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  1. #1

    Default Using my new pheros

    I just purchased Pheremol Facter, Alter Ego, and NEW Pheremone Additive. I was wondering if any experienced users could tell me which of the 3 to use with another one and where to put them and in how much quantity. AE and new pheremone additive are a dynamic duo. But i dont know where to put them or if i need to mix them with cologne etc. Thanks

  2. #2

    Default Re: Using my new pheros

    Hey Newbie,

    The NPA is great. I like to use a dab (finger on top of dropper and invert tilt back up) or two on the neck collar area. But if you are going to mix it with a scent go with small batchs first. Try to get it right. As Oscar said it is quite concentrated. Post us of your results.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Using my new pheros

    Use the other two scents together as described as for NPA do this and e-oil or a fragrance with no phermone in it. Pour off 40 % of the fragrance and replace with NPA. Then spray once in hair (in your gottee or beard too if you have one) and once on the shirt or tie your wearing. I bet this works. Just make sure the fragrance isn\'t too strong. Try CK1 or African Musk.

  4. #4
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Using my new pheros

    I\'ve got all three of the products you mentioned,but I haven\'t even opened the NPA yet,but the stuff is an \"additive\" and thus should be mixed with a cologne or other carrier to dilute it.

    AS for the AE and PF,both are scented products (AE being the more SUBTLE of the two,scent-wise,NOT potency-wise)so,see which fragrance YOU prefer and apply them in appropriate ratio if you\'re going for a combo.

    I\'ve \"zoned\" my scented products by putting a dab of AE behind each ear and on neck ,while applying a dab of PF to wrists.This way the scents don\'t directly compete unless you\'ve got her nose pinned behind your ear using your wrist.

    For the NPA,you\'ll want to find a fragrance that will be compatible with the other scents you\'re wearing,(the AE or PF or both)but will also serve to cover the aroma of the NPA.Mix the cologne and NPA in VERY small quantities,as your Pheromone requirements may vary from time to time.

    If you\'ve found a scent that\'s good for you,you can then spray the NPA and cologne/oil mix on chest/torso area thus maintaining the \"zoned\" effect.

    Good Luck,

  5. #5

    Default Re: Using my new pheros

    Dude try Acqua Di Gio cologne to mix it with.It smells real good and the girls love it. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]
    Still trying to find RAW VANILLA Cologne but noone has it that i ask around here.may have just order it off the internet.


    [ August 21, 2001: Message edited by: Mark ]

  6. #6

    Default Re: Using my new pheros


    What does the Acqua Di Gio smell like? I hear there’s a massive buzz around it, but I didn’t care until I found out it was from Armani and the girls really, really like it. I’m headed out to a shopping mall this weekend, might pick up a bottle but until then can you try to describe it?


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