I actually just recieved mine in the mail today (er.. well I suppose yesterday), and was very impressed by the sample's packaging.

It's very small though-- probably close to only 1ml. But I have to say, it has one of the best smelling fragrances I've ever stumbled upon in a phero product (to date, i've used 27 different phero products). As a cologne collector, I prefer to use my fragrances first, so to have such an outstanding smell says a lot in my book.

I also felt a bit of an "invincible" positive glow about me after wearing it for a bit.. Really interesting stuff. The self effects are great, but I will have to see what a day with it is like. I will be wearing it tomorrow as I trek into Seattle (in search of a BADLY needed haircut).

Here's some photos I took after opening it:

Was actually surprised to get it so soon! Thanks

EDIT: Forgot to mention.. Some of us at PheroTruth were wondering.. "Vomeropherin, Estratetraniol, TRP2 (Axillary Secretions), and V1R/V2R (Vaginal Alipathic Acids)"... Are these alternate names of something that's more well known by another? Some thought they might just be "fancy names" of something else.