Here\'s a range of none for tested subjects, distributed on the skin of their armpit (not the secretion concentration, but what\'s actually found on the skin):

.0033-.0077 micrograms -none/sq in (from my personal survey of the literature)

Notice that is micrograms, not milligrams.

If you work out one spray of Andro4.2 at 0.13 milligrams/spray, covering about 10 sq in (from my experiments), you\'ll see that one spray applies hundreds of times the amount of none to your skin that you would find in the armpit of the most alpha male. Plus you are applying the product to a location more open than the armpit, most likely.

Let\'s get off this thing about some guys produce enough -none. The biggest none-producer I could find (.0077microgram/sq in armpit) is producing HUNDREDS of times LESS none than we apply with one spray of any none product. And we don\'t think one spray is an overdose, do we?