Quote Originally Posted by HeartBroque View Post
These aren't pills, pellets implanted in butt! They have made a world of difference in

her ability to enjoy sex again. She's better than at ANY other point in our relationship, just gotta find a way to

keep her "desire" to stay at home and from being poached from someone who still has there scent going on. There's

an interesting read on dr. mercolas site, in the search block type in "pheromones" , these hormones have changed the

way my wife thinks of me. Hell wish I was still in my forties, 52!

Tongue works well when she lets me, however,

nothing like the real thing!
There are a good variety of ways and means of

you providing her with the physical fulfillment she requires so this side of the equation may be taken care of with

little worry or concern i am sure you can figre out something so no real drama's


Now when it comes to pheromones you could always add some synthetic

pheromones to enhance your own natural pheromone signature so as to convey to her that you are a hot excited

dominant alpha male, yes pheromones can give this impression, just remember to act the part when you first apply a

good Androstenone pheromone product, this will help reinforce the impresions the woman receives from your pheromone

scent and it will work for you to leave a lasting impression upon her mind that you indeed are still the man, yes

her man.

Look after and be good to her also ask her

what she likes you can accomplish these things with out acting wimpy then all is good, have confidence and faith in

your self and above all just relax during these times of change and realize that all storms pass away and what

remains is the attitude you took during the times of apparent


Well go on and get yourself a small bottle of Alpha 7 scented, or some NPA

or Primal Instinct.

NPA is good and is designed to be diluted with your favourite cologne at the

ratio of around 1:5.

I personally use Primal Instinct, NPA, Alter Ego, Alpha7, and others not

often discussed on this forum, i dont use them all at once together but i will use one Androstenone product for

several days and then have a days break and then use another of my products this always keeps me fresh and exciting

and i am nearly 60 and my girl loves my pheromones as many times after sniffing up close my application points she

explodes with passion and it really takes little effort to satisfy her completly once the phero scent gets to the

part of her brain that controls the sex urge anything goes.