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  1. #1
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    Default Blog post that makes fun of pheromones?



    I don't want to get people all pissed off about this, but this was a blog post I found when searching for

    "Athena 10x". It is part funny part offensive, and implies that pheromones smell bad and don't work. (Since it is

    indexed on google when searching for athena 10x it may deter people from buying it)

    I read this blog at a

    time when I thought pheromones were still bogus, and I was this close to never searching for them again, luckily, I

    found this forum after that and started the research back up. In moments of doubt I think of this blog post and

    wonder if I'm just fooling myself about pheromones, but I know the science is there and snap out of it.


    what did this guy do wrong, wear too much? My guess is he was just trying to be funny and not taking the testing

    seriously. He does make pheromones sound very bad, and strongly deterred me from trying them until I found more

    info. But hey - he also saved me from buying Athena 10x which the forum said they had little luck with. I was THIS

    close to buying 10x, right before I read that blog and then found this forum somehow? I forget how, a search of some

    sort. Anyways, thought I'd post this blog to see, what do you think about it?

  2. #2
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by starvulture View Post

    I don't want to get

    people all pissed off about this, but this was a blog post I found when searching for "Athena 10x". It is part funny

    part offensive, and implies that pheromones smell bad and don't work. (Since it is indexed on google when searching

    for athena 10x it may deter people from buying it)

    I read this blog at a time when I thought pheromones were

    still bogus, and I was this close to never searching for them again, luckily, I found this forum after that and

    started the research back up. In moments of doubt I think of this blog post and wonder if I'm just fooling myself

    about pheromones, but I know the science is there and snap out of it.

    So what did this guy do wrong, wear too

    much? My guess is he was just trying to be funny and not taking the testing seriously. He does make pheromones sound

    very bad, and strongly deterred me from trying them until I found more info. But hey - he also saved me from buying

    Athena 10x which the forum said they had little luck with. I was THIS close to buying 10x, right before I read that

    blog and then found this forum somehow? I forget how, a search of some sort. Anyways, thought I'd post this blog to

    see, what do you think about it?
    The main pheromone that the link relates to

    is Pherlure which the majority of actual users report as a dud product in about 99% of instances, It has been stated

    that the fragrance is satisfactory although.

    I have used all of the gel packs featured and reported on and it is very

    obvious that it is the intention of this rival to discredit the love -Scent products.

    I have used the gel packs very

    frequently for over one year and i can honestly state that i have never received a single negative comment from

    either friends or strangers when wearing an application of these products in close contact


    The pheromone contents of each particular gel pack product vary in their specific formulations and

    each is designed to suit a certain target application.

    In as much as each individual will produce

    their own natural pheromones , then the product and amount used of the concentrated synthetic pheromone will vary in

    effects from person to person.

    These gel packs are not expensive and personally after several weeks of initial experimentation i

    had managed to come to a knowledge of the pheromone products that enhanced my pheromone signature and i have had

    some amazing encounters of attraction social and also sexual on enough occasions for me to continue with the use of

    my chosen products for over one year of use, up until this very day.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  3. #3
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    Good points - that's good

    to hear that you've never had a single complaint.

    From the posts I've read from you it sounds like you've

    had very good results with pheromones - I can't believe that you've only been using pheromones for a year because

    you seem like an expert.

  4. #4
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Terry's right. We all know the

    stuff works.

    I think this guy was just searching for a comedy routine.

  5. #5
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by starvulture View Post
    Good points - that's good to hear that you've never had a single complaint.


    the posts I've read from you it sounds like you've had very good results with pheromones - I can't believe that

    you've only been using pheromones for a year because you seem like an expert.
    I used my first pheromone product about eleven years ago and the success i had with the product was

    very good actually better than i had expected when i consider the comments and attraction i received from females at

    the time i was using it.

    I met my current g/f at the time i was

    applying the product and she would often comment that "you have that sexy smell again" I gave the bottle away 2/3rds

    full to a mate who was desperate for a date, but i did not see him again, so i hope it worked as well for him as it

    did for me.

