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  1. #1

    Default Alpha Male ..may be missing link

    Ladies and gentleman; i am new to the boards and have been doing some extensive research concerning the subject of attracting women, and i have found a common thread, and that is that women only have sex with the dominant male, actually what is called the \"alpha\", i have read here in the forum that wearing something like primal instinct with heavy none gives you the alpha male aura...i have been wearing rogue male and primal instinct with great results, but i am very interested in what characterisitcs or qualities makes the alpha male. i want to be totally consistent in my behavior to match my phero scent of alpha male \"none\" can anyone out there with intellligence tell me what qualities or characterisitcs make up an alpha male, and how an alpha male acts? It seems that all material i read on attracting women say that women will only mate with the alpha male ususally, or the dominant male that either has power, wealth or dominant male scent. i know that if you do a search on the company called \"mephisto\" they have a fantastic piece on the whole science of the dominant male scent, but of course, i get all my products from lovescent as you just cant beat product quality...They work!!! especially rogue male and primal instinct and the edge. so, please, someone out there tell what an alpha male is or direct me to a website where it explains what an alpha male is, so i can act like my dominant phero scent...thanks!!

  2. #2
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Male ..may be missing link

    Look people in the eye, don\'t slouch when you\'re sitting in a chair, back straight shoulders up when you\'re walking. Be confident and know what the hell your talking about. The most important part is don\'t be a \"Nice Guy\". Have a cocky attitude but make them laugh as well,also be well groomed. Take charge and be the leader never the follower.

  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Alpha Male ..may be missing link

    Hey MP,

    Welcome to the forum!

    ANYway, from what I\'ve seen of nature, the Alpha male is a leader, which I\'m sure is painfully obvious... I believe the keys are Confidence, not giving a s**t about things around you, knowing that you ARE \"IT,\" and knowing that you don\'t need to prove ANYTHING.
    The down side is that you have to be able to back it up, as there\'ll always be some smarta$$ trying to prove something. You\'re probably gonna have to face down a few dweebs a week, so you\'re going to want to get in good shape, if you\'re not there already.

    As for me, I\'ve taken on the aura of the elite; now I\'m working on the physical condition, with working out and becoming more active, moving back into my old Martial Arts excercises, and having quit the life-and-wallet-draining habit of smoking. I\'ll soon be breathing fire. The next step is immortality. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    The bit about the \"elite\" mentality -- General rules:
    People are sheep (\"sheeple\').
    WE are the predators.
    Vlad the Impaler was right.
    Harm no innocents, but take no crap (a mistake we all make).
    In short, we become of a benificent dictator mentality.

    (Yeah, I\'m the wolf-type; I make no apologies for not having the dysfunctions of others.)

    At the risk of wierding out a LOT of others, I\'d recommend going to the Church of Satan webpage ( ), going to \"Theory and Practice,\" and reading the Nine Statements, Eleven Rules of the Earth and Nine Sins. Don\'t get freaked out; by the general standards, they\'re Atheists. Although neither Atheist, nor Satanist, I find myself agreeing with a LOT of what they say.

    Is that Alpha-enough?

    BTW, are you using RM and PIm together?

    I\'m right now using SOE-NPA (DD1, I think) I think I OD\'d, but what the hell...

  4. #4

    Default Re: Alpha Male ..may be missing link

    wow, thanks guys!!! i apprecite the responses very much so promptly. no, i am only using either one or the other ( rm or PI) but i do find that the heavy none products work best for me...if any of you guys have anything to add to this discourse, please feel free. thanks again for all the great input!

  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Alpha Male ..may be missing link

    Don\'t we always feel free to post? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Male ..may be missing link

    Alpha males are creating their lives as they will them to be, then,with no non-pragmatic regard for outside views or reactions.

    So to feel more alpha do something now to have the life you want.

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Alpha Male ..may be missing link

    I\'ve been doing some deep reading in scientific journals about male attractiveness to women, female mating strategies, etc. I\'ve found some common threads in the literature, and formed some working theories. It could all be wrong, but the scientific background gives me a starting point for my thinking anyway. So here\'s Irish\'s theory of alpha-ness.

    I\'m going with the idea of symmetry here to define my alpha male. There\'s several kinds of symmetry (inborn genetic, developmental arising from a strong constitution as an individual grows up, etc.). In humans and animals symmetry tends to mating success. Studies show symmetric men get into more fights, start more fights, are more eager to directly compete with other men for women, are seen by themselves and lovers as more muscular, have many more sex partners over their lifetime, and have more sex in general. That\'s close enough to the concept of \'alpha\' for my purposes…plus there\'s lots of research out there on symmetrical men, so that lets me tie in lots of other findings to my alpha theory. I\'ll use alpha and symmetric interchangeably for purposes of this post.

    Alphas display their alpha-ness on their faces. The stereotypical masculine face (square jaw, eye and cheek structure, thin lips, etc.) are thought to be produced by higher testosterone levels, esp. at puberty. Since high T is costly on the system, men displaying the masculine face markers are considered to be especially fit and genetically sound to have produced those markers.

