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  1. #1
    Full Member Spiderweb's Avatar
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    Default NPA is da total bomb

    Oh man, last

    night was one hell of a trip with drop spread behind ears covered with cheap jovan musk...everywhere i

    went, all the guys were scared to look at me, but all the women were freakin going out of their minds with dihl,

    blatant body language and sneaky looks and way i can say it is : total respect and power...i mean,

    it literally was like i was hulk hogan and everyone was afraid to make eye contact..but it was power in a good way

    as all the women were turned on...i have never gotten that type of massive respect hit from anything but

    npa...except for the old primal instinct, i think i used to get that with 2 drops..but it didtn have the sexual

    effects npa has...iMO, npa is the best damn thing out there, LEcroy should be congradulated on a perfect mix.

  2. #2
    Full Member Spiderweb's Avatar
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    wow, just had to do this

    update: wore same mix to work today, and this tall blonde sheriffs deputy hot woman just walks in to serve a

    garnishment on some employee..anyway, women this hot who also are sheriffs deputies deal with some of the hardest

    guys, and they themsleves have to be hardened to be in this line of work, so she did her best to put up that massive

    direct eye contact im tougher than you law enforcement persona, but she melted due to the npa...the npa gave me like

    a super confidence and we ended up talking making like total direct eye, locking eyes and she started fluttering her

    words and blushing..and after wards, she looked at me directly in the eyes and smiled and said it was very nice

    talking to me...once again, npa melts even the harddest of law enforcement hearts..damn, i love this stuff...its

    hard as hell to get dis respected when you have npa might get avoided or become invisible on an npa

    od,..but never disrespected...i just dont see it happening but i could be gives me a raw power that i

    dont get from anything else, including alpha 7....go figure.

  3. #3
    Stranger Goomba's Avatar
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    Hi bro

    How long you take

    using NPA? you got the same results using a drop that dabs or mix with cologne?

  4. #4
    Phero Guru
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    Default I had to smile

    about your

    encounter with a policewoman. Long ago I was wearing a pretty stiff dose of AE/m and driving home when I was

    stopped for speeding (55 MPH in a 30 MPH zone) by a tall blonde female state trooper. I rolled down my window and

    her whole demeanor changed, all smiles, fidgety, almost fawning (you can't beat the amount of mones getting into

    their noses when you open a car window), and she very gently let me off with a warning.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  5. #5
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Great post


    I'd say that to decide whether this really works or not in a sexual way would be if you

    were able to obtain some definite sexual response and interaction. Thing is that great respect and sense of power

    could also mean that you're possibly bordering to an OD, meaning you'd still get respect but you'd not be able to

    pull or score because when they get in close enough range they'll all of a sudden get turned off instead.


    as a caution if you wear this mix two days in a row there will most likely be an effect from the previous day

    working on the second day if you're not making sure to scrub your application points first.

    If I'm getting

    excessive respect I start getting weary if I'm having an OD, but having a beautiful woman within whisper range is

    always a winner.

    How old are you btw?

    Let us know how it goes, most interesting indeed!

  6. #6
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    NPA is indeed the most effective

    of all products although Edge is just a dilute version.

    Good hit report - shows you're paying attention.

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast
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    I've had similar experiences

    with NPA and other androstenone pheromones. I've also noticed that it makes womens voices softer and higher

    pitched. The blushing and flushing occurs just about every time.

  8. #8
    Full Member Spiderweb's Avatar
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    i am a 40 year old white male,

    about 5'7, not too tall, with reddish hair and a kinda round stomach..and i have a cherubic face that would give

    richie cunningham a run for his money...and with npa on and a cover of jovan musk, i have big black guys defer to me

    and treat me with respect, and wont even look me in the eye..this is prolly a borderline npa od, but its good...when

    one guy who is twice my size gets brave and tries to meet my gaze, he quickly looks away if i stare at him and

    challenge him..i also find that i myself act differently with npa, like it makes me high i carry myself more

    alpha, more masucline, more powerful, like i know i have this invisible aura of an alpha male surrounding me,. like

    i see myself as an average guy, but eveyrone else sees me as the hulk...seriuosly, i kid you not..and women will

    look at me nervously, check me out...of course, only had one woman today at hte post office kinda look back at me

    and shake her head and kinda grin like she was telling the post office worker "wonder how he can stand to smell that

