Hello everyone,

I'm new to pheromones, after some reading here i must try some, but what to


30 years old, south european caucasian, 6"1 tall, 178 pounds light muscular athletic look, very broad

shoulders, low fat(even got six packs). Social, easy-going. Look younger, my 23 old girlfriend wants me to

wear beard or goatee to look sharper and older
Started loosing hair, shaving head.
Some chicks say i`m cool

and sexy, some that look like kid

3 times a weak i go to gym, and 3 times a weak MMA training.

So, i

wanted to by 2-3 products, low on cash these days
i need:
- something for bedroom, to bring something new in

2years old relationship, encourage(persuade) her to try new things in sex....

- something when i`m clubbing,

something highly sexual

- and something for my big, big and very hard law practise exam(or however do you call

it, sorry for bad english). Its so big you have to study 3-4 months, 5-6 hours every day...i`ll try to get

some adderall xp to help me

So, whats your thoughts?