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  1. #1
    Phero Dude
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    Default NPA SOE questions

    What about NPA congruency on its own and also with SOE thrown in as well?

    I seem to be congruent with A7/SOE but I hate initiating all the time. I'm no alpha. I also get really angry with this combo.

    I was thinking of making a move on a reserved spanish woman early to mid 20's. I'm double her age.

    Any words of advice? Do you think NPA or SOE NPA may be a good choice here?

    Also how many of you still wear it neat? I could swear when I wear NPA in atomizer I OD everytime even with smaller sephora atomizers.

    Edge just stinks to high heaven I don't like wearing it much. I hear NPA stinks much less and is more powerful.

    Because she is south american spanish I am thinking NPA or SOE NPA may be my ticket. I see her during the daytime, do you think I should keep the SOE in? Even if I take her out it will be to lunch, bars for a drink in the evening , or down to the lake or movies. Not too much late night clubbing for me as I am no dancer.

    I am thinking from my experience with mones that 1 drop npa to back of neck, and maybe 14 inches of SOE to front of neck is all I need covered with maybe 1 spray of cologne. 2 drops of NPA is OD for me, and 21 inches SOE attracts asians to me like moths to a flame.

    Any tips on congruency in these environments as well? I want to be seen as confident but not as a horny middle aged man. I need to be able to relax and "flirt" with her for at least a few weeks to build some attraction. I don't want to come on too strong. i feel without some serious none I come across as too feminine as I am 40, 5'7" and carrying about 10 lbs of spare tire around my waist. I need more alphaness in me.

    Insight on mones and congruency appreciated. SHe is definitely an alpha girl as she works in a hotel and communicates with dozens of people everyday.


  2. #2
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    If A7/SOE is too alpha, and I can imagine that it might, I think NPA would definitely add a new perspective and reduce the tension a bit. Just go easy on the amount of NPA until you get used to it. Use the SOE as needed to cover the phero scents.

    Best of Luck,
    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

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  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    Default Please clarify


    You said to use SOE to cover the phero scents. You can't mean SOE to cover NPA???? NPA is pretty strong I would need a good cologne I'd imagine.

    Do you still use it neat with a spray or two of cologne to cover? Any reason why you don't mix it in atomizer with cologne?


  4. #4
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I am not sure why I'm not more into mixing in an atomizer; always been that way. 3 kids, maybe; lots of new products to try out maybe.

    NPA is strong. It depends where you are going with it how much you need to use and how much cologne you can get away with. Here in Eugene, you gotta be subtle. :-)

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

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  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    Default Npa Soe


    How much do you use?

    Where I live you've got to be subtle too. Do you combine with SOE. Help me out here , not planning to attend any nightclubs but restaurant bars, cafes, movies, restaurants etc.

    How much NPA soe do you use and do you ever use NPA on its own.

    What do you cover with?

    I'm 41 so Idon't produce much none but I'll tell you I OD on cologne very easily (allergies). I much prefer a sexy vibe but one with a little game too -- not a ONS man.

    Lately I've been using Ammuninition but find it just keeps me on the borderline in all respects nol, rone, none. I need something to up my sexual fire with latinos.


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    HM, dont use too much SOE. If I were you I'd start at least with 12mcg none, this is probably 3 dabs of NPA. I read somewhere 30mcg none is a good amount to shoot for, more at your age.

    Dont wear it on neck, use it on wrists in case something goes wrong , and you wont be affected so easily. Add a bit of SOE, nothing near 14 inches, and put 1 or two sprays of your favorite cologne. Always wash very well application points before reapplying.

  7. #7
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I'm a big wrist application fan myself. I like to wash it off before I got to sleep, and yeah, in case of disaster or OD. If you haven't tried APC as a cover, try that. It covers amazingly well, and is the perfect frame for NPA.
    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

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  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    Default wrist applications

    Problem guys is I don't talk with my hands so my wrist applications are not very powerful. I've tried wrist apps with no results whatsoever.

    The best results have come from chest apps. I figure I can keep my shirt open a bit and spray to upper region.