    bad"..however, when i challenged them with a look, they both turned their heads quickly like say"excuse

    me" and yes sir me to death, and the women, they all seem enthralled by my prescense..i work with a tall nubian

    black woman, and she and i engaged in some pretty close conversation today for about 30 min..with alot of touching,

    she getting right up in my personal space, laughing and smiling and eye i could tell she wanted

    me..actually, pretty much every woman that i engage, the npa makes me very confident so i make major eye contact and

    feel so large, and they just respond you can tell with the dihl and are almost in awe of me...i think npa is the

    closest thing we hve to a true sexual attractant that is consistent, at least for me..other mones work well at

    various times, but nothign gives me the power, respect and sexual attraction all at once like npa..also, i did a few

    rolls of soe on me, which i think helps alot..the soe alone gives me a firendly vibe but not the respect factor as

    much...its like icing onthe cake for the npa, which i believe is the big time powerhouse here...if you could combine

    the exact ingredients of npa with maybe a touch of nol, it would be a killer ass mone...

    i feel literally high

    from npa, like a confident cocky high that makes me prolly act more masculine also...its like it makes me energized

    or somehting..i literally feel like i could just tap a girl on the shoulder and say "lets go"and she would say

    "okay"....i know im prolly close to an od, but its not a bad thing, cause the power is wild..last night, wathcing a

    whole row of guys look at their shoes, watch or anything other than glare back at me as i looked at them was

    wild..and seeing the women keep sneaking looks at me and turning their bodies towards me and blushing..i felt like i

    had died and was reincarnated as brad, if i was just putting this stuff on and expecting to see women

    drop their panties, i would conclude that mones dont work..but you have to be able to see the body langauge, eye

    contact, the smiles, the dihl, in other words, the unconcous reactions of women that make you realize they are

    totally attracted to score would be up to me, but i feel like i am 85% of the way their just by walking

    inthe room with npa on, without it, i would be prolly about 5% of the way there as the only thing i have going for

    me is i dress nice and look like i might have a few bucks..i have a bradyish look from the pickup artist show on

    vh1, kinda sweet look, but with npa, im king kong...go figure...i was a big fan of the edge, but it was more of a

    hit or miss...npa i think works a bit better...

    so, im wondering...i guess its impossible for an npa od to go

    bad..anyone have any thoughts on this? i know i still have to actually pick up a chick, but just getting looked at

    like im hot is at least a good thing, and to have big men defer to me makes me think that jkohl is right, mones

    affect our VISUAL assessment of looks, not the looks themselves..i mean, i guess if i was a big fatass and ugly as

    shit, maybe it would knock me up from being a 3 to an 7, but since im prolly a 5, people ratchet me up on teh value

    scale to 9...i get more perception of being a high status male with npa than i do with a314

  9. #9
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Arrrrrrrrrrrgggggggg, where's the

    delete button??? I managed to post twice...

  10. #10
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Great going! Did you actually

    cover on top of the application points? And how do you extract the drop from the bottle?

  11. #11
    Full Member Spiderweb's Avatar
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    well, im afraid that if i

    touch the top of the bottle iwth my finger, my skin bacteria will affect the mones in the bottle, i may be wrong on

    that, so i let a freaking drop fall out onto my finger, with my finger maybe dabbing the outside of the plastic

    dropper to capture the drop, a little bit more than one drop comes out i think, so i just smear it behind both ears

    and cover with jovan musk, with a refresher cover needed every few hours...i meanh, you could literally take some

    dimestore cheap cologne with the scrwoff tops, and mix a few drops of npa in it and have one hell of a cologne, but

    so far , the direct drops and then covered seem to work for me...i share an office with an old 56 year old woman who

    is touch as nails and is very hard and masculine, although sweet at times, she has a drill seargent demenour and can

    stare at you with her eyes and make you feel about 2 feet tall, she will be back to work on thursday..somedays she

    rides my case about stuff and everyone is scared of her cause she is so tough..a real tennessee country girl who was

    raised in the country and was wild as a, i wonder what she will do when confronted with an npa

    overdose..she may scream uncle and demur to me as the new alpha, or flee the office praying for an upstairs

    office, remains to be seen if she will shudder in fear as do most others.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spiderweb View Post
    well, im

    afraid that if i touch the top of the bottle iwth my finger, my skin bacteria will affect the mones in the

    NPA has plenty of alcohol; you should be OK.

