I\'m reading posts with people who claim success and people who claim that there is absolutely no difference.

Can anyone truly know if the pheros caused stares at you or they were the reason why you get smiles or are being nice?

Using pheros at clubs? That\'s not a testable area. The whole nature of clubs is to meet or get with strangers. People bump and grind at clubs all the time with people they don\'t know. How can a test there prove anything except maybe there are lots of horny people there and you just happen to be there at the right place and time.

Do you suppose you get smiles because you are looking for it. When you walk at a store looking for smiles, you are looking directly at peoples faces and not down at your shoes. I don\'t know about you guys but when someone stares at me directly at my eyes, I\'m going to acknowledge or smile back just to be nice, not cause I want to get laid. It\'s all about body language and communication there, not pheros.

Am I doubting the products? No. But I sometimes do doubt some of the claims. Successful hits are very hard to notice if it\'s from pheros or maybe you just looked good that day. Maybe you were having a good day and in your head, a woman who flirts for a sec gets all blown out of proportion in your head and you attribute it to pheros.

It\'s tricky and I just wanted to share my thoughts.