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  1. #1
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Jul 2006
    Where Velvet Darkness is Kissed by Golden Starlight
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    Must say that the "Miracle Mineral Supplement" That is promoted by Jim Humble is

    very good shit, fantastic actually.

    First off i read the book written by Jim Humble and then i started using the MMS formula

    myself with amazing results obtained.

    And for less than $20 a 4 oz bottle will last for well over a



    type in into your search engine so as to

    download free part one of Jim Humbles book and have a read.

    To order the 4 oz bottle this is the adress i

    used to order mine that arrived here in Australia in about 6 days. the 4oz bottle of MMS comes in an

    unbreakable bottle that has a built in dropper that works perfectly and the product arrives with a proper



    anyone who may order this product then be sure to read the mixing instructions so as the catalyistic process that

    takes 3 minutes is appropriate.

    This stuff really works and is not a scam.

    When the three minute catalyistic process is

    completed with the drops and you are ready to add water or juice before drinking then do NOT use orange juice or

    any juice that has any vitamin C added to it as it will hinder the healing effects by 75%.

    So do not overlap the the ingestion of the MMS preparation with the ingestion

    of any orange juice or vitamin C product for at least 1 and 1/2

    Jim Humble who has treated thousands of patients and can prove it, says MMS will eliminate

    cancer, and aids, and maleria and nutralise poisons and associated diseases in not weeks but in days from the body.

    Also those with maleria and aids went went back to work after several days of their first treatment.

    Last edited by Bruce; 01-20-2008 at 02:28 PM.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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