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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Ok thank you. That is

    certainly what I would intuit, it is just good to have your feedback. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Make sure to keep us posted on

    results! Good luck!

  3. #3
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    Ok, not to beat a dead horse

    here but I have been thinking...

    idesign, you said that I should add some -none outside of school-related

    interactions (i.e. coffee "date" or w/e). I would take it that you mean to say that I should keep the SoE + Chikara

    mix until then, no? Now, beyond that I see two possibilities (though admittedly, I may be nitpicking here),

    I should simply use SoE + NPA on the first "coffee date." The possible problem I foresee here is that

    a sudden change may confuse her, though given the change of setting, maybe not

    B) I should keep the SoE

    base (which I would do anyway) and use a small amount of both Chikara and NPA, like perhaps 1 spray

    and 1 dab, respectively. That way the mone profile is similar to what she is used to with me, just with a

    (hopefully) decidedly sexual edge.

    Again, I realize it may be silly to get caught up in such details, but I am

    more than a little OCD. Once again, thanks idesign, and anyone else who responds for that


  4. #4
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FutureKill View Post
    Ok, not

    to beat a dead horse here but I have been thinking...
    Oh what the hell, beat away... its best

    to get your strategy straight.

    Quote Originally Posted by FutureKill View Post
    idesign, you said that I should add some -none outside

    of school-related interactions (i.e. coffee "date" or w/e). I would take it that you mean to say that I should keep

    the SoE + Chikara mix until then, no? Now, beyond that I see two possibilities (though admittedly, I may be

    nitpicking here), B) I should keep the SoE base (which I would do anyway) and use a small amount of

    both Chikara and NPA, like perhaps 1 spray and 1 dab, respectively. That way the mone profile is similar to

    what she is used to with me, just with a (hopefully) decidedly sexual edge.
    You're thinking right I

    think, the good thing is you're thinking. I would choose option B. You might wait for the second "date" to

    introduce the -none, but that's your call in the field.

    Use NPA *very*judiciously to start, and increase in

    small amounts if required.

    Nitpicking now might just get you a Russian g/f.

    Good luck,

  5. #5
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    Yeah, and I won't even have

    to do the whole "mail order bride" thing.

    Once again, thanks for the feedback. I may even use "half-a-dab,"

    if you will, of NPA at first. Regardless, I will certainly post results as I make them.

  6. #6
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    Ok I know it has been awhile,

    but I haven't had much to report since my last post...

    Last Tuesday the Sexy Russian Girl was absent, much to my

    disappointment .

    Last Thursday I used the same mix as before. I did not get as pronounced results as before

    but I was still pleased, all things considered. I spoke to her briefly before class, and I was the only one she

    seemed interested in talking to, a good sign. We smiled at each other from half-way across the room twice, nothing

    special, but still another good sign. After class was over and I started to leave she waited until she could walk

    right beside me to get up (she sits closer to the door than I do). Also, she all but shoved this big guy out of the

    way to catch me. We started talking and she said she was tired and had been sick, I tried my best to show concern

    (not that I didn't care because I did, and I tried to show it). At that point we parted ways to head to our next


    Today was more interesting though. My most recent order arrived last week and I have been itching to

    use NPA ever since. I foolishly went ahead and used it today, despite my better judgment. I had ~12+ inches of SoE

    on my neck, a spray of Chikara at my solar plexus and a dab of NPA split between the tops of my hands, a little more

    on my right hand. Also, I sit with my left side closest to her which may or may not be of any consequence.


    she came into class she was shivering and I asked her if she was cold. "Yees, vary," she said with a grin and a

    Pussy Galore type accent (very hot). About this time class started, today the professor had us pair off to

    critique each other's essays. Sadly I was not paired with Ms. Galore. Despite what little interaction I had

    with her I did notice 3 DIHL from her. I briefly made eye contact with two, and maintained it until she looked away

    once. Neither one of us smiled, I am thinking that perhaps I should have initiated a smile . Once class

    was over she got up quickly and left. I certainly hope she was simply in a hurry but I really don't think that was

    the case.

    So, here is where you guys come in...
    In short, WTF happened? Here is my take on


    (1) Sadly I do think the addition of NPA was the primary culprit, what do you think? I probably

    should have held off on it for a little while.

    (2) With hindsight, it was very dumb of me not to smile at

    her. How much of a role do you think that played here?

    (3) Could where I put the various mones

    have had any bearing on my (lack of) results? I think probably not, but I would love to here your take on it.


    the next question is what should I do next? First and foremost I need to smile at her and be the first to do


    But that still leaves me with the issue of pheromonal problems. My gut tells me to simply cut out

    the NPA for now and re-titrate up the Chikara dosage. I did have another thought, though this may seem dumb given

    the supposed nature of my problem. That is to add something like A314 for the whole "respect vibe," or perhaps A1

    on it's own in the hopes that it will negate any alienation she may feel towards me.

    That is really what I want

    to know. what do you guys think I should do with my mone profile at this point?

    Also, do you think her

    inattentiveness could be caused by something else entirely?

    Once again I apologize for such a long and drawn out

    post. Thank you ever so much to anyone who responds.

  7. #7
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    How About "Want to meet up for some

    coffee after class?"?
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

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