

know this product is good for business. I know to use ti you merely put on 2 or more drops (sometimes maybe only


But HOW do you maximize its use?

My objective is simple. To make more money -- to get positions

at work at pay a lot more. or to get what I ask for when salary comes up.

So HOW do you do this? A314 is

supposed to be good for telling people what to do, but I can't see any individual going around bossing people and

coworkers and expecting them to give in.

So what would you say or what would you do to ensure you make more

$$? Its $$$ I'm after more than type of job.

I am basically a financial analyst and used to be a

programmer. I have always been rewarded based on technical ability not domination. I found out that technical

ability doesn't mean much because people who knew less got ahead of me.

I'm really in a jam because I've

been on disability and out of the workforce for a couple of years. I need to ensure I can going back to a job

paying just as much or I'm screwed over for bills.

I don't care about attracting women , I am married. i

don't care if the product doesn't make me get friends. I want MONEY -- long term.

Give me some tips. What

should I say to co workers. What should I say to boss? How do I get qualified for pricier careers.


your answer is get educated , the what the hell am I doing buying mones?

Thanks for you help