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  1. #1

    Default Warning: Newbie into Pheromones!

    Warning: Newbie into Pheromones!

    Yup, welcome the newbie. I remember and old biology teacher of mine many years ago mentioning to the class that such a pheromone mixture existed and the effects, but it was illegal. I never knew that you can actually get it now.

    Yup, I’m another sad guy in his very early 20’s who can’t score. Ha-ha, no I’m kidding but I do have some kind of women problem over here. I never knew that females were attracted to males because of these pheromones. So what? A guy releasing loads of pheromones has sex every 5 minutes while the guy who doesn’t sits in the closet holding a gun to his head? [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]. I find it quite interesting, but unfortunately for me whatever natural pheromones I have, they aren’t working. Actually they have the opposite effect from attraction, well somewhat. Maybe my body released the other type of pheromones. No wait! That would attract guys right? HAHA! Okay, never mind about the last part but something isn’t right that’s for sure.

    As I said I’m in my very early 20’s. Got a car, 2nd year in College, dress well, excellent manners, good looking (or so my mother tells me,…, no just kidding he-he), tall, thin, don’t drink or smoke etc. Still when it comes to women, it’s like I just don’t exist. They barely look at me for crying out loud. Conversations really don’t stick, and it’s pretty annoying. After reading more about these pheromones, I wonder if my body releases any at all. So I am interested in trying some of these pheromones in a bottle, or so to speak.

    I’m a little confused on which is the right one for me. Now I see some of you are using combos, trying out 2 or more products at once. First of all, wouldn’t that be too strong? Most of these bottles mention a couple drops, some of you put a couple drops but you put it on your forehead, neck, abs, armpits, arms, legs, butt, and other places I don’t want to get into. Now considering how much warnings I see on some websites not to over do it, common sense would indicate that such a person would and should have 25 dates at once! Obviously that is not the case, so I’m questioning the strength of these products at which they are advertised. Now I’m a student, I can’t go and waste money on something that can or can’t work, if I’m not satisfied with the first product I try I’ll probably not bother with getting a second. If the result is good, then of course I’m willing to try others or stick with what I got if it does the job. So what do you guys recommend for me? I want something that will last for a while for the money I’ll spend. I’m not trying any combos at first, its one product or nothing pretty much. I’m not looking into going crazy with girls and scoring every hour, although that would be nice he-he, but be able to finally feel attractive, spend time with women and finally have a normal conversation. From what I’m reading in this forum, these products do just that. So again, what do you recommend?

    I read it\'s best to use these products on your clothes instead of your skin because it\'ll last longer. Now that\'s what I read on a website, but I see no one is doing this here. How come? Also some say put a couple drops on your chest, now I\'m wondering how can this attract a woman 5 meters away if I apply the pheramones underneath my clothes? Maybe someone would be kind enough to explain this to me.

    Also what’s with all that talk about Asian women needing a different type of pheromone to attract them? Actually there is some talk about Asian women actually being offended if you use a certain pheromone. Hmm, sounds dangerous ha-ha! Well I’m not looking to attract Asian women specifically, sounds a lot of work, the rest will do just fine for me [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img].

    [ February 26, 2002: Message edited by: Vulcan4D ]

  2. #2
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Warning: Newbie into Pheromones!

    Ok a lot of other websites have been pulling bits and peices of information from this site and also from obsecure research done 20 years ago. Here you get actuall people customers using the various products (love-scent is actually a resellers site as well as some special site only products) exclcusive use (APC and Primal instinct you will find elsewhere) so bruce only gets the best products that work or ones that are proven to be good scented products with little pheros (reduced prices). There is so much BS out there.
    As far as clothing (the alcohol based spray phero products are best for those) but there are oil based pheromone products that are good for the skin they tend to have a longer life on the skin. Thats the difference. As far as getting the attention of women 5 metres away the human brain is very sensitive to these compounds (monkeys have a nearly similar system) also 98.5 % genetically alike to us. And with air currents its effective, now these are to be used not at sexually turn women on (you really need to focus on how women work not men they are completley different in their \"sexual prefences\" they go for men mostly who \"resources vs commitment\" resources wether they be genetic (good body worked out are what they look at) or actual resources (money prestige etc) thats why rich guys or those that work out get more women. Its starting to make sense - committment is the sucker guys who will follow them around and be thier for use so they can raise children (mr dependable) this has been all discussed before - why do you think guys that are fit athletes or simply workout and have a good diet get more looks and more sex (they sweat more and therefore pump out pheros) but its not that simple if a man has a lot of money women will move towards that as he has resources - as far as one night stands well hello women are either so drunk that they cant think straight (all the people at the nightclubs getting drunk laid etc) thats why they are so popular- as the old saying goes women always step up when moving to another man from one she has had in the past (whether its a relationship or they are single) because its all about getting the guy who has more and can provide more for childbearing (the basic primative drive) even though we have a modern society these ancient drives express themselves through our genes and that determines behaviour (our brains even have a section for religion to help us explain to ourselves things we dont understand - another primative reaction genetics has left us with)/ Note all the differenet belief systems around the world and a natural aggressivness towards science based rational logicall thinking (that seems to be a recent evolution in the human brain)