    And yes i have tried to get the product again but

    the retailer has moved and the current stockist has not heard of the product, and it was my search for it that lead

    me to discover love-Scent.
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 11-18-2007 at 05:52 PM. Reason: x spell
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post
    Terry's right. We all know the stuff works.

    I think this guy was just searching for

    a comedy routine.
    The guy comes across as kind of a tool.

    That being said, I tried a lot of

    pheros before I found ones that work. Really understand that the early years say 2000 - 2002 were pretty rough.

    Until SOE and then A1 and then Chikara hit the market I wasn't getting the hits I wanted.

    PI did nothing for

    me (still pretty much does nothing), Edge was hit and miss, for the most part miss and too strong, and the original

    APC which I bought time and time again did absolutely nothing. I also tried that Athena10x bs and I don't think it

    worked at all. Actually my super feminist gf at the time found it, flipped out and threw out the bottle.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesdeanmartin View Post

    guy comes across as kind of a tool.

    Nope , a total tool.
    He reminds me of those guys you

    meet at parties that think they are funny by insulting everyone. They don't realise people are laughing at them,

    not with them.
    early 40's white male or or

  8. #8
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    I can see that, after reading

    the archives when I first started a few months ago, and the recent reports of "hits and mixes", that the whole

    industry, culture and userlevel has changed.

    So much of the archives is custom mixes of relatively unknown

    products to achieve what the experimenters knew to be out there but did not have the sophistication (or even

    quality?) of the current products. That era spawned the "cookbook" and the "pheromone chart", which are still

    useful today if you care to study them. Pioneers like Jambat and others cranked out the early scenes of destruction

    and laid the groundwork for today's L-S culture. Even now you'll see a post quoting "JB-x" or some such mix from

    the innovative early trials.

    I suppose there are as many mixes now, but users today have a better choice from

    among more sophisticated and advanced products. As each company changes its formula and improves (or lowers) its

    quality and effectiveness, we have all-new chemicals to work with.

    And today its more than just sex-hits. SoE

    is supremely popular for its standalone ability to engage in non-sexual situations, as is AQ. A314 has become a

    work-mone of choice, along with popular mixing ability.

    The pheromone culture seems to have moved from blatant to

    subtle, and even among the sex-oriented reports there is nuance, with exceptions.

    Some of the old timers can

    chime in here, what changes have you seen in product effectiveness and personal mix changes? My guess would be that

    that longer you've used pheromones the more change you've seen.

    I suppose also that the "mainstream" will

    view human pheromones as kind of a silly human interest story in the foreseeable future, right after the evening

    news report of a baby being born naked, and the news team exchanging cute smiles just before signing off.


    also that the further the real science develops, the greater the number of rip-offs there'll be.

  9. #9
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    Thats an insightful post,

    Idesign. I think it explains some good things for a newbie.

    1. That explains why the experienced pheromone

    users are so adept at mixing - early formulas were not premixed. Though I am sure there is still benefit in mixing,

    before there were more products, mixing was probably THE way to get results, and now mixing simply enhances


    2. I personally like that pheromones aren't taken seriously by most - I wouln't want every single

    guy wearing pheromones or it would lose its advantage, then everyone would have to wear them and it would completely

    even out the competition. I like the idea that I could go out with pheromones in a public place and it would be

    unlikely that another guy there is also wearing them. I mean if they found out that women absolutely loved say, a

    certain type of shoe on guys, if most guys were wearing the shoe, it would just be normal and cancel out its


  10. #10
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Thanks starvulture, but I don't

    know about insightful, just some observations, I'm still new here, but I read a LOT. I may be a case of someone

    who reads just enough to make him dangerous.

    Funny about the social unacceptance of -mones. Sailing on the open

    ocean is always exhilarating.

    I'd love to hear from some of the more experienced users, but philosophizing is

    not all that much fun.

    Terry and jdm have great stories. Maybe a good new thread, "now and then", or more

    sappily "the way we were".

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