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    Default Pheromone Consistency

    Ok, there is

    a sexy russian girl in my english class I have had my eye on for the past few weeks...
    A couple days ago was the

    first time I interacted with her in depth (that is, more than sideways glances and "hello"). I was wearing about 12

    or so inches of SoE, and it seemed to be pretty effective. Long story short, we spoke for about 15 minutes before

    class with lots of eye contact and smiles etc.

    Today I used about 16 inches of SoE and 2 sprays of Chikara. We

    were in the computer lab today and I sat next to her (I normally sit about 5 feet from her). I had similar results

    to the first day, just far more exaggerated, almost to the point of an OD (from SoE, so it was good).

    was extremely chatty, she simply would not stop talking to me, even while the teacher was lecturing and all

    but telling her to stfu. She also kept on wanting to show me what she was doing on her computer (despite being

    pretty inane and meaningless), it really felt like a presentation of sorts. Also, I got the sense (though, I

    may be reading too much into this) that she didn't want this other guy around who tried to hit on her a couple of


    All in all, I think it was beneficial to "build up" my pheromone profile (albeit rapidly), perhaps to keep

    from catching her off guard. My question is, how important is it that I wear the same/similar mones around her in

    the future? At this point I have worn SoE and SoE + Chikara, I am thinking I may use SoE + NPA or go out on a limb

    and use A314 + A1. Is it possible that I will confuse her by changing mones? Should I maintain my SoE base and

    just go from there? Should I do so gradually, and if so how gradually?

    What kind of experience do you guys have

    with using different mones with the same woman? I suppose I have two goals at this point...

    make/keep her very comfortable so that she is open to further interaction, that is, outside of school as soon as

    2: After that, create some sexual tension and maximize her arousal level.

    I know this has been

    a long-winded post, but I really appreciate any and all feedback.

  2. #2
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Great job FK.

    Its hard to

    say, but common sense would say stick with a strategy that works, and don't shock her with a sudden change. Once

    she's solidly comfortable with you and things advance, you might add a tiny bit of -none. I would do this on the

    first "date", it could be coffee, a shift from school to social.

    *You're* the one getting the attention, go easy

    on the -mones, and use it intelligently as a supplement.

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    Ok thank you. That is

    certainly what I would intuit, it is just good to have your feedback. Thanks.

  4. #4
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Make sure to keep us posted on

    results! Good luck!

  5. #5
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    Ok, not to beat a dead horse

    here but I have been thinking...

    idesign, you said that I should add some -none outside of school-related

    interactions (i.e. coffee "date" or w/e). I would take it that you mean to say that I should keep the SoE + Chikara

    mix until then, no? Now, beyond that I see two possibilities (though admittedly, I may be nitpicking here),

    I should simply use SoE + NPA on the first "coffee date." The possible problem I foresee here is that

    a sudden change may confuse her, though given the change of setting, maybe not

    B) I should keep the SoE

    base (which I would do anyway) and use a small amount of both Chikara and NPA, like perhaps 1 spray

    and 1 dab, respectively. That way the mone profile is similar to what she is used to with me, just with a

    (hopefully) decidedly sexual edge.

    Again, I realize it may be silly to get caught up in such details, but I am

    more than a little OCD. Once again, thanks idesign, and anyone else who responds for that


  6. #6
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FutureKill View Post
    Ok, not

    to beat a dead horse here but I have been thinking...
    Oh what the hell, beat away... its best

    to get your strategy straight.

    Quote Originally Posted by FutureKill View Post
    idesign, you said that I should add some -none outside

    of school-related interactions (i.e. coffee "date" or w/e). I would take it that you mean to say that I should keep

    the SoE + Chikara mix until then, no? Now, beyond that I see two possibilities (though admittedly, I may be

    nitpicking here), B) I should keep the SoE base (which I would do anyway) and use a small amount of

    both Chikara and NPA, like perhaps 1 spray and 1 dab, respectively. That way the mone profile is similar to

    what she is used to with me, just with a (hopefully) decidedly sexual edge.
    You're thinking right I

    think, the good thing is you're thinking. I would choose option B. You might wait for the second "date" to

    introduce the -none, but that's your call in the field.

    Use NPA *very*judiciously to start, and increase in

    small amounts if required.

    Nitpicking now might just get you a Russian g/f.

    Good luck,

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    Yeah, and I won't even have

    to do the whole "mail order bride" thing.

