Hi, First

of all I am 23 years old, about 5'7 and aorund 155lbs. From East Africa, I look like african american though, not

dark, and not light though, my skin complextion is light brownish sorta like that.

I just need help picking a

product (phermone) i was thinkin about any of this.

chikara, Alter Ego, soe, c7

I have no problem

approaching a girl and starting a conversation. I am very friendly, and my looks are descent, i do work out

occasionally. anyways I want girls to open up more to me, i am not really looking for sex or anything like that, i

am looking more for trust and openness, like this girls i talk to at work, I am always the one approaching them, and

telling them stories, and trying to make conversations, I want them to open up and be more talkative and trust me,

and continue the conversation, you know what i mean. they're all african american girls, well a few of them are

white. Also There is this girl i kinda like, she's also african america, and we talked, and i have her number and

everthing, i call her, i text her, i take breaks with her at work sometimes, but she's not opening up, she doesn't

talk much.. i am trying to get her to open up, and trust me and tell me stuff.. but I don't want to push it.. I

don't want to keep trying to get her to be more open and stuff. So anyways I just need something to get girls

talking to me more, and being more open to me and start trusting me. I don't want a quick sex or nothing like that.

It would be nice to make some girls horny though lol.

Anyways.. I just hope you experts can help me decide.

This is the ones i were thinkin about ( chikara, Alter Ego, soe, c7)

Thank you guys, and sorry for the lengthy


by the way i did do quite some reading, i just still don't know which one to go with, that's why i am
