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  1. #1

    Default JB#1, scary but works like hell

    I just wanted to let eveyrone know the crazy ass day i had yesterday when i decided to switch up and wear JB#1 instead of my normal PI. Let me set the stage.

    I work in an office with rows of cubes and desks in certain sections, i sit at the front of one of these rows with guys sitting around me, as well as some women. There is a very good looking woman who is about 7 months pregnant about to go on maternity leave who sits about 12 feet away, as well as other assorted young ladies.

    okay, i usually wear PIm every day to the office...the guy who sits in my row who is my supervisor has become like my best buddy, always shwing respect and deference, as well as the rest of the guys do too...the women, they notice me and look at me and its like i have a prescense..i can tell the PI affects them for sure, but its more like they are in awe of me, but maybe a little scared or intimidated, but attracted nonetheless...pretty good effects i suppose...

    well, i decided to try the infamous JB#1 combo in the roller bottle ysterday for a switch up to see whta the hell would happen...yikes!! the stuff was like gangbusters, it works, but oh man, the reactions were crzy!!

    First off, i noticed that the womens reactions, became extremely intense sexually, even the pregrannt woman i was telling ya bout started looking at me hungrily making alot of eye contact and blatanly looking right at me, women from half across the room started smilng at me out of knowwhere, its like puttting a few logs on the fire, it turned up the heat intensly...even my lady boss who is 45 was really getting excited and started aggressivly flirting with me, i mean aggressively!! the problem is the guys became aggressive towards me, or started acting boss seemed like he was losing power and decided to start trying to bond with someo fthe other guys and kept looking at me with fear, and almost anger, the guy stting directly behind me started trying to pick a fight with me over a lunch schedule change, it was like chaos was starting to erupt, with allthe women becomign super horny and all the guys getting on edge, aggressive and wacked made me aggressive as well, and i found myslef with incredible balls and confidence during the day as i wore this stuff...what a day as opposed to the pI for men where i get all the respect, consideration and everythign sorta works in my favor...this was likke unleashing a nuclear war in the middle of bravehart or something..okay, does anyone have anything they can say bout this? it frankly scared me, anyone who says mones dont me, they do!!! please, oscar, anyone, why do you think there was sucha huge change...??

  2. #2
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: JB#1, scary but works like hell

    sounds like the change increased your -none levels to critical mass. how much pi/m do you normally wear, and how much jb#1 did you have on?

  3. #3

    Default Re: JB#1, scary but works like hell

    well, i normally wear like 2 swipes of PI to start off with and some refresher during the day, adn the jb#1, i applied it like a swipe on my neck or wrist every 2 hours, so i probably was at the od point, since my range of effectivness was large, but i have od\'ed on pi before and never ahd that reaction..maybe it was the secret ingredients in teh npa...still baffles me

  4. #4
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: JB#1, scary but works like hell

    I have had weird ODs - women horny in an unnatural, nutso kind of way, men just itching to start something with me - wearing both PI/m and NPA. My experience is that NPA produces reactions that are more gut and less cerebral than PI/m. Probably indeed the secret ingredients, as Lacroy says they activate the VNO. I pretty much refrain from wearing anything with TE or NPA in it to work just for that reason.

  5. #5

    Default Re: JB#1, scary but works like hell

    That thing about the pregnant woman is interesting because (supposedly) A-none products are supposed to repel pregnant women.

  6. #6

    Default Re: JB#1, scary but works like hell

    well, acutally, ive noticed the opposite..if shes newly pregnant, then yes,shes repelled by none...when shes about to drop, nope, shes ready for none as i guess its natures way of getting her ready for another kid after this one pregnancy makes her more sensitive in the late, we are dealing with mone levels way above nature..way you go into anyman\'s land at that point.

  7. #7

    Default Re: JB#1, scary but works like hell

    youre exactly right on that one!!! couldnt\'ve said it better

  8. #8
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Pregnancy and Pheromones

    Given the extreme sensitivity of the fetus to maternal hormones AND the known effects of pheromones on target hormone levels, I would counsel extreme care in using exogenous pheromones around pregnant women.

