12

    Default Re: pheremones changing current relationships?

    See, Oscar, now don\'t you feel better? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    What\'s in that stuff, anyway, before I pull out my wallet...

  13. #13
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: pheremones changing current relationships?


    \"What\'s in the stuff?\"
    I wish I could tell you for certain. I\'ve seen reviews of the stuff by women stating that it\'s very heavy on the A-None scent, but having been exposed to all sorts of A-None products, I can tell you that A-None is NOT the predominant scent in there. There probably IS some in there, but it\'s something else that comes out on top.

    I\'d venture a guess that it\'s heavy on the \"secret ingredients\". There\'s a scent that\'s quite prominent in NPA/w that I believe I\'ve detected at much lower levels in NPA/m, but I can\'t tell you what it might be.
    It has a \"higher-end\" phero smell than the men\'s version, far less musky, more \"minty\" for lack of a better word. It\'s really quite a nice smell straight out of the bottle, so I\'ve gotta figure it will probably enhance the fragrance of colognes etc. I don\'t know whether it\'s estra-somethings, or Copulins, or what, but something in there really seems to push MY buttons just right.

    Of the three women\'s products I\'ve sampled, PI/w with virtually no detectable scent; PCC with a very pleasant added fragrance; and NPA/w, a raw phero additive with NO fragrance added, I find NPA/w to be far and away the most stimulating.
    I\'m talking THREE thumbs up here!

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

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