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Thread: Pheromones?

  1. #1

    Default Pheromones?

    I have been going out with my boyfriend for two years and he has been telling me lately that sometimes he doesn\'t feel that much of a sexual pull to me. He says that physically he thinks that I\'m attractive and mentally we are very compatible. I\'m 25 and I don\'t have any problems turning other guys heads. I was wondering, do you think this might be becasue I\'m not producing some pheromones that my boyfriend responds to?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Pheromones?

    I think it has little effect on people you\'ve known for a long time.

  3. #3
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pheromones?

    Did you go on or off the pill? I\'ve had two gfs now where starting or stopping the pill seemed to result in major changes in chemistry.

  4. #4
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pheromones?

    I think your boyfriend has a problem, either stressed out at the job or something physical. There\'s no way of knowing if it\'s your Pheromone signature. I guess went 2 people have been together for two years the fire is starting to go out. Not that this is happening to you but I don\'t think any amount of Pheromones is going to help.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Pheromones?

    Thanks for your replies. Bassman, now that you mention the pill...the change did seem to occur around the time I started using it. Why would the pill have this effect?

  6. #6
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pheromones?

    There are a few theories. I\'m sure others can explain them better than I.

    Since the pill makes dramatic changes in your hormones, I would imagine it has got to change the pheros you emit. If your boyfriend was turned on by how you smell, you probably started to smell different to him.

    My own theory is that the pill _dulls_ one\'s sense of smell. Personally, I seem to have one large nerve connecting my nose and my sex. Anything that dulls my sense of smell definately dulls my sex drive, as I notice when I have a cold.

    There\'s some research somewhere (you can probably find it in the archives here) that women normally seek out men with differing DNA for sex. Until they get pregnant, during which they prefer men with similar DNA. (That\'s probably _way_ oversimplifying). The pill fools your body into thinking it\'s constantly pregnant. This would lead to the conclusion that women would change the men they prefer when they get on or off the pill...

  7. #7
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Pheromones?

    It causes massive changes in body chemistry therefore mood and pheromone signature. Seeing as though this is a new field the research is still young but seems to fit nicley together. Goto (james kohls site - the creator of SOE sold on this site but also a leading researcher into the subject he has plenty of research material on the site you might find it there) but the above is a simplification.

  8. #8
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pheromones?

    Starting the Pill means that you went from being a fertile woman to being an chemically infertile female. There\'s a huge difference in smell appeal between the two. Depending on formulation, you may be smelling like you\'re post-menopausal - that\'s not hot.

    I see mostly perimenopausal females and have found that PCC seems to put the zing back in. It replicates the vaginal fragrances of ovulation. I\'d recommend getting a bottle and applying liberally when you want to get his attentions. Apply to the neck and bosom and to the pubic area.

    Or, go off the Pill and find other contraceptive methods or at least get the weakest formula the doctor will prescribe if you have other purposes for taking it.

    Of course, the classic remedies are lingere and jealosy.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Pheromones?

    Yeah I heard some people have fallen out of love with there gf after going on the pill. Shows how much we follow our noses unconsciously.
    Wish that\'s all there was to relationships that would be easy!

    Besides for that I (personally) don\'t think that the pill or any chemical contraceptive is healthy for our bodies and causes imbalance. I can\'t conceive how your body thinking it\'s always
    pregnant is a good thing. And also for being able to send out
    the signal that it is time to mate when your body thinks it is
    not the time- so why would it. When I was younger I tried the
    3 mo. shot. It totally threw my body off for a long time and
    turned me into the biggest B$@%#! Like 24/7 pms multiplied!

    I would consider looking into other methods of prevention. Like
    keeping track of your cycle and knowing when you are infertile
    and when you are and using male or female contraceptives during
    the time you are fertile which is only a few days a month.

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