    Once again, thanks for the feedback. I may even use "half-a-dab,"

    if you will, of NPA at first. Regardless, I will certainly post results as I make them.

  8. #8
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    Ok I know it has been awhile,

    but I haven't had much to report since my last post...

    Last Tuesday the Sexy Russian Girl was absent, much to my

    disappointment .

    Last Thursday I used the same mix as before. I did not get as pronounced results as before

    but I was still pleased, all things considered. I spoke to her briefly before class, and I was the only one she

    seemed interested in talking to, a good sign. We smiled at each other from half-way across the room twice, nothing

    special, but still another good sign. After class was over and I started to leave she waited until she could walk

    right beside me to get up (she sits closer to the door than I do). Also, she all but shoved this big guy out of the

    way to catch me. We started talking and she said she was tired and had been sick, I tried my best to show concern

    (not that I didn't care because I did, and I tried to show it). At that point we parted ways to head to our next


    Today was more interesting though. My most recent order arrived last week and I have been itching to

    use NPA ever since. I foolishly went ahead and used it today, despite my better judgment. I had ~12+ inches of SoE

    on my neck, a spray of Chikara at my solar plexus and a dab of NPA split between the tops of my hands, a little more

    on my right hand. Also, I sit with my left side closest to her which may or may not be of any consequence.


    she came into class she was shivering and I asked her if she was cold. "Yees, vary," she said with a grin and a

    Pussy Galore type accent (very hot). About this time class started, today the professor had us pair off to

    critique each other's essays. Sadly I was not paired with Ms. Galore. Despite what little interaction I had

    with her I did notice 3 DIHL from her. I briefly made eye contact with two, and maintained it until she looked away

    once. Neither one of us smiled, I am thinking that perhaps I should have initiated a smile . Once class

    was over she got up quickly and left. I certainly hope she was simply in a hurry but I really don't think that was

    the case.

    So, here is where you guys come in...
    In short, WTF happened? Here is my take on


    (1) Sadly I do think the addition of NPA was the primary culprit, what do you think? I probably

    should have held off on it for a little while.

    (2) With hindsight, it was very dumb of me not to smile at

    her. How much of a role do you think that played here?

    (3) Could where I put the various mones

    have had any bearing on my (lack of) results? I think probably not, but I would love to here your take on it.


    the next question is what should I do next? First and foremost I need to smile at her and be the first to do


    But that still leaves me with the issue of pheromonal problems. My gut tells me to simply cut out

    the NPA for now and re-titrate up the Chikara dosage. I did have another thought, though this may seem dumb given

    the supposed nature of my problem. That is to add something like A314 for the whole "respect vibe," or perhaps A1

    on it's own in the hopes that it will negate any alienation she may feel towards me.

    That is really what I want

    to know. what do you guys think I should do with my mone profile at this point?

    Also, do you think her

    inattentiveness could be caused by something else entirely?

    Once again I apologize for such a long and drawn out

    post. Thank you ever so much to anyone who responds.

  9. #9
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    How About "Want to meet up for some

    coffee after class?"?
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
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  10. #10
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    So the next question is

    what should I do next? First and foremost I need to smile at her and be the first to do it.

    Yes, i would certainly flash her a confident smile with a re ashoring nod of the head and a little wave

    gesture, Once will initially be sufficient, As u will not want to appear like a needy small boy.

    By all means smile back and acknowledge any signals that she may give.

    Ok as Mountain Jim says, Do take the initiative and ask her out for a coffee ect.

    Tell her you would like to talk to her, and it would be best to do so over a coffee.

    You could then ask her some relaxed questions that relate to her interests and go from there,

    homeland, family ect ect.

    I would leave off with the NPA initially and probably use some

    Scent of Eros and ONE divided drop of A314 with some A1 for the date.

    Then later when you

    have been holding hands for a few weeks you could add a small dab of NPA and go from there.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  11. #11
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    What Terry and Jim say seems

    good, just ask her out for an innocent coffee or lunch.

    My thoughts... Don't try to micro-manage your love life

    with pheromones. This girl seems interested in you, very good, use all of your natural skills, and definitely smile

    first and smile often! Pheromones generally don't "get" you anything, they just "help". There are exceptions, but

    in your case I'd go easy and stick with what has worked.