  13. #13
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Exclamation Warning

    NPA can give one a sense

    of hightened self-worth. That can be helpful but remember the Biblical wisdom:

    "Pride goest before

    destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall."

    In other words, don't let a smell go to your head and make

    you do something stupid.

  14. #14
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whitehall View Post
    NPA can

    give one a sense of hightened self-worth. That can be helpful but remember the Biblical wisdom:

    "Pride goest

    before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall."

    In other words, don't let a smell go to your head and

    make you do something stupid.
    A Biblical scholar as I live and breathe!

    Related: "What thinketh a man

    in his heart, so is he".

    A dual edged sword can cut either way. The sharp blade tempered with humility conquers

    with restraint.

    Personally, I constantly OD on NPA, maybe haven't found the right mix/dose.

  15. #15
    Full Member Spiderweb's Avatar
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    you are right

    whitehall...thanks for a Word from the Good Book...

    YOu know, something has happened that i was wondering if

    anyone can shed some light on...i read on another post that the best way to get rid of an od is to use hand

    sanitizer on application points..some guy even carries the bottle round with him for that purpose, so today, i was

    assuming i must have really od'd i applied some hand sanitizer to my application points, ( behind both

    ears ) and let it dry...i didnt wash it off but reapplied more npa over those spots..and it didnt do a damn

    thing..actually, something happened where i felt very nervous, diminished, and not myself, a real super downer..and

    im thinking, what the f-? my cocky high that i usually get was gone with the wind and it was like the hand sanitzer

    literally ate up the npa's secret ingredients and i got almost a reverse effect of an uneasy weakened tired

    feeling...strange...anyone know what the hell happened...i assume once i wash those application points things will

    be back to this is what i did..could this have affected my result?

    applied the liquid purell hand

    sanitzer over application points

    let it dry....did not wash off...

    about 30 min later, applied another drop

    of npa over those spots...

    result...i felt like my power was greatly gone or diminshed or somehting was like way

    not right...felt weakened or diminished in some way..walked into a mickey dees and neither the staff nor customers

    even acknowledged my prescense, and i felt very much tired....

    anyone have any idea? my guess is perhaps the

    residue from the sanitizer may have altered the npa in some way or even been so effective in eliminating mones that

    i was completely moneless and back to my old self, or i had such a massive od that it freaked even myself out, but i

    applied a large glob of hand sanitzer to both application points so maybe it was so strong that it ate up EVERYTHING

    i had applied...mmmm...i need insight into this

  16. #16
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Purel hand sanitizer is no more

    than alcohol in a gel base. It does not remove mones but may spread them around more or even push them deeper into

    your skin. But, unless you wash or wipe the sanitizer away with something the mones will still be there. It is

    possible that the alcohol killed the bacteria on your skin that causes conversion but that's about it.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  17. #17
    Phero Guru
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    Default sounds to me

    like the old lady

    in your office spiked the hand soap with Kryptonite. I'd keep an eye on her.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  18. #18
    Full Member Spiderweb's Avatar
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    thanks...yeah, i guess the

    hand sanitzer thing may not work unless you wash it off....i always run into this situation wiht just about every

    mone i try...i thinkt his happened with the old pi..the first few days i was a movie star, then one day, nobody will

    look at me...gotta be classic od...

    the guy that invents the phero eraser will be a rich man indeed...

  19. #19
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    the hits are back..must have

    been an OD...i washed applcation points with soap and water today, and starting getting hits immediately...dang,

    those are persistent little buggers...guess one direct application of npa is good for 2 days...

  20. #20
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    ODs depend on your audience


    A woman during her time of the month will be very sensitive to OD. A drunk woman ovulating will be most

    appreciative of a heavy whiff.

    I too find that using NPA two days in a row is too much, even with showering.

    Haven't tried a "sanitizer" yet but I suspect that applying that to an old application site can revoliltize the

    decomposition products that stink so much.

    As to "Pride goest..." I've found through hard experience that my

    biggest life screwups came after a I've grown a big head.

  21. #21
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    I went out with a 1 drop A314 under the ears and 1 between wrists and a drop NPA on the end of my

    chin, later on at the supermarket i was hit on several times with some women following me and stopping beside when i

    stopped, u know the usual stuff.

