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Thread: Copulins

  1. #1

    Default Copulins

    Could you all expand on this? I know it is related to the potent estrogen-based pussy pheros, right? What is the best, most potent formulation? Does it react with an abundant amount of long, thick female armpit, pubic, leg and/or body hair?

  2. #2
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Copulins

    This is a subject that could fill volumes. Personally, I am not totally satisfied with any of the copulins products on the market. I was talking to Phil Stone about it and he is going to try to send me some samples of what I consider REAL copulins and these are the ones that \"put hair on your chest\" as my dad used to say (not about copulins of course).
    Coupulins -are- not a single chemical but a term asigned to what is probably a large group of compounds that are found in estrous (ovulating) female vaginal secretions that have been shown to act as an attractant on experimental animals and to greatly raise the testosterone levels of human males.
    What always confused me was that according to researchers the \"copulins\" that was used in these studies stinks to high heaven. One told me that he was sure that it would be absolutely impossible to use copulins in a cologne for this reason. In my conversation with Phil, he said that there are a number of preperations on the market and some stink and some don\'t. Hmmmm...
    Anyway, if I trust anyone in this area it would be Stone Labs or Primal Instinct, both of which make copulins containing products.

    I\'ll let you all know what happens when I get the samples.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Copulins

    That´s interesting news Bruce!

    I have the PCC and I really love the smell! One reason I like mixing it with my new combos is in fact because of the fragrance. The cucumber-melon scent does a very good job covering up the phero smell I think. When I first smelled it there was some phero smell there but the fragrance kind of `takes over´
    (Maybe the makers of TE could try that out.)

    i think if Stone labs come up with a copulin bottle for the chemistry sets things will be even more interesting. [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]


  4. #4

    Default Re: Copulins


    Well, I made copulins some weeks ago and they really stink a lot but the only thing I did was to dilute them in perfum.

  5. #5
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Copulins

    There are so many different substances that go by the name copulins, it is hard to say what would go in the chem set bottle, but maybe Phil and I can come up with some kind of blend.

    How id you make it?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Copulins

    Bruce I was thinking of the stuff in PCC or is there a better one that could be used? There probably is I suppose. I´m also interested in the cost involved. We know that -none is pretty expensive to buy what about copulins?

    And jorge that´ exactly what I wanted to ask too. How did you make your own sample of copulins (I`m assuming you´re a guy) Are you a scientist?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Copulins

    Who is supposed to wear copulin scents then? I am hearing quite of few of you men wearing it and blending it. How does it benefit a man? What would it do for me as a female? Where should it be worn? Any other products other than the melon scent one with ample copulins?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Copulins

    Well, at this moment I have not the english names for this fatty acids but I think is only a question of a \"y\".I will try it.
    Tomorrow I will be able to give you references about copulins, specialy one paper.
    All of them, as I said, are fatty acids,

    Propyonic acid 0,653 g/10ml
    Isobutyric acid 0,059 g \"
    butyric acid 0,271 g \"
    isovaleryc acid 0,153 g \"
    metylvaleric acid 0,021 g \"
    acetic acid 2,17 g \"

    This is a very concentrated solution and stinks a lot so ,if you make it try to make it in a desert island. You have to dilute this solution in parfum until the perfum masks the smell (it depends of the strength of the perfum but more o less you will need 50 microlitres per 10 ml). Sorry for my english.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Copulins

    I use them because I noticed men are nicer with me. It is really funny.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Copulins

    In the formula of copulins I made a mistake. I put 2,17 ml of acetic acid but this is the quantity to add at the mix. Its concentration is not available for me in this moment because it is at home. Tomorrow I will say you.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Copulins

    jorge is that the formula for synthesizing copulins, or are there some others? Comes in handy I guess if you happen to have access to the everything. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] I don´t [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img] .

  12. #12
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Copulins

    Some one correct me if I wrong, but none of these components of \"copulin\" looks like metabolic decomposition products of steroids.

    Also, I believe that there are other, more important female pheromones, as of yet undiscovered.

    Why do I say this? Simple, girls smell GOOOOD! By all accounts, copulins don\'t. Now, during passionate moments, a copulin aroma can be noticed and appreciated. But our appreciation of aromas is dependent on our emotional or limbic state.

    Different parts of girls smell good in different ways. Breasts are different from the back of the neck which are different from genitalia.

    We still have a long way to go in our understanding,

  13. #13
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Copulins

    Hello Jorge,
    Where did you find that recipe for copulins, if I may ask? I heard there was something like that floating around the internet but never actually ran across it myself.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Copulins


    These are copulins and copulins are not steroids.Nothing to do with steroids.
    The title of the paper is \"Human vaginal secretions: volatile fatty acid content\"
    Science 1974 186:1217-1219.
    My recipe is:
    Acetic acid.........2,25 g in 10 ml
    Propanoic acid .....0,653 \"
    Isobutyric acid ....0,059 \"
    Butyric acid .......0,271 \"
    Isovaleric acid ....0,153 \"
    Methylvaleric acid ..0,021 \"

    Yes Whitehall, girls smell well but we are talking about a concentrated. This is a proportion found in the ovulatory period of women.

    There are more interesting papers about copulins but none of them give you their concentration in vaginal secretions.These substances are identified as attractant for rhesus monkeys and humans (in different proportions).

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Copulins

    Justine, PPA /w also contains cops, look under `Stone Labs´on the main page.

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