    Its hard to give advice from afar, but I would cut out

    the NPA until you're on a comfortable social level. That stuff is strong and hard to dose, esp at your age.

    You're probably producing enough already.

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    Thank you very much for the

    help, all of you.

    One of the reasons I forget to smile and other such dumb mistakes is b/c this kind of pursuit

    is fun, I tend to forget that it is also work. Tomorrow, before class, I am definitely going to get into

    that head-space and be more aggressive than I have, assuming she keeps up the positive signals.

    With regard to

    mones, I am sure-as-hell not going to use NPA any time soon. At least not with women that I don't already know

    very well. For now I am going to go back to SoE + Chikara.

    Once again, thank you gentlemen. I certainly

    hope to report back tomorrow with positive results.

  13. #13
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    Good News!

    But first,

    today before English Class I applied 2 sprays of Chikara on my chest and at least 15 inches of SoE on my

    neck. Anyway, here is the lead in...

    At the very beginning of class I got up to hole-punch some papers. While

    doing so, the Sexy Russian Girl walked up behind me and cheerfully expressed her surprise that I was not wearing a

    pink shirt (I frequently wear pink, but today it was purple). I don't even remember what I said now, but

    essentially I acknowledged her comment. I would have been more responsive, but she caught me off guard and I was

    getting a migraine at the time.

    Class started and we sat down. For almost the whole period I was paying

    attention to her, trying not to stare. Unfortunately she did not once make eye contact or even look at me while I

    was watching her. Strangely enough she paid an awful lot of attention to a guy at her table, even made physical

    contact 2 or 3 times . At this point I was feeling quite discouraged, wondering if I should even try asking

    her out today...

    To my surprise she once again made sure to leave the room at the same time as I did,

    despite ample opportunity to leave sooner (I was going slowly intentionally, to "test the waters"). We began

    talking about how tired we both were from staying up late the night before, writing essays. Right before leaving

    the building I asked her if she would like to go out for coffee some time. She said "sure," in a sort of

    non-descript tone. She was not ecstatic at the prospect, but at the same time it was not like, "sure, I

    guess, if you insist." So I gave her my business card and told her to call me. She laughed/giggled at my having

    business cards (I think she was impressed). She read out loud, "Research Analyst" right underneath my name,

    to which I wittily responded "Yeah, I'll tell you all about it over coffee, see ya." Then we parted ways to go to

    our cars.

    Admittedly, it is not a date yet but I think I have my foot in the door. At least I will have

    the opportunity to impress her when I am prepared and feeling well next week in class. So, we will see if she

    actually calls.

    Once again, pardon my uber-long post...

    I have several questions for you guys at this


    #1: What do you make of her being so attentive towards that other guy, but then clearly expressing

    interest in me? Do you think that is just ordinary female duplicity, or could she have been reacting to my mones

    and just paid attention to him because I wasn't immediately beside her?

    #2: I am thinking back to the first

    time I used mones in her immediate vicinity. She really seemed to have an OD on SoE. I would think that is

    something that made a (comparatively) powerful impression on her. So I was wondering about the prospect of

    intentionally ODing her on SoE. What do you think?

    #3: Despite my less than good experience

    with none, I am still curious. So, without drastically changing my mone signature I was thinking of tweaking SoE a

    little. Perhaps I could try upping the rone level or play around with beta-nol. Do you think it is worth a shot,

    or should I keep my little paws off until the situation itself actually changes as well?

    Many thanks

    everyone, wish me luck and/or pray to The Pheromone Gods on my behalf.

  14. #14
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    You should have specified a

    specific place and date for the coffee, annnnnd you should have gotten her number, not given her yours. Guys

    call girls, not the other way around. Otherwise Good job!!!
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim View Post
    You should

    have specified a specific place and date for the coffee, annnnnd you should have gotten her number, not given

    her yours. Guys call girls, not the other way around. Otherwise Good job!!!

    Exactly right.

    And another important thing I see on these forums. Some of you guys do too much thinking. You over analyze and

    maybe over think the Phero part.

    These are women not Grizzly Bears. Act without overanalyzing and talk to as

    many girls as you can. It is really a numbers game. The more chicks you converse with, the more socially adept and

    confident you will be around them. And don't let a failure with one or two blow you out of the water.

  16. #16
    Journeyman Tester123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge View Post


    And another important thing I see on these forums. Some of you guys do too much thinking. You over

    analyze and maybe over think the Phero part.

