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  1. #1

    Default Am I using this incorrectly? SOE + NPA

    I got my order of SOE and NPA for two weeks now. I have using using for about two weeks and I have not seen any significant change in the way people act towards me.

    At the beginning I put on two strips of SOE (about 2 1/2 inch each) on both sides of my nake. Then a few days later, I do the same but also add a couple of drops of NPA on my neck. Then this week I added 2 more strips of SOE (2 1/2 inches each) on my forearms. In all of the cases, I have not seen any changes to the way people look/talk to me. I would say I am good looking and fit.

    Am I using it incorrectly? Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Am I using this incorrectly? SOE + NPA

    Sometimes certain pheros just wont work for some people..i myself can\'t get SOE to work but if i leave the house wearing NPA or PI I can get laid everytime so go figure..try them seperate for a week ..mix the NPA into your colonge or try the pit trick with for any changes in behavior..the next week use the SOE straight..starting out small and gradually increase the amount you use watch for changes..good luck

  3. #3

    Default Re: Am I using this incorrectly? SOE + NPA

    Hey Tat, there have been a couple of posts about using NPA with lotion. I am in CA and the sun will kill me. It is a gene thing... But if I use a lotion with sunscreen and mix it with NPA, no smell, and I get the sunscreen effect.

    SOE, well for lack of a better quote, it makes people talkative. The -Rone should give a \"MALE\" part to it, but I have never had it give me the magic bullet sort of thing. Granted, it is not Love Potion #9.

    I will admit, I have been able to flirt, and get away with a helluva lot more than normal by wearing pheros. It seems to me to be worth the price of admission.

    Damn, one too many beers, didn\'t go out an try my theories. Well, I have to grade finals tomorrow. Crap.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Am I using this incorrectly? SOE + NPA


    Don\'t feel bad , I\'m on 7 weeks with every possible combination and amounts of SoE, PI. NPA and APC with zero results. I just don\'t think this is for everybody ; some just won\'t respond.

    I\'ll keep trying until my supply is gone but really can\'t see what I could try differently that I haven\'t already.

    But the majority here have great experiances with them so keep trying. You probably haven\'t hit on \'your\' magic combo yet.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Am I using this incorrectly? SOE + NPA

    So Jim, have you ordered your -dienone concentrate? =)

  6. #6
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Am I using this incorrectly? SOE + NPA

    Tat-I have been using SOE without any results either. I\'ve tried it alone and with a combination of NPA, I don\'t mean to sound like a broken record but it just doesn\'t work for me. Maybe you should OD on SOE and see what happens(6 or 7 strips).

  7. #7

    Default Re: Am I using this incorrectly? SOE + NPA


    I\'m not familiar with it, just seen it mentioned here but haven\'t had the time to read anything about it.

    After spending a couple hundred dollors without even a hint that pheros will work for me, I doubt I\'d try anything else right now unless I have some sort of breakthough with what I have already.

    Is it something you have tried and had success with ?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Am I using this incorrectly? SOE + NPA


    There are days Soe doesn\'t seem to do a thing. Then other days it brings nonstop giggles and friendly people...same amount applied. I think it has a lot to do with proximity. I find closer, sedentary settings really bring out Soe effects. Try putting on a heavy dose of 50%soe 50%NPA and go to a busy local fast food restaurant where you can sit in close proximity to others. I\'m betting you will see something.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Am I using this incorrectly? SOE + NPA

    Jim, you should read about -dienone yourself. It\'s the only pheromone that has been shown to activate the female VNO. It\'s patented by Realm. It has not been real world tested adequately because, so far, it\'s only been available in Realm for Women in low concentrations. However, Bruce will be selling -dienone concentrate soon.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Am I using this incorrectly? SOE + NPA


    I appreciate it. This place is great even to the guys like me who have absolutely nothing to contribute to the board as far as results/dosages go. But that\'s only because nothing I\'ve used has worked.

    At this point I\'d be foolish to drop more money into it, though it all still interests me and am blown away with some of the stories that are posted here!