  3. #3
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Warning: Newbie into Pheromones!

    If it\'s got to be one product or nothing. I\'d recomend Scent of Eros. Not because it\'s necessarily the best product. (\"Best\" is relative.) But because it\'s harder for newbies to screw up on. It\'s got its own scent (no need to mix or pick the right cologne), a roll-top aplicator (no need to measure drops or dabs), and no androstenone (so the only way you\'re going to OD is if you apply so much that you smell bad).

    Once you see some success with SOE, I\'m sure you\'ll want to try other products.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Warning: Newbie into Pheromones!

    i have noticed there alot of young guyswho can\'t get women. I think its because ofthis womens rights movement they don\'t need guys as much for financial stability. Women don\'t fall in love for a prince charming or shit like fairy tales. I think we need to slove this problem soon for all the guys in this forum who have some kind of political power orinfluence. i f we don\'t watch out guys Hilary Clinton will begetting oral pleasure in the oval office from Monica and we will be picking cotton.

  5. #5
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Warning: Newbie into Pheromones!

    Nate. These are pretty unstable times. But if women don’t need a guy for financial stability that’s a good thing. It means we can score on less materialistic qualities.

  6. #6
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Warning: Newbie into Pheromones!

    Or the rise in lesbianism will continue and men will be done away (although some men still get it all many women thats the law of the jungle). I find though that women do not fall \"in love\" like guys its all about how they can use men (just what \"most\" women seem to think these days.) Only when they need kids when they hit 40 do they come runnin but sex well a lot seemed to be turned off it latley.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Warning: Newbie into Pheromones!

    To a.k.a,watcher, and Bruce etc.

    I have just found this site and am a complete newbie here about pheromones. Looking at your many post with successful \"HITS\" with females, I would like you to help me out here.

    I have never had much success with the dating department and am already in my late 20s\'. However, there is this girl(about mid-20s\') I am \"DYING\" to date for years, and I was hoping I could get some serious help to make myself ABOSOLUTE IRRIESTABLE TO HER.

    A.k.a, from your other posts about successful attempts in using APC, AE on your gf. and also SOE for the intern/secretary. What would you suggest for me as the most effective solution?

    Bruce, you mentioned that in Japan, they really hate \"oji san\" with these so call stinking illness and use lots of aftershave to cover it up, but end up alot worst, could you recommend me something that will REALLY appeal to people of their culture? (Yes, she is from that country, that\'s why I ask)

    Also does any of the above mentioned product,
    have a really strong smell? I have never liked women literally bathing themselves with Ultra-strong perfume, and smelling like a perfume factory. My concern over this is brain blockage and bad headaches for me,worst still probably Repell her from me.

    I am looking for something that will make her \"climb all over me\" and stick to me like superglue, and hopefully can have a serious relationship with or make her say...\"you know what?...there is something really attractive about you, but I can\'t really tell what\'s the reason... [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img])\"

    Oh, and what\'s does APC,AE, PI stand for? HAHA...

    I only know SOE= scent of Eros.

    But have not tried any of this.

    And watcher, I would like your input as well.

    Also pls tell me where can I get the above products? How much etc.?

    Does anybody know and have success using \"Date Mate 2000\"?

    Sorry for so many questions, but as I said, I\'m new at this, and would like all the help I can get.Thank you very much! [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

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