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Thread: Hit reports

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
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    Had some more hits tonight out at a

    club. Wearing 2 sprays TE sandalwood on throat, about 14" SOE on wrists, and one drop of A314 behind each ear. Was

    with another guy and got our drinks then found a (we thought) empty table. Standing there for a few minutes then a

    girl comes running up blabbering something I couldn't quite make out, so I had a fairly confused expression on my

    face. Suddenly she stops right in front of me and claps her hands to her mouth and says "oh my god I'm so sorry".

    Still confused I was just like, "erm, excuse me?" and she kept saying she was sorry and didn't mean to offend me. I

    kept saying I wasn't offended but I had no idea what she was talking about, and she eventually calmed herself and

    explained her drink was on the table. I said ok, no problem, sorry for getting in your way, and she started

    apologising again and saying she really wouldn't want to offend a big guy like me etc. I said again no problem,

    don't worry about it. I could actually see she was visibly warming up to me now, and we got chatting for a bit and

    I ended up getting a kiss and a grope out of it, so not too bad a result.

    Also had guys flocking to include me in

    their groups which was quite wierd. I was standing round by the pool table and the punch bag arcade machine thingy,

    and guys were practically fighting over my attention, buying me drinks, trying to get me to join their games of pool

    or see how hard I could hit the punch bag. (I'm a complete weakling as far as upper body strength goes, all my

    power is in my legs, so I resisted as long as I could but eventually succumbed. Even though I made a complete tit of

    myself with an incredibly weak shot they still seemed to hold me in high regard.)

    Also had a wierd experience

    last week at the pub. The guy I had gone along with can be rather, erm, intense... and has a habit of coming across

    as plain weird. While we were there a girl I know showed up with one of her female friends and I was really hitting

    it off with both of them, but every time my mate was around they would drift away and chat amongst themselves, then

    whenever he went to the toilet or for a smoke they would drift back over and got quite touchy-feely and flirty with

    me. It was actually quite funny watching this push-pull effect of my friend Vs. the pheremones...

  2. #2
    Full Member
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    Bump, thought we needed a

    central place to post hit reports. I wore about 16 inches of SOE on my neck/face. I had to work in a group today and

    everyone treated me like the leader, asking what we should do and what not.Also when I got into this class I said

    something along the lines of what's up to a girl and she wound up talking for a while about a project and before

    that the same thing happened except this girl told me about her day. Basically 16 inches is a pretty strong amount,

    I am not getting any sexual hits but I have edge right now too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
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    Thanks mrt. You shared good

    experiences with us. I have read your stories carefully and learnt sth from them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
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    Quote Originally Posted by ilikephero View Post

    mrt. You shared good experiences with us. I have read your stories carefully and learnt sth from them.

    I'm glad you're getting something out of my

    experiences, I'm still learning myself so it helps to remind myself of some past experiences.

    I'm just back

    from another night out and I've been playing with some new "toys". I'd been reading about the bandwagon effect and

    as EoW was so cheap I added some to my last order, I figured I have nothing to lose. So tonight I went out with a

    drop of AE behind each ear, one drop of EoW on the chest and covered with some Angel A*Men (that EoW sure does


    I was with a good male friend and a girl I've been out with a fair few times now. Somehow the

    conversation got on to personal hygiene and my friend was saying that his last shower was at 11pm the night before.

    I mentioned that I couldn't leave the house without having had a shower sometime that day, so my last one had been

    5pm this evening (before I left). The girl we were out with then said (something along the lines of...) "Well

    that's the difference, you don't smell too good right now (gesturing to my friend) but you (turns to me and

    sniffs) always smell great." I was fairly impressed by that as although my mix is changing regularly at the moment,

    I guess at least I haven't seriously messed it up yet

    I also had one very attractive girl come up to me while

    I was ordering drinks at the bar, she pressed herself up very close against me and asked me to ask the barman for

    napkins. He said they didn't have any but he could give her a bit of paper towel, and this sparked a bit of a

    conversation between me and the girl where every time she said something she would push her chest against me and

    basically get as close as she could, so no complaints there.

    I'll have to start wearing the EoW more often now

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