    Maybe down the road I\'ll think about giving it a shot but not now.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Am I using this incorrectly? SOE + NPA

    something to keep in mind is where you use the pheros is almost as important as what you use. Somewhere along the line, someone here calculated that only 1 in 7 of the women you meet are likely to be affected. If that\'s true, then you need to be in places where you\'ll get enough exposure to meet these women. Even more, of the ones that are affected, some may not be obviously affected as they have no excuse to talk or intereact with you. Just out of curiosity, what\'s your current mix?

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Am I using this incorrectly? SOE + NPA

    I totally agree with Sympatible, if you want to score youve got to meet people - interract - put youreself about a bit. Clubs, pubs etc, etc. One of the best places to use pheros is on the dancefloor - all that bumping and grinding - wey hey!

  13. #13
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Am I using this incorrectly? SOE + NPA

    Activation of the VNO is not necessarily proof that -dienone is a pheromone, though another study tends to support its processing in areas linked to visual input; and others its effect on physiology. However,
    this makes me wonder why Erox/Pherin has not experimented with -dienone and activation of the luteinizing hormone response. Could be that showing a hormonal change would land them in trouble with the FDA; could also be that they have not found an LH effect. Another of their pheromones (progesterone derivitive) was used to supposedly decrease LH pulses, but that study has not been replicated, and its shotgun approach was highly critisized by olfactory researchers.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Am I using this incorrectly? SOE + NPA

    I don\'t want to stray off topic, but...

    James: you\'ve talked about how either -nol or -rone increase the LH levels. which phero does it and what affect does an increase in LH levels have on a person?

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Am I using this incorrectly? SOE + NPA

    Big Bump!!

    I\'d like to know the answer in regard to LH as well.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Am I using this incorrectly? SOE + NPA

    dienone as a pheromone

    I think there are two different intellectual issues that may be entangled here.

    #1) is whether there is a chemical signaling process that involves an emission of a biological chemical by one organism as a matter of natural physiology and a functioning specific receptor and biological change on the receiver of another organism of the same species.

    This is what the Berliner group seems to be emphasizing.

    #2) question is whether or not this chemical signaling has a particular biological attractive or desirable effect regarding sexual mate selection.

    The identification of a chemical in #1 and the demonstration of sex-specific responses makes the #2 category a likely but not proven hypothesis.

    From the point of fundamental biology it is interesting whether or not the different chemicals signal through the purported VNO or through the conventional olfactory system (and whether at the threshold of conscious olfactory perception is yet a third issue).

    And it is also interesting whether or not some chemical has a #2 effect regardless of the mechanism of its reception and initial neurological activation.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Am I using this incorrectly? SOE + NPA

    I will also have to add that until recently my experience has agreed with Jim\'s, that with all different combinations of things I never had any solid responses the way other guys here have described.

    Until, perhaps recently, when I have been using the simplest thing, namely the androstenol musk oil by itself. And I put a reasonable amount on, like three drops.

    The results were that over a moderate amount of time I have gotten more of the talky-friendly smiles that androstenol is supposed to create. (unfortunately the most clear hit is a young married woman)

    The only difference is that I think that before I had been always been using something with at least some -none in it. (I do not have SoE and have not tried it).

    I have never gotten the heavy alpha-male type lust-hits that -none users have sometimes reported. And no I\'m not really super macho, testosteroned, or intimidating naturally; I\'m just a normal average guy (literally, 5\'9\" 155 lbs). So maybe I\'m just not destined to have -none work for me.

    So guys if you just aren\'t getting anything try the one thing you haven\'t probably done before, just -nol by itself and look out for the talkies and talk and smile back.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Am I using this incorrectly? SOE + NPA

    Persoanlly, I have found that being too fastidiously clean, using strongly scented anti-perspirants and overpowering colognes kind of kill the pheromone effects.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Am I using this incorrectly? SOE + NPA

    I\'ve got a theory that maybe using -none for the \"tough guy\" image may not work a guy that doesn\'t fit the image, so they may come off as creepy. I don\'t look like a big tough guy (I fit about the same build as Dr. Chaos, except 10-15 lbs smaller) and I have used AE, but I\'m also 18 so thats probably a huge factor. Still...I wonder if not fitting the tough guy image while using -none may be counter active

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