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  1. #1
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Alpha Male, Challenge, and Pheromones

    Hi all. Long-time reader, first-time poster.

    I\'d like to hear everyone\'s theories on the following:

    I am 19 years old, in Miami, FL. I am 5\'9, dark skinned (a bit lighter than native Puerto Ricans [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ) slim build (although I\'m working on getting muscle) and I weigh about 137. As far as getting women, I don\'t have much of a problem. I learned about being a Challenge and basically being a Jerk to women, creating for yourself a Bad Boy image. Now, before you flame me for that, let me add that I was always a geek who got nowhere, and now I don\'t ACT like a jerk... I really am, it comes naturally. Women are all crazy... they like the guys who treat them like they don\'t matter.

    But I\'m wondering which pheromones will help me out as far as furthering the Alpha Male presence. Will too much -none intimidate women? WIll too much -nol take away from the Alpha Male presence? If so, which scent should I use?

    I will also share the resources I have with anyone who helps me out here! Thanks!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Alpha Male, Challenge, and Pheromones

    The answer is YES for the intimidation and MAYBE for the declining Alpha Male Presence.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Alpha Male, Challenge, and Pheromones

    There\'s NOOOO such thing as a 5\'9 137# jerk. One of those Puerto Ricans will really mess you up.

    And, you have it wrong, none makes you intimidating and nol makes you look friendly.

    If you want as MUCH none as you can HANDLE...Use the chem set none from the kit, which, I havek used, and litterally, people will run away because they think a. You will KILL THEM. or b. becuase you will RAPE them. Enough said, lol, 5\'9....137# jerk, lol...Ah ah ah ah ah hha haaaa! lol

    Oh, by the way...I\'m 16, and I\'m 5\'11 and I\'m

    Whew, what a RIOT! lol

    You are like the REALLY wimpy dude who hits the girl becuase that\'s the O N L Y person he can hit! If I see one of those bitch***!! Ah! Hit someone your own size b*tch!

    Go* Dam* f*gs think they are big to hit thier girl, hit me you m*ther f*king b*tch D*MN....

  4. #4
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Male, Challenge, and Pheromones

    Hi marv14yag.

    I fixed the none/nol mixup. Thanks for the reminder.

    You are confused about what a Jerk is, though. To the nice girls, I\'m nice. But the more bitchy a girl gets, the less I put up with her [censored], and the more of a dick I am to her. Do you honestly think being a Jerk means hitting a woman? No, that\'s called being a coward.

    It must be your age. You must feel big and bad with your 5\'11 height and 190 pounds. Well, you should. If only your attitude would be as big as you are.

    But for all your insults, you did actually help a bit. Maybe I shouldn\'t use the -none.

    Any other opinions out there?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Alpha Male, Challenge, and Pheromones


    Screaming fans whistling stomping yelling approval yes yes yes

    very nicely done, now THAT was alpha male

    nuthin\' you can\'t handle and you never lost your cool

    sheer perfection

    all respect from FTR

  6. #6
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Male, Challenge, and Pheromones


  7. #7
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    Default Re: Alpha Male, Challenge, and Pheromones

    Girls want a jerk that is nice to her, does that than mean that he acts like a jerk to everyone else (Friends, family, people he doesn\'t know) and than is nice to her?

    What I meant is, how are you a jerk, if the ONLY one you push around would be your girlfriend IF...she gets bitchy though... Do you push aroudn OTHER people?

    And another thing, from what has been read, a nice girl doesn\'t want a nice guy, so your routine is flawed, as, pleasing her is like having a yes man, and that\'s NOT what she wants, she wants someone who doesn\'t CARE about what she thinks.

    Anyway, man, I can\'t get the girl in the FIRST place, that\'s MY problem. You hear people talking about how you have to do such and such, what about afterwards, CHILL, you already GOT the

    And, how DARE you tell me, I THINK I\'m bad, how do you KNOW what I think? HUH?! I don\'t think I\'m big and bad, but, what I was saying is... You can\'t BE a jerk to other people if you are small, because they will just push you back, but, than again, being BIG, DOESN\'T MAKE you a jerk EITHER... So, are you a jerk to HER, or a JERK in GENERAL?


    I use the ppa with 1 swab between each ear, and the rest on my finger goes on the neck....I used to use the chem set none, but that\'s too much none...Uh, and I think 0.015% is just ENOUGH without being too much.

    As for nol, that\'s great and all, but I DON\'T want to be the girl\'s friend. And, if she likes me because she can be a friend like character to me, than, no, I DON\'T WANT IT! Which, is screwing me over...As, the girls are nervous, no, not from too much none though..But than, at the SAME time, if you use nol, I mean, she will see you as more inviting, friendly, than, I mean, she didn\'t really want you in the first place...