    Alphas also display their alpha-ness by their scent…more on this below.

    What I discuss next applies statistically to groups of women and trends, so of course don\'t apply this to individuals as hard rules of behavior.

    Women have short-term and long-term mating strategies and preferences (surprise! just like men). At the TIME OF PEAK FERTILITY in their cycle, women as a trend:

    * have increased sex drive (somewhat controversial - some studies point the other way)

    * are 2 ½ times more likely to cheat on their spouse or partner

    * prefer a more masculinized face than women at other times in the cycle

    * prefer the scent of symmetrical (alpha) men - while at other times in the cycle they have no preference…some scientists think scent is a redundant signal channel along with sight to help women identify alphas.

    * are less disgusted with the smell of androstenone

    It\'s interesting to note that women who prefer the masculinized face also believe it is an indication of negative traits for a long-term relationship. They just want the alpha for short-term. Some scientists think women are programmed to go outside their long term pair-bond to find better genes for their offspring when they are most fertile. The long-term partner is better for raising the child, the alpha is a better sperm-donor genetically.

    Women seem to crave an alpha most around the time of ovulation, and then only in a short-term context. The rest of the time a less masculinized, nurturing, long-term partner is more desirable.

    Women can spot an alpha by his looks and his scent, esp. at times of highest fertility. Presumably woman with experience will also have learned how alphas act and can spot them by their behavior.

    If you want to appear more alpha, you have to look at what you have and work with it. You can\'t do anything about your genetic makeup, but you can emphasize the alpha traits you do have, fake those you don\'t have, and hide omega traits as best you can.

    Appearance-wise get in the best shape possible. In our society, and esp. in women\'s view, nice clothes indicate success (and by implication dominance), so dress well.

    Behavior is probably the area we can change the most, but it\'s not always easy. I believe a true alpha is confident never arrogant, strong never a bully, considerate but never a doormat, self-assured but never cocky, passionate but never out of control. But it\'s up to every man to find out for himself what he is and wants to become.

    Most Americans shower off their natural pheros daily, so we phero gurus have the edge - we can select our own scent signal. Against a horde of well-scrubbed betas, any phero you wear at all will make you appear more alpha.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Alpha Male ..may be missing link

    awesome post!! thanks guys...yall are awesome and i learne done hell of alot!! have yall ever seen Clint Eastwood in \"High Plains Drifter\'? that to me is the perfect example of an alpha male wearing PI...i just needed confirmation on that..everone fears him adn looks at him like hes just od\'d on PI, and the women are attracted to him in an animalistic sort of way...that movie is the closest thing i have ever found to what its like wearing alot of none...strange, funny but true!

  9. #9
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default \"Power is the Ultimate Aphrodisiac\"

    The fascinating thing about humans is how varied and variable we are. This is a huge evolutionary advantage since we have a reportaire of behaviors that can fit a wide variety of ecological niches and conditions. Hence we have an advantage in times of change in exploiting opportunities arising from change.

    Hence, the characteristics that females find advantagous mate-wise will also vary with the times and the conditions. That\'s why I would accent behavioral clues in female mate selection. Sure, in a free field test conditions, a female will fall back on visual clues but in the real world, we all know that a short, ugly, go-getting hustler type will often win over a pretty-boy type slug.

    Like the remark by Henry Kissinger, a famously short, ugly man, \"Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.\" Look at his wife for proof.

    An insightful look at this general idea from an economist\'s viewpoint is contained in \"The Theory of the Leisure Class\" by Thorstein Veblen.

  10. #10
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Male ..may be missing link

    I think Rone is much more of a dominance pheromone than None. I get more respect and quicker compliance when I wear SOE (vs. RM) on the job. Also everybody seems more submissive whenever Rone’s in the mix.

    None seems to be more of a virility symbol, which can make you appear physically alpha (For example, people tend to mistake me for being taller than I actually am. Another time I added a little None during lunch and when I came back people thought I had gone to the gym.). It also increases confidence so people have greater trust in you. (A higher alpha trait.)

    Anyway... interesting idea about playing the role your pheromone signature is advertising.

  11. #11
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Alpha Male ..may be missing link

    Ive become an \"alpha\" although knowing how to slip between states - who said NLP wasnt useful at times. But yeah big assholes, have an attitude im arrogant ha ha ha. Everyone ignores me (most males anyway) they are only interested in chatting up the nearest female competing with me when they could be talking to the girl over there i cant be everywhere at once. Hanging around being absolute loud mouthed FUCKWITS you know the type they dont know what they are doing. Dumb stupid ok im getting a bit over board but really it is just useful being bigger having some size and not having to worry about the next woman that comes along playing the flirting game whilst trying to keep her imperfect ego in check they either came after me as doable - many many at once which gets annoying also - I SWITCH OFF or run away.

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