    So if you are living with a PG female, don\'t use pheromones.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Pregnancy and Pheromones

    Funny, but I\'ve tried JB#1 several times along with most all the other well as various single products on their own. I\'ve pretty much seen results from everything I tried to some extent, except for JB#1.

    I see all the people getting results with JB#1....however, I have yet to get any responses from it at all. If anything, I think I\'ve gotten kind of a cold shoulder from women at times when wearing it. I don\'t think I\'ve OD\'d as I\'ve experimented with anywhere from 1 to 3 drops. I\'m thinking this is the equivalent of maybe 1 spray or so max. I prefer to work with drops and dabs rather than sprays.

    So, do ya\'ll think maybe I\'ve been under-dosing? I\'ve been thinking next time I try it to maybe up the dosage to maybe 5 drops or so....just to see...even though I kind of worryt that this would be approaching OD leveles.

  10. #10
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Pregnancy and Pheromones

    Oh yes the nuclear war from the middle of nowhere useful for a lower end OD if you want things to start happening it motivates powerful men to hang around and start doing stuff i mean being helpful getting things done in their attempts to outcompete

  11. #11
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: JB#1, scary but works like hell


    The secret ingredients in NPA are probably a factor, but I\'ll propose two other possibilities as well.

    PI\'s carrier oil has been changed at least once in the fairly recent past, and I don\'t know which one you have, or even if there\'s a difference in the phero dispersal rate between the two, but there MIGHT be a radical difference in dispersal rates between your PI and your JB mix. The PI is either all mineral oil or all glycol (I think), but the standard JB1 mix is at least 30% alcohol. This alone should make a BIG difference in dispersal.
    That\'s one possibility.

    Secondly, with or even without taking the above into consideration: How good does PI smell? Not too good. You may be using it discreetly, and getting just the right sub-olfactory doses up everybodys noses, but nobody\'s breathing deeply, sucking it in, thinking, \' Damn! That smells good! \'.

    Well the JB1 mix, (even at the WAY TOO HEAVY on the NPA level of 7:3) DOES SMELL GOOD!

    It\'s a whole lot more likely that people were greedily inhaling the stuff to enjoy the fragrance, thus sucking up more mones. I make a JB1 variation at 4:1, and when I wear it I always put some on the backs of my hands so I can give it a huff every now and then.

    It\'s like the old adage,\" You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar.\"

    You may have had similar mone doses on between your PI and JB#1 days, but the great scent of APC acted as an olfactory marketing device of sorts to get the phero breathing masses to inhale more deeply, and thus consume more of your pheros.

    So the better the fragrance you send your pheros riding off on, the more of an effect you\'ll get, and/or the less you\'ll need to use.

    Q. Do you ordinarily wear a cover scent when wearing PI?

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Pregnancy and Pheromones

    Here\'s the thing. I think Stone Labs is ON TO SOMETHING with the 0.015% in The PPA!!!! And, that\'s why Jambat is working, is becuase, if you put on a BUNCH of none, everyone\'s afraid of you, you put on MORE than normal person has, but not TOO much, and you have that LITTLE EDGE that puts you above EVERYONE else.

    Bruce, I\'m not JOKING, I think the BEST product I have E V E R tried is PPA. I used it on the first day of school, almost got into a fight was some guy, becuase I BUMPED into him.....And, girls was LITTERALLY looking at me..I mean, I can\'t walk through the halls of school without looks, not BAD ones either!! DAMN! Also, I have noticed, the confidence levels it gives me is amazing, I feel like I can do ANYTHING with a girl, and it\'s NATURAL as if I was MEANT to do it...With the none from the kit, or, none at all, if I wanted to try something, I was nervous, here, no problem. I can flirt with the girl, and it\'s like natural, like, how a comic is during a show. I hope this post goes on, because, I would like to see more about this this PPA.