    Here\'s the difference, nol equals..You two are friends, and you decide to go out and f***...

    None, you two don\'t know each other, and than, you slap her on the *ss and f*** her...


  8. #8
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Male, Challenge, and Pheromones

    Hey Bart.

    Let me further clarify what being a Jerk is about. It\'s not really being a Jerk. It\'s letting yourself be your first priority. That applies to everyone you interact with.

    Being a Jerk doesn\'t mean pushing around other people - it\'s not letting other people push you around. And I think everyone will agree that is not a bad way to live. I used to be a \"yes-man\" but it got me nowhere in life (I\'m not talking about relationships here, either).

    As far as pleasing a woman, you can still please her even when you are your own first priority. The trick is to please her when she deserves it. For example, when does a woman deserve the pleasure of your attention more; when she bitches at you for something you did, or when she compliments you for something you did? When she bitches, and you know what you did was not wrong, pay her no attention. When she compliments you, return the favor.

    Do not let people walk over you. You come first in your life. Got it?

    Here\'s a personal tip for you, though. Forget about sex for a small while (or at least appear to forget about it), and make as many female friends as possible. You will understand why when you do it.

    Thanks for replying.

    Never give all of yourself at once. Give half of yourself twice.

  9. #9
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Alpha Male, Challenge, and Pheromones

    My friend xxxpantero here is someone who has my attitude exactly be a jerk to the bitches and be nicer to the nice girs.

    Being a jerk means not tolerating anyones crap if they are annoying you or having a go at you not being a yes man. Firing back (although doing is smartly and creativley) to level the game. forgetting about sex is very useful. Pantero you got it in one make as many female friends as possible (the why i will explain now)

    It creates a social network, women talk to each other if you have a lot of female friends without the sex youll have a greate chance of having one respond or take an interest it also allows you to get an insight into what they want without being blocked because you want sex (a third person outsider type of insight) Also if one girl thinks highly of you then others will its a group dynamic thing (think the mob mentality people).
    Another point by taking some of that mental energy you use to focus on women-sex you can redivert for a while to self improvment to make youreself more attractive down the track and when you get to where you want to be in terms of looks , intellignece or money or all of the above (looks = great body) not facial features women want different things in terms of \"attractive men\" work on the conversation skillls rapport etc (NLP NLP NLP NLP etc)

    Use none when you want to be intimidating it helps with some guys who just will never get it, dont worry about them if they aint putting in the effort look after youreself first. Give to others sure but dont give anymore than you get back make it a 2 way interactive karma thing. But build that social network practice social skills and flirting skills you will hit the mark sometime and if all else fails immerse youreself in the forum and get some real tips from the likes of me.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Alpha Male, Challenge, and Pheromones

    That is VERY interesting, I will DEFINATELY take that advice.

    Is it still a good idea to use the none with the fe-male friends? Or, will it be hard to do that...And still keep them? Which, I have some fe-male friends, but now that I\'m wearing the none, they are very uncomfortable around me...Maybe they LIKE me, but that\'s besides the point, they have those boundaries, I don\'t know WHAT the hell to do, genius, ACT like you don\'t care about sex, and than put the moves on someone, got it....

    I see the difference. What I would call myself, is I ACTUALLY push people I DON\'T like around, but than, someone I do, I don\'t, which, probalby screws me over 2 TIMES...AS, the ones I DON\'T like...Now like me because I\'m a jerk, and the ones that I LIKE DON\'T like me, becuase I\'m now nice to them, but, the trick, yes, appear to not like them, or care about sex, and than, got it, VERy good advice.


  11. #11
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    Default Re: Alpha Male, Challenge, and Pheromones

    Good you got it now do you see what my insights into women have done to me. They are enough to send the average guy insane. You need to give off the appearence to women that you dont care about sex but then make the move when they are interested (FULLTILTREDHEAD) said that a while back.

    Push those people around that disrespect you (that is nasty intimidating etc without considering others around them) Women want you to do what you want to do not to please them they just want you to be around but not be involved with them but to be involved with them at the same time (confusion again) you will get it as you go.

    ITS DEFINETLEY a little insane but just try friendship first that way you got a baseline but keep an eye out for those that are showing an interest out of that group and concentrate on those ones moreso.

    Work on the body mind and wallet to but moreso the body and the conversation skills. If all else fails and you are over 16 go visit a hooker.

  12. #12
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default To Watcher and Marv14yag

    Hi Watcher. Good to have another friend out there who understands my attitude.

    As far as the reason for making female friends, I have to disagree with you there. While your points are also benefits of making female friends, that was not the intention I had in mind for Marv14yag. These female friends he makes will not be potential girlfriends. But they will help him grow as a person in order to get girlfriends.