    I'm thinking of mixing apc/npa. No more than 10 drops as I don't know if this mix will work. if I put it in a sephora atomizer and spray it will it come out all oily or like a mist? Reason I ask is NPA is oil based and so is APC. If it comes out all oily should I rub it into the skin fully with hands or leave as is?


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    OK, NPA is alcohol based so you can mix without problem. If you mix 4 parts cologne 1 part NPA you'll get 48mcg none per ml of the mix, so if you atomizer spray 10 shoots per ml you'll get 4.8mcg none per spray.

    Applications on your wrists might not give you the pheromone high but is definitely working on people even if you dont talk with your hands . You can afford be wilder on your testing if your spraying on your wrists

  10. #10
    Phero Dude
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    Default Npa Soe

    Ok so my boxed NPA arrived today really fast by fedex

    I tested it out by mixing JB#1 7:3 APC:NPA. I Then sprayed 2 sprays on my wrists from a sephora atomizer and rubbed wrists together.

    God almightly. I definietly got wilder people sitting near to me in the malls, and the occasional look, but moreso I got the most aggression I ever had from a female today.

    Look Spanish girl who I'm after and who I had asked for phone number and a date (turned me down about 2 weeks ago) so we just talk as friends now when I see her.

    Apparently her MOTHER works in the same hotel, confronted me there today when I was alone in a VERY HOSTILE way.

    She said "Be VERy CAREFUL how you talk to my daughter... cynthia... she is a young even to be your daughter. " I replied " I just talk to her as friends", to which the mother replied "well it may be ok totalk to her but asking for her phone number is out of the question, she is not that type of girl you can go with. "

    She was a total bitch and I wonder if the NPA pushed her over the edge. I have never received such a hostil reaction from a parent. Its not like her daughter is that young she is in her mid twenties.

    It really destroyed my mood for the day. The fact that her mother confronted me means she knew I asked her daughter for her #, so her daughter told her mother about it.

    Maybe they are close and don't share secrets but the bottom line is the REACTION of the mother was pure bitch almost like she wanted to get me arrested for asking her daughter for a phone #. Imagine if I had sex with her.

    Look I need you guys to help me feel better. Has this happened to you? How did you deal with it. Should i use NPA anymore? Maybe reduce it to 1 spray instead of 2 .

    What should I do the next time I see Cynthia (The girl)? Should I play the scared man and avoid her like the plague, should I confront her and tell her her mother was anything but polite to me and leave it at that?

    Cynthia seems to react positively to SOE edge when I flirt with her. This time though I used NPA.

    I wonder if I mixed badly. After all 7:3 is pretty potent, and who knows how many drops came out of 2 sephora atomizer sprays.

    This is a pretty serious issue , I don't feel like being questioned by that bitch mother again who treats her daughter like she's 16. Nor do I feel like dealing with security in the hotel.

    Something tells me if I was wearing something other than NPA today the mother may of held the same feelings but not expressed them as aggressively.

    What would you do at this point?


  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast stuttgart-man's Avatar
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    How can NPA be mixed with APC? APC is oil- and NPA is alcohol-based! Any tipps? Do the APC reaches to cover the stinky NPA-smell? Want to try this combo too :-)

  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    Default In terms of covering

    APC covers NPA well... in that way Ihad no problem. I applied to wrists. I used the advice here realizing I can wash it off before going to bed , plus it doesn't effect my mind negatively while others can still sense it.


  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by char23 View Post
    OK, NPA is alcohol based so you can mix without problem. If you mix 4 parts cologne 1 part NPA you'll get 48mcg none per ml of the mix, so if you atomizer spray 10 shoots per ml you'll get 4.8mcg none per spray.

    Applications on your wrists might not give you the pheromone high but is definitely working on people even if you dont talk with your hands . You can afford be wilder on your testing if your spraying on your wrists
    You're a smart man char23. Its true when I sprayed on wrist it didn't effect my mood (high or low or irritible. I stayed calm and relaxed). Also I was able to get away with high doses and didn't get any violent reactions from people, although I did from the one woman detailed in this thread.