    These are women not Grizzly Bears. Act without overanalyzing and

    talk to as many girls as you can. It is really a numbers game. The more chicks you converse with, the more socially

    adept and confident you will be around them. And don't let a failure with one or two blow you out of the


    Yep, I agree with the two sentiments above. No need to make too much out of this. Pheromones

    are generally just a small part of the picture. You will drive yourself crazy with overanalyzing. I know because I

    have done it. Don't do it. Just put yourself out there. Look at the results you get, but don't get stuck in

    that mode of trying to figure out exactly what is happening. You will kill any game you might have. Just get out

    there and live. You will eventually figure out what works. Don't be afraid to screw

    Last edited by Tester123; 12-08-2011 at 05:10 PM.

  17. #17
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    FK, you're getting some good

    advice from the above posters. I agree, relax and have fun. And get her phone number!! Jim's right. If I'm

    correct, Russian women like men who are men. Maybe Alex will see this and offer his perspective.

  18. #18
    Journeyman Tester123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post

    you're getting some good advice from the above posters. I agree, relax and have fun. And get her phone number!!

    Jim's right. If I'm correct, Russian women like men who are men. Maybe Alex will see this and offer his

    I think this is true from my very limited experience with Russian women. Interestingly

    enough, I met a young woman whose family was from Russia very recently. What's the deal with so many of them

    looking like models....tall and exotic looking? Maybe they look like models because so many of our models are from

    Eastern Europe?
    Last edited by Tester123; 12-08-2011 at 05:07 PM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post
    Russian women

    like men who are men. Maybe Alex will see this and offer his perspective.

    American women want

    men to be men also. Despite the deception of radical feminism, 95% of women are attracted to a MAN, who is also a


  20. #20
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge View Post

    women want men to be men also. Despite the deception of radical feminism, 95% of women are attracted to a MAN,

    who is also a gentleman.
    Haven't we seen this conversation before, Tounge? Nothing changes, does it?

    Society tells us to be gentle and best buddies and show our feelings. Then we get to watch the guys who ignore it

    win the women.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  21. #21
    Journeyman Tester123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    Haven't we seen this conversation before, Tounge? Nothing changes, does it? Society tells

    us to be gentle and best buddies and show our feelings. Then we get to watch the guys who ignore it win the

    Yep, Tounge and belareth, women still want men. They won't tell you that to your face. Better

    to watch a woman's actions than to go by what she says she wants. Women often don't know what they want. A great

    book is The Way of the Superior Male by David Deida. It touches on the whole issue of male/female polarity and

    explains how it works. It's hard to be male in today's society because there is a lot of male-bashing and the

    world has changed in so many respects. Women want to have a life of their own, but they also want to be women and

    have men be men. It's a tough balance to get

    Last edited by Tester123; 12-08-2011 at 05:04 PM.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    Haven't we

    seen this conversation before, Tounge? Nothing changes, does it? Society tells us to be gentle and best buddies and

    show our feelings. Then we get to watch the guys who ignore it win the women.

    Yes this is so

    true. Men tried to be what they thought the modern women thought they should be. This goes against nature. Political

    and human whims come and go, but nature will never change.

    Same goes for parents who try to be their child's

    best friend instead of their parent. Doesn't work and never will.

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    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge View Post

    goes for parents who try to be their child's best friend instead of their parent. Doesn't work and never

    I know that one by heart. A former neighbor played that game while my kids got raised by a tyrant, I

    was called Hitler on steroids It's hell being so evil and wanting your kids to grow up to be responsible

    adults, especially in this society.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  24. #24
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    Being new here, I'm reading

    alot, and seeing lots of similar stories, guys, when you see a target, pull the trigger!

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    More Good


    First of all, the past few days I have been experimenting with a B-nol SoE clone

    (2A-nol: 2B-nol: 1 rone). I have definitely had positive results from it. I won’t bore you

    with my reinvention of the wheel, but suffice it to say that I have gotten quite a few “social hits” and

    no sexual ones (for one thing most of them involved heterosexual men ).

    So, today

    I decided I would bark up a different tree with Natalia. I opted to lower my Chikara to 1 spray on my chest while

    slopping on the SoE and it’s B-nol clone. I must have put on at least 15 inches of each one.