    \"Is it still a good idea to use the none with the fe-male friends? Or, will it be hard to do that...And still keep them? Which, I have some fe-male friends, but now that I\'m wearing the none, they are very uncomfortable around me...Maybe they LIKE me, but that\'s besides the point, they have those boundaries, I don\'t know WHAT the hell to do, genius, ACT like you don\'t care about sex, and than put the moves on someone, got it.... \"

    TIP #1: Don\'t hit on your female friends. Keep them as friends. And make as much as possible - let them outnumber your male friends.
    TIP #2: If they like you enough, they\'ll put the moves on you. Then you\'ll be \"letting them\" have sex with you.
    TIP #3: Make friends with lesbians, if possible. Seriously, having that kind of dynamic with a female will change your actions and perceptions.

    \"I see the difference. What I would call myself, is I ACTUALLY push people I DON\'T like around, but than, someone I do, I don\'t, which, probalby screws me over 2 TIMES...AS, the ones I DON\'T like...Now like me because I\'m a jerk, and the ones that I LIKE DON\'T like me, becuase I\'m now nice to them, but, the trick, yes, appear to not like them, or care about sex, and than, got it, VERy good advice.\"

    - I can\'t tell whether you really mean this, or you\'re being sarcastic. I\'ll assume the latter. In which case, I would say the following: why stick to what doesn\'t work? Try the methods of living that have yielded positive results for both me and Watcher. What have you got to lose except what you\'re already unsatisfied with?

    (Insert creative ending phrase here)

  13. #13
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    Default Re: To Watcher and Marv14yag

    Youve got nothing to start with and if you are inexperienced i took exactly the same tactic i made many female friends and grew up in the process. Learnt a few things and changed my attitude and of course the forum came in handy follow xxxpanteros 3x tips and challange all of youre perceptions. Learn about NLP that will help, if you were being scarcastic i was also trying to get across that women will send you insane if you let them. Dont basic advice if shes not then dont continue. Women are this lol !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! all the way down the line.

  14. #14
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: To Watcher and Marv14yag

    A word to the newbies: Read and UNDERSTAND before you rant, saves a lot of time. If you dont understand, then ask, thats what this forum is for, there is no competition here.

    I\'m sorry but there has been a lot of this recently.

    Credit to xxxpantero, for staying cool. You\'ve definately got the right attitude, but thats not really my definition of a jerk, its being your own person and knowing the way you deserve to be treated, oozing confidence all the way.

    Yeah get female friends, cos its fun aswell as giving you the opprtunity to learn a great deal. The willingness to learn, and learn well, is the simplest judge of real intelligence.

    Well said Watcher, by the way.

  15. #15
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Back to the main subject!

    I\'m looking for sexual hits. I\'m in a long-term relationship, and I want her to want me even more, sexually. Also, I noticed that my GF gets extremely horny and possessive when girls come on to me, so I want to increase the occurences of that. (She will have sex with me just to prove to herself that I am hers, and hers alone... badass)

    Anyway, so I\'m trying to decide between Rogue Male, Alter Ego, or a mix. What should I choose, guys (and girls)?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Back to the main subject!

    I don\'t know but I like this girl.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Back to the main subject!

    rogue male or jb#1....its time to get laid

  18. #18
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Back to the main subject!

    AE and SOE, the \"horny mix\".

    Rogue male aswell if you can afford it, or even better JB-X aswell.I made a post about that, cant remember where it is though.

  19. #19
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Male, Challenge, and Pheromones

    A number of products would probably work, but AE is the most stealthful. Light scent that fades quickly. Clean pheromones that blend with your natural scent.

  20. #20
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Male, Challenge, and Pheromones

    AE + SOE sounds like a good mix. What ratio do you use?

  21. #21
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Male, Challenge, and Pheromones

    Didn\'t mix it, just rubbed 4drops AE between forearms, then covered with SOE doing the same with 7\".

    Did the same on my neck, 1drop to about 1 1/2\", using one drop on each side of my neck.

    Also apply 1 healthy dab of my modified JB-X (see hit squad) on my chin, but any -none on your chin i find is good.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Alpha Male, Challenge, and Pheromones

    Wow...wouldn\'t that net out to about .06 -none just counting the AE alone? Throw in the dab of JB-X, and we\'re talking about the equivalent of 3+ drops of PI. By conventional wisdom, that should be a massive OD....shouldn\'t it?

    Maybe I better check my math....

    CptKipling says:
    <<Didn\'t mix it, just rubbed 4drops AE between forearms, then covered with SOE doing the same with 7\".

    Did the same on my neck, 1drop to about 1 1/2\", using one drop on each side of my neck. >>

  23. #23
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Male, Challenge, and Pheromones

    Yup, he does, but he also leaves it about an hour before he goes is in an evironment for testing.

    Maybe toning down would be a good thing though, tend to get light headed lol [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

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