    One woman old enough to be my

    mother instigated conversation with me in the cerial isle and started to talk about a variety of grains, but she had

    that look in her eye and i think she sort of suprised herself by starting the small


    The young girl at the checkout greeted me about as

    hostile as she probably could have under the circumstances like as if she had a big problem with me, i knew the

    score so i gave her a big smile and a wink, she then turned red and said thank you sir as kurtly as she


    The guys i met along the way were as respectfull and

    attentive to my words and whims, and as friendly as anything, its funny getting looks of admiration from boys and

    young men the age of my sons ha ha, i just smile and give them the thumb up and a nod, as they always seem pleased

    to be acknowledged.

    I use my chin tip as a usual place to

    spread a drop of NPA and i recon a lather and shave the next morning followed by a shower cleans up the old phero

    site real good.
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 10-03-2007 at 05:47 PM. Reason: x spell
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  22. #22
    Phero Enthusiast
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    I've definitely felt that

    "cocky, masculine high/buzz" from wearing NPA.

    I never tried it behind my ears...but this post makes me want to

    try that...will do, tomorrow.

    Anyhow, I agree it works great. How is it that you feel the buzz when it's behind

    your ears though?

  23. #23
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    Wasn't NPA supposed to be an

    additive o_o?

    Its alright to just use it by itself? Wouldn't it be too strong?

  24. #24
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulrift View Post
    Wasn't NPA supposed to be an additive o_o?

    Its alright to just use it by itself?

    Wouldn't it be too strong?
    You are right as LaCroy ( its manufacturers )

    designed NPA to be added to a cologne of your choice at the ratio of of about 1 to six as their website says add 5ml

    to 30ml cologne/perfume,

    They also say can use 2 to 3 drops directly to shirt or clothes.

    I have my doubts if they are actually in

    touch with exactly how potent the stuff really is because even a few small dabs can be sufficient for some users,

    and others need a drop, i can wear 2 drops and get good results.

    The NPA concentrate is a world class

    pheromone in every respect and once a user gets his dosage just right he will have to put the workers in the seed

    factory on overtime penalty rates as his sex life can be projected into the sensual dimension big time.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  25. #25
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spiderweb View Post
    the hits

    are back..must have been an OD...i washed applcation points with soap and water today, and starting getting hits

    immediately...dang, those are persistent little buggers...guess one direct application of npa is good for 2

    Good observation, Soap and water seems to be working for too. So then, since you're able to

    measure this so well maybe you could post up on your experiences on how day two goes with no added applications, and

    also day three with a new dose? Then we should be able to get a good idea on how it works over time to hopefully be

    able to increase the consistency of results.

    Quote Originally Posted by Whitehall View Post
    A woman during her time of the

    month will be very sensitive to OD. A drunk woman ovulating will be most appreciative of a heavy

    So approaching ladies out in bars/clubs that is overly dressed up makes a lot of sense as to find

    them at the best time.

  26. #26
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by gfunk View Post

    approaching ladies out in bars/clubs that is overly dressed up makes a lot of sense as to find them at the best

    Fortune cookie once read, "Women that has the hunger, more than likely, are the ones

    that are nicely made up (hair & make up), shows the most cleavage, legs (revealing stuff), and wears more jewelry

    than normal."
    No matter where you're at.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  27. #27
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    Anyone here ever comapred NPA to


    I have A7 and TE (which I read was like a weakned version of NPA) but maybe I should buy this next...

    unless someone thinks the results might be the same as A7 or TE.

  28. #28
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    TE and NPA are the same thing.

    The only difference is that NPA is about 5X stronger than TE and was originally intended to mix with your own


    A7 has a greater number of mones in it so you really can't compare it to TE. It is a high -none

    product so be careful mixing it with TE, which is also a high -none product.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  29. #29
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rubio View Post

    here ever comapred NPA to A7?

    I have A7 and TE (which I read was like a weakned version of NPA) but maybe I

    should buy this next... unless someone thinks the results might be the same as A7 or TE.
    TE is easy to use and is good because if yr using it as a standalone then 5 drops would give you

    better coverage area than 1 drop of NPA which would give you nearly the same pheromone application


    NPA is good if you want to make up a pheromone /

    cologne mix , Even so