Haven't noticed that spcificallly, and I used them for years, like Gegogi. But they probably do have subtle effects on your hormones, so by all means listen to your body. Chances are, with this kind of thing, once you figure it out you can continue with no problems. With me, I can't wear A1 (is that what you all still call it?) without getting depressed, unless I limit it to a very little on the back of my body. But now, I'd wear it, but just account for that. So you just have to learn on your own how to get the effects you want without those you don't want. You did the wise thing to post your concern. Theoretically, the possibility is that topical micro doses of hormonal substances might influence your body's production of testosterone, estrogen, or whatever, temporarily, depending on whether you overdo it, or how much you use. Most experienced users take regular breaks from using pheromones for that reason, in part as a precaution, but mostly because overall results improve. Ask any of the experienced users. Again, if you monitor everything carefully, with time, you tend to get better results on every level. As a rule, I've found that using the smallest effectual dose of everything works the best on multiple levels.