    I’ll spare you the tedious details and just say that we interacted the most, as well as the

    most seriously, since I began pursuing Natalia.
    One detail I should note though, at

    the end of class another guy kept trying to talk to her, he wouldn’t let her leave. By this time I had

    already gone, expecting her to follow behind me as usual, but she did not. After descending the first of three

    flights of steps I heard her speak dismissively, and in a rushed tone, to this other gentleman. After all but

    telling him to leave her alone, she ran (literally ran, no joke) down the stairs to catch up with me. Major ego

    stroke .

    I wish I could write about this in an interesting way,

    but basically I asked her if she was still up for coffee, (she said yes) and then asked for her phone number so I

    could call her to work out scheduling. I would have actually suggested a date and time, but she has a crazy

    schedule (goes to school all day, works nights, etc.) and it seemed best to wait till I could actually focus on that

    to set a date.

    I really meant for this to be a short post ...

    Anyway, I would definitely consider today to have been a success. So without

    influencing anyone’s opinion with my own half-assed brainstorming, I’ll just ask: What mones should I

    wear when we go out for coffee? Thank you.

    EDIT: I suppose it would be helpful if I said what mones I currently


    SoE Unscented
    Chikara Unscented
    Alpha A314 /m
    NPA /m
    Liquid Trust
    Lucky 7 Phero Chem


  26. #26
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    Nice work man, no clue on the

    combos as my first order is in transit. That's what I mean by pulling the trigger

  27. #27
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    First: Great job!


    Just to be clear... you wore 15" of Soe + 15" of your B-nol mix + 1 spray C7? That's a lotta stuff.


    What do you think worked in this mix?

    Fourth: My standard answer... use what you know works.

    Fifth: The

    problem with a complicated mix is that you don't know which -mone broke through. A single product or a simple mix

    allows you to understand situations with a definite mone signature based on a limited amount of variables. Once you

    know how a product works on you, then tweaking with complicated mixes is done with invaluable prior


    Sixth: Advice... go back to your simple SoE application to start. Keep in mind that you'll be much

    closer to her for a longer period of time, the ideal -mone situation. Your heavy mix may be a bit much being that

    intimate. I would say wait before adding -none.

    OTOH, you could go for broke and concoct your own winner. I

    hate to discourage experimentation, though I really think experience counts.

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    idesign --


    Thank You!

    Second: Yes, that is right. I had 15" of SoE + 15" of a B-nol SoE Clone spread around the

    backs of my hands, my neck and my jawline; Along with 1 spray of Chikara to my chest, just for good measure


    Third: Several things...
    (a) Aside from the Chikara I was essentially wearing straight

    SoE with some Bnol. I think that gave off enough of a (safe and tamed) sexual aura to pique her interest while the

    Bnol projected a sort of "Social King" image, if you will.
    (b) Like you said, that is a lot of stuff,

    particularly a lot of SoE et al. 30 inches is certainly an "overdose number." Now, she didn't overtly

    as though she were in an overdose state (except for chasing me after class), but I do think she

    "felt like" she were ODing. does that make sense?
    (c) I think less -none due to the reduced Chikara

    contributed to the "friendly nice guy" image I have been shooting for all along (in the past I have routinely used 2

    or more sprays). Admittedly, I may be off base here though.

    Fourth: I certainly understand the notion of

    sticking to what you know when there is something to be gained (or lost ). The reason I ask is that I feel

    like my goal should now be to build trust while mantaining (or escalating if at all safely possible) sexual


    Fifth: Yes, you are probably right. I do feel like I have pretty much mastered SoE and I am

    familiar with C7 and b-nol so adding one more chemical would be safe, I think. I wonder about A1 or LT, at

    least if I can get in some preliminary experimentation before the date.

    Sixth: Thank you for the advice, I had

    not really considered that. I think I will use no more than 15 inches of SoE and SoB-nol (clever huh?)

    combined. What is more, I doubt I will use none until after I have already gotten her into bed


    Once again, many thanks for all the feedback guys.

  29. #29
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    Dude, she obviously already

    trusts you, almost too much. You need her to start thinking of you sexually before you end up in the just friends

    category... Not sure what that means as far pheros goes, but it means you need to start acting a bit less like a

    friend to her and a bit more like a date.

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    Gmoney, I have really not

    gotten that feeling, but then again a fish doesn't know he is in a fishbowl. That is, I am not disagreeing with

    you, as what you say seems to ring true. But I must ask, what exactly makes you say that?

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