  14. #14
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuttgart-man View Post
    How can NPA be mixed with APC? APC is oil- and NPA is alcohol-based! Any tipps? Do the APC reaches to cover the stinky NPA-smell? Want to try this combo too :-)
    You can add some ethanol to the atomizer to dilute it but in general the alcohol and oil mix just fine. Just the concentration and probably consistency are too high. Adding more alcohol will fix that, or you could just use Edge instead of NPA.

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by HornyMan View Post
    Ok so my boxed NPA arrived today really fast by fedex

    I tested it out by mixing JB#1 7:3 APC:NPA. I Then sprayed 2 sprays on my wrists from a sephora atomizer and rubbed wrists together.

    God almightly. I definietly got wilder people sitting near to me in the malls, and the occasional look, but moreso I got the most aggression I ever had from a female today.

    Look Spanish girl who I'm after and who I had asked for phone number and a date (turned me down about 2 weeks ago) so we just talk as friends now when I see her.

    Apparently her MOTHER works in the same hotel, confronted me there today when I was alone in a VERY HOSTILE way.

    She said "Be VERy CAREFUL how you talk to my daughter... cynthia... she is a young even to be your daughter. " I replied " I just talk to her as friends", to which the mother replied "well it may be ok totalk to her but asking for her phone number is out of the question, she is not that type of girl you can go with. "

    She was a total bitch and I wonder if the NPA pushed her over the edge. I have never received such a hostil reaction from a parent. Its not like her daughter is that young she is in her mid twenties.

    It really destroyed my mood for the day. The fact that her mother confronted me means she knew I asked her daughter for her #, so her daughter told her mother about it.

    Maybe they are close and don't share secrets but the bottom line is the REACTION of the mother was pure bitch almost like she wanted to get me arrested for asking her daughter for a phone #. Imagine if I had sex with her.

    Look I need you guys to help me feel better. Has this happened to you? How did you deal with it. Should i use NPA anymore? Maybe reduce it to 1 spray instead of 2 .

    What should I do the next time I see Cynthia (The girl)? Should I play the scared man and avoid her like the plague, should I confront her and tell her her mother was anything but polite to me and leave it at that?

    Cynthia seems to react positively to SOE edge when I flirt with her. This time though I used NPA.

    I wonder if I mixed badly. After all 7:3 is pretty potent, and who knows how many drops came out of 2 sephora atomizer sprays.

    This is a pretty serious issue , I don't feel like being questioned by that bitch mother again who treats her daughter like she's 16. Nor do I feel like dealing with security in the hotel.

    Something tells me if I was wearing something other than NPA today the mother may of held the same feelings but not expressed them as aggressively.

    What would you do at this point?

    Let's assume none content in APC is insignificant. With that mix you're getting 72mcg none per ml. You need to measure but 2 sprays of the atomizer would be around 15.4 mcg none(10 sprays per ml), so is not that much.

    How did Cynthia react?? Remember if they already know you they might be confused with your new pheromone signature.

    I say try it a few more times with the girl and see the reactions. You can also add a BIT of SOE
    You hit the mother really good
    Every bad reaction is a sign something is working, just need to find the sweet spot.

  16. #16
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Something tells me if I was wearing something other than NPA today the mother may of held the same feelings but not expressed them as aggressively.

    What would you do at this point?
    Oh goodness me my friend you had better be careful because Cynthia's mother could well brew up some big trouble for you, and anything she can put on you she will do so, and whatever she can put on you she will absolutely blow it up way out of proportion so as to inflict the maximum possable amount of pain upon you even if it means a gross distortion of the truth.

    If i was you i would not pursue the thought of making romance with this girl because she is controlled by her mother who in turn uses her daughter as a support and the hold she has upon her daughter is unhealthy for both the daughter and the mother, to become involved with this pair could well be detrimental to your health, however if you decide to continue then you will first have to break the ice with the mother, do you possess influence money and power..?