    And, Bruce, I heard of someone ELSE on the board getting MAJOR HITS from PPA, I HONESTLY believe, it is the BEST, and CHEAPEST Mones you can get!, and the smell is GREAT. It\'s 25$ for a bottle, dudes, you HAVE to GET some of the stuff, lol, I mean, you HAVE to. In fact, that\'s the ONLY stuff I\'m buying from now on. I\'ve found the right concentration, 0.015%, and the right amount...One dab behind each ear, I am SET.

    (I\'m not joking, the BEST stuff, EVER!)

    (You\'ve probably seen a lot of posts on here about me and how do you know if a woman is willing, I have found it out...Go with the flow, if it doesn\'t feel right, don\'t do it...If it does, do it..And, start slow, work up. (Found that out WHILE using PPA by the way)).

  13. #13

    Default Hey marv

    how old are you, maybe i can use ppa, im 16

  14. #14

    Default Re: JB#1, scary but works like hell

    I think I\'m one of the few unlucky guys that still have to get a response from JB#1... I\'ll make a new batch of it to give it another shot very soon.

    oscar and marv14yag made me think about this one; JB#1, spiked cologne (with NPA), and PPA are all -none only based, the main difference is in the carrier (at least for JB#1 and spiked cologne, I don\'t know about PPA since I don\'t own it). If worn in equivalent -none amounts, they probably would give different results anyway, because of the different dispersal... It would be nice to test these, at least to have an idea of how the dispersal influences a mix; is there anyone who is able to do it?

    marv, you got me really interested in PPA... I\'m probably going to buy it.

  15. #15
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: JB#1, scary but works like hell


    NPA and JB#1 (to which the pheros are contributed mostly by NPA) are not none only. NPA has unlisted ingredients that specifically target the VNO.

    OTOH, PPA is completely none. So the test would have uncontrolled variables.

    If you want to test dispersion, I (humbly, of course [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] suggest CS none and PI/m, both of which are -none only.

    Nice analysis. Thanks!

  16. #16

    Default Re: JB#1, scary but works like hell

    The power of JB #1 has become somewhat legendary. When I first created this I had no idea it would go over the way it did. TE and PI were the kings and for the most part no one disputed their power. I started my trek with APC (because I wasn\'t going to spend $60 on something that may have been nothing more then a rip off) but soon discovered the forum and learned APC\'s pheros were all but invisible. (Although I have to admit in a massive dose you\'ll probably get a hit, but it took about 1/4 of the bottle to get my first ever hit).

    Bruce hooked me up with NPA and told me about it being an additive and all. So I figured since I was already hooked on APC\'s scent why not mix it. Taking Bruce\'s advice on NPA\'s strength and not mixing too much I came up with a percentage that I thought would do the trick. 70/30 (APC/NPA). I wanted to compensate for the pheros in APC (at this points I did still think there were more in there than there really is). So it actually was somewhat of a miscalculation. Bet you guys didn\'t know that. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    \"I think I\'m one of the few unlucky guys that still have to get a response from JB#1... I\'ll make a new batch of it to give it another shot very soon. \"

    Everything doesn\'t work on everyone. People here used to swear by TE but it just has never really done anything for me alone and it stinks. Try JB #2 or X.

    -The Bat

  17. #17

    Default Re: JB#1, scary but works like hell

    Oscar, thank you for your analysis....if i was a betting man, i would say you hit the donkey on the head. Have you yourself experienced any aggression from the npa? i know when i used to wear the edge men seemed like they were itching to start something, with PI, they seem respectful of me...

  18. #18

    Default Re: Pregnancy and Pheromones

    Marv: The first pheromone product i used was the old PPA from Stone labs. I was in a club and had a hottie that couldnt take her eyes off me all night, that never happened before!! i have heard that the scent of the new PPA is similar to apc, smells better than the fruity smell of the old this true?

  19. #19

    Default Re: JB#1, scary but works like hell

    Bassman, surely NPA has those mysterious secret ingredients, but the three challengers (JB#1, spiked cologne and PPA) are IMHO far more available to forum users. JB#1 is sort of everywhere, many people here gave it a shot and probably still have a batch of it. If you have JB#1, you probably have NPA too, and on the PPA side, it is sold at an acceptable price for almost everyone interested in pheros.

