Last night I tried three sprays of TE, two
2 in passes of SOE on both sides of neck and 1 drop of musk oil.

Wow, this thing worked for hours (I still kept getting hits as long as 4 hours later).

The place is a really crowded one so it is very easy to OD. On the other hand if you walk around a little you give the ladies a chance to get a good whiff of the pheros.

1st hit. A drop dead blonde is suddenly walking after me. She grabs my shoulder and says: \"can you walk me, please? I am looking for my friends\". Whe we found her friends she had a hard time leaving for them and kept giving me glances.

2nd hit. Three ladies are standing and chatting. As I approach one starts giggling. One of the friends tells her aloud \"don\'t be so obvious!\". I did not quite like them so I said hi and mustered an excuse to go. One of them got really pissed of when she realized I was leaving.

3rd hit. A male friend tells me he likes a girl. I am feeling confident so I walk to her and start telling her that Fernando wants to meet her. She is VERY reluctant first but I kept going and then she tells me that the one time she met a Fernando she had her daughter! I finally convince her to walk down to him and give him a kiss.

Also I saw a lot of smiling faces and stuff from other girls, and even from guys.

I had a great time!