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  1. #1

    Default Just an Observation

    I have been coming to this forum on a regular basis for the past few weeks, partly because I’m totally interested with pheromones and what they could do and partly because I like reading peoples experiences with them. However, one thing I have noticed is that most guys (not all) that come here have one thing in common, frustration with the opposite sex. Weather that is frustration induced by lack of confidence or weather its some other reason. I say self induced because it is. I believe that phero use is nothing unless you have a basis for approaching and seducing women.

    This site might come in useful for many guys.

    nullSeduce them!

  2. #2
    Enlightened One
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    Feb 2002
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    Default Re: Just an Observation

    Agreed but most females in todays society are single (i was reading somewhere that 40% of women up to the age of 34 are single these days- those figures are up from 15% in the mid eighties) the problem is that women are going independant waiting for the best of the best and a lot of men are left out in the woods totally confused and then the women come up with all this crapclap why they dont date men.
    The problem is bigger than we think and then the females tend to have the audacity in the media of saying that they cant find good men

    *Because men arent able to match these impossible standards as they say women only ever trade up and if they cant they stay single. Im thinking of the guy in the closet holding a gun in his head because a
    \"attention whore\" has just played with him like a little rag dog.
    - Flirting with him
    - Encouraging it (attention whore at work)
    - He plucks up the courage to ask her out
    - SHe says yes (wanting more attention sucking it up as she goes)
    - THen either cancelling putting it off or going on a date and then another and another.
    - Then another guy comes along and she dumps this poor guy who has wasted his energy
    - He has the attention whores at work on him all the time eventually he gets to the point where he gets a gun sits in the closet and goes bang.

    On the flip side quite often i find that i need to point out to women that if they flirt with me they had better be willing to take it the next step because otherwise the attention will go to someone who will.

    The comments i get when attempting to ignore women are (youre a male you should be paying attention to women ? Why i ask? because you should again why? Just because

    And when you ignore them they giggle carry on get in the road until you do then the same shit lead a poor guy on around and around. Try communicating they get all confusing and double dutch just to get out of it.

    Im just trying to see this from many mens attitudes because it is endemic (unfornatley the rising depression rates are a result of men being sexually frustration by women not being content ever. And this also affect motivation and energy levels. So when the media says what is causing massive depression levels in the male community the solution is simple - women being the way they are for mr prince charming who will never come and then at least they can complain and bag men because mr perfect doesnt exist.

    Bronzie i think a reality check for most people needs to be carefully looked at not the rosy picture that the media likes to paint for people to keep them content.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Just an Observation

    Well, yeah, I agree. It seems that many people want to pretend the world they live in is the world they dream of...not likely...

    Most of the time I wish people would open their eyes and see what this world really is, how all the people really are, and realize you don\'t have time to waste playing games. No one in the world will ever match every single criteria you have for a mate. That is just a fact we all have to accept when we find someone we like. No prince charming, no princess charming (or something like that). We are all only real people...

    And i disagree about the self-induced confidence problems and and women play games, that is a fact of life. Therefore, any sexual frustration with the opposite sex is ABSOLUTELY due to results from interactions with the opposite sex. So, not self-induced, opposite sex induced.

    [ May 12, 2002: Message edited by: Dragon ]

  4. #4

    Default Re: Just an Observation

    You know DD, we don\'t always see eye to eye but dude you been making totally sense in past few post. You\'re right on the money. I\'m the type of guy who figures \"Hey if you don\'t want me, it\'s your loss.\" I\'m faithful loving and all those good things women say they seek but the truth is we\'ll never know what women want because they don\'t know. I mean you probably won\'t find that sensative guy in a biker bar.

    We know men want the nun and the whore combination. (Two qualities a whore in bed and a nun or nice girl everywhere else).

    But women want you to have money, be attrative, pay them all the attention while working to make the money (and if you don\'t they\'ll cheat and blame you for it) and then you have to have the car, the house (or a damn good apartment) love and cherish them, be tough but sensative and once you do all this they still cheat and find a reason to blame you or find some other way to let you know they really don\'t care about what you\'re going through because it\'s all about them.

    So you\'re on point on this one DD. Trust me, I know of some guys who really got the shaft and when good guys go bad they aren\'t thinking about going back. Why should they when they get more sex and respect from women being the bad guy. Even though I have my Christian beliefs as far as how to live I\'ve learned how to deal with women. Be swift and direct and that\'s letting them know they can take a walk if they I\'m going to put up with a lot of crap. You be Christian and resectful but not put up with the silliness some women toss at you. And I\'ve gotten much respect for tactic because women will play you if they think they can. But they do respect strength. Physical strength is good too but mental and spiritual strength are most important because if a woman can break you down in these areas she\'s got you. And all guys at some point can be played so let\'s be careful out there. We should treat people how we want to be treated but also don\'t let people take advantage of our kindess. Male or female. Peace.

    -The Bat has spoken.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Just an Observation

    Brozie, you\'re a woman advising guys to read the stuff in Fast Seduction?

    \"I say self induced because it is.\"
    The frustration comes from interacting with the opposite sex. It\'s not self induced. I\'d rather be single for my whole life if I have a choice.

  6. #6
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Just an Observation

    Couple of points psychial strength can increase mental and spirtual strength through the sheer fact that you have more psychial energy to cope (ie obsese people are lazy got no go go etc)
    Fit people are always moving hardly ever tired in better shape.

    I myself call thier bullshit and ingore it but i have noticed some types on the forum who complain about nothing happening so i used a old NLP trick and took the opposite view (that is women want attention but never give anything back) and decided to make it conterviseral by using the whore word instead of teaser or seeker. And try to show others that really this happens all the time is reality and not so DREAM that everything in the world is ok.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Just an Observation


  8. #8
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Just an Observation

    Hey that is a great way to go bump bump lol.
    [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] Heck i make sense most of the time unfornatley the world is a very wide and varied place so really good shit and bad shit is to be expected after all right.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Just an Observation

    Some of the time. You make sense some of the time. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

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