    Initially I thought about using the ChemSet -none too, but I think that it\'s owned by only a few people here. Moreover, comparing PPA with the above NPA mixes would maybe bring us some more results about this product, and in the end we could sort out if it\'s really underrated and should be given more attention.

    Jambat, I think JB#1 is not too effective for me, but JB#2 worked like heaven from the very first time I wore it... As you said, everything doesn\'t work on everyone and that\'s 2x true when talking about pheros!

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Hey marv

    I\'m 16.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Pregnancy and Pheromones

    I\'m ALMOST 17 by the way...Turn 17 in September. It smells like the beach. Coconut, but, because they put in the vanilla, it gives a spin on the coconut, so, it just smells like you\'re at the beach.
    And, the stuff is mostly glycerol and some other thing based. I don\'t know why it works, I just think it\'s the 0.015% thing, I think that\'s the amount that\'s MOST effective.
    What would be cool, is, everyone witht the kits, mix up batches, of stuff, and see what is the most effective thing. I swaer, stone labs is onto something, they got the 0.015% concentration and, reading FROM the bottle, glycerol, di-propylene glycol and ethanol...............
    This makes sense, stone says that thier lowest working amount of none concentration is 0.015%, and that was the lowest, I think you need JUST that edge, and nothing more or people will be scared of you...It\'s got different amounts of bases, for MAXIMUM dispersal, of, fast, slow, inbetween, etc. And it\'s 25$, I got the first bottle, and they got testomonials, except, it was of THIS stuff, so, my first bottle, I got from there, and I got results, and I mean R E S U L T S, you would not BELIEVE, and so, now, I ordered two more from Bruce, lol. This has GOT to be the MOST undertated, and, while eveyrone else is using high concentrations with little on, or, low concentrations iwth a lot on, this stuff has a bunch of bases, and it\'s got the 0.015% with you don\'t have to put too much, or too little, and it smells like the beach, but, isn\'t very strong at all, you can smell it if YOU wear it, but, unless you put a lot on, people can\'t smell it, because I asked my sister, and she said she couldn\'t smell it, until I put my arm IN her face practically.

    And, that\'s what happens. Just like you said Jamboot, but, it\'s just like, the girls are talking and than, all the sudden, you walk in the room, and they just check you out, and start acting nervous, and keep looking at you...Just ENOUGH to get more than what the normal people have, but not too much, not too little.


  22. #22
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    Default Re: Hey marv

    As a sidenote, I also use coolwater cologne. Combined WITH pheromones, works WAY better. Because, maybe, I\'m thinking, if they smell the cologne, they\'re like, what\'s that? And than they smell more, and smell the pheromones.


  23. #23
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pregnancy and Pheromones

    .\" It smells like the beach. Coconut, but, because they put in the vanilla, it gives a spin on the coconut, so, it just smells like you\'re at the beach. \"

    Don\'t tell Kramer.

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Pregnancy and Pheromones

    Yeah, I saw that episode, lol. Kramer is the FUNNIEEST, LOL.. Underwear model, lol.


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    Default Re: Pregnancy and Pheromones


  26. #26
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  27. #27

    Default Re: Pregnancy and Pheromones

    \"all the sudden, you walk in the room, and they just check you out, and start acting nervous, and keep looking at you...\"

    Is that a good thing? I thought this was a sign of OD?

  28. #28
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    Default Re: Pregnancy and Pheromones

    If it\'s od...They won\'t KEEP looking at you. They will get nervous...You just have to pay attention to body language to tell whether it\'s a hit, or, an od. 0.015% couldn\'t be an od anyway with 2 swabs of it behind the ear. And, when they look at you, it\'s to check you out, that\'s how you can tell, you can tell by the WAY they look at you...Experience my son, experience.



  29. #29
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    Default Re: Pregnancy and Pheromones

    Personally I think that there are several levels of OD. When they start moving away from you, I call that a major OD. Slight ODs IMHO are when your targets are too stunned, nervouse, and DIHLing at you to approach or initiate a conversation with you.

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