    Do not let the past encounter with the mother dictate your choice of pheromone application amounts.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  17. #17
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    Oh goodness me my friend you had better be careful because Cynthia's mother could well brew up some big trouble for you, and anything she can put on you she will do so, and whatever she can put on you she will absolutely blow it up way out of proportion so as to inflict the maximum possable amount of pain upon you even if it means a gross distortion of the truth.

    If i was you i would not pursue the thought of making romance with this girl because she is controlled by her mother who in turn uses her daughter as a support and the hold she has upon her daughter is unhealthy for both the daughter and the mother, to become involved with this pair could well be detrimental to your health, however if you decide to continue then you will first have to break the ice with the mother, do you possess influence money and power..?

    Do not let the past encounter with the mother dictate your choice of pheromone application amounts.

    Good advice Terry. I will stay away from that bitch because if she is like this now , imagine if I was dating her daughter. And how would she even know about me asking Cynthia for her # unless the daughter is used to telling the mother everything.

    Oh well. Lesson learned.

    I will not stop testing my mixes for they are sure to work on some nicer uncontrolled beaver in the future


  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HornyMan View Post
    Look Spanish girl who I'm after and who I had asked for phone number and a date (turned me down about 2 weeks ago) so we just talk as friends now when I see her.

    Apparently her MOTHER works in the same hotel, confronted me there today when I was alone in a VERY HOSTILE way.

    She said "Be VERy CAREFUL how you talk to my daughter... cynthia... she is a young even to be your daughter. " I replied " I just talk to her as friends", to which the mother replied "well it may be ok totalk to her but asking for her phone number is out of the question, she is not that type of girl you can go with. "

    She was a total bitch and I wonder if the NPA pushed her over the edge. I have never received such a hostil reaction from a parent. Its not like her daughter is that young she is in her mid twenties.

    It really destroyed my mood for the day. The fact that her mother confronted me means she knew I asked her daughter for her #, so her daughter told her mother about it.

    Maybe they are close and don't share secrets but the bottom line is the REACTION of the mother was pure bitch almost like she wanted to get me arrested for asking her daughter for a phone #. Imagine if I had sex with her.

    Look I need you guys to help me feel better. Has this happened to you? How did you deal with it. Should i use NPA anymore? Maybe reduce it to 1 spray instead of 2 .

    What should I do the next time I see Cynthia (The girl)? Should I play the scared man and avoid her like the plague, should I confront her and tell her her mother was anything but polite to me and leave it at that?

    Cynthia seems to react positively to SOE edge when I flirt with her. This time though I used NPA.

    I wonder if I mixed badly. After all 7:3 is pretty potent, and who knows how many drops came out of 2 sephora atomizer sprays.

    This is a pretty serious issue , I don't feel like being questioned by that bitch mother again who treats her daughter like she's 16. Nor do I feel like dealing with security in the hotel.

    Something tells me if I was wearing something other than NPA today the mother may of held the same feelings but not expressed them as aggressively.

    What would you do at this point?HM
    The lesson I've learnt s l o w l y over the years is to try to avoid problems - if at all possible & trust your instincts more. They are there for a reason & can be very wise sometimes defying pure logic (having a 'gut-feel'). It is a bit like steering a car around obstacles & not into them. (Problems can track you down however ...)

    Would you want HER as a mother-in-law ?@*##?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by chas View Post
    The lesson I've learnt s l o w l y over the years is to try to avoid problems - if at all possible & trust your instincts more. They are there for a reason & can be very wise sometimes defying pure logic (having a 'gut-feel'). It is a bit like steering a car around obstacles & not into them. (Problems can track you down however ...)

    Would you want HER as a mother-in-law ?@*##?

    Hell no.. But let me tell you something, I am not looking for a serious relationship , just short term fun.. but it looks like I can't even get past a phone number without Cynthia's mothers rape whistle going off, so I should look to plant my seeds elsewhere.


  20. #20
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    I will not stop testing my mixes for they are sure to work on some nicer uncontrolled beaver in the future
    Good on you HM you have an excellent attitude.

    Hell no.. But let me tell you something, I am not looking for a serious relationship , just short term fun.. but it looks like I can't even get past a phone number without Cynthia's mothers rape whistle going off, so I should look to plant my seeds elsewhere.

    I wish you the best of luck with your seed planting programme and i suggest that you partake of the vast abundance of quality uncontrolled beaver stocks that are currently available to be sampled far and wide across this great planet.

    I would concur that beaver is the best tonic because it can sustain fortify and give vitality to the inner man.

    I am all too well aware that the breast area of a woman is capable of producing some very potent stimulating and addictive pheromones, these pheromones so it seems have the ability to elevate a mans natural instincts in a very fast period of time which in my opinion does contribute to refreshing and reinforcing our desires to accomplish our worthy mission of dispersing of our seed stocks
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  21. #21
    Phero Dude
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    Default Some new cologne

    I'm replacing the scent of my APC/NPA mix. Although I like APC I don't believe it can hold a candle to L'aux D'issey Pour Homme.

    First of all the latter is a world class fragrance, and secondly the lasting effect APC is not very strong wheras L'aux D'issey has strong cover (10+ hours).

    It must be my imagination but yesterday when wearing this combo my hits must of doubled. I got a lot of eye contact from women and lots of DIHL. I also got it from 10's. I never thought 10's would look at me that way but they sure did. One had her boyfriend right beside her and she stared me down for 30 sec while i checked her out. I could tell she was under the npa spell.

    With APC I never got such reactions so I think the new cologne works wonders as a carrier and perhaps works better with my body chemistry.

    Tommorrow (Sat) I see Cynthia again (This time I doubt her mother will be there) as she works weekends. I don't plan on pursuing her but I'd like to wet her fires for me with this NPA/issey combo. I'll throw in a swipe of SOE and see how things go.

    I'd love to tease the woman and irritate that bitch mother of her's some more .... hahahah but that is all I will do with this young beaver.


  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    Good on you HM you have an excellent attitude.

    Hell no.. But let me tell you something, I am not looking for a serious relationship , just short term fun.. but it looks like I can't even get past a phone number without Cynthia's mothers rape whistle going off, so I should look to plant my seeds elsewhere.

    I wish you the best of luck with your seed planting programme and i suggest that you partake of the vast abundance of quality uncontrolled beaver stocks that are currently available to be sampled far and wide across this great planet.
    You're the greatest Terry.... always so funny, poetic , and quite frankly correct about beaver in all its variations.....


  23. #23
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    They are reintroducing beavers into Scotland and they are building dams ...

    HM - Is that 'bitch mother' over-protective about her daughter or does she secretly like you ??

  24. #24
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chas View Post
    They are reintroducing beavers into Scotland and they are building dams ...
    My number 2 wife out of 4 was a Scotswoman and she was in possession of a beautiful beaver, it was winter time in the year of 1979 in the registery office in Glasgow that we were married.

    Yes beavers are truily wonderful in so many ways and they never fail to get my full attention, whenever i find the chance to view and interact with them i consider it a most spiritual experience.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by chas View Post
    They are reintroducing beavers into Scotland and they are building dams ...

    HM - Is that 'bitch mother' over-protective about her daughter or does she secretly like you ??
    If that's the way she shows her liking of me, I wonder if I'd be dead if she loved me.. hahahaha... No she's just a bitch... some women just ARE...


  26. #26
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    Default Wild night with NPA juice

    Tonight I had a wild night with NPA juice. I applied 1 spray to chest and 1 spray to outside of hands rubbed together.

    I mixed it with L'aux D'issey from Issey Miyake.

    The results were 10x better than with wrist application. I know my sweet spot now.

    Didn't need any SOE either. However I noticed most hits coming from spanish women.

    Remember how I posted many months back in my Hornyman's logs how I like to use a7/soe in the morning for a rone kick and then edge /soe at night and how I become a superstar? Well the only prob is the next day all that none and nol converts to none od.

    This time to get the rone kick I use ammo / IS in the morning on its own. Then at night I used NPA on its own. I will see today if I am ghosted or if I still get second day hits. It will be interesting.

    I notice ammo/IS doesn't stick to the skin but NPA does. Thus the need for more showers (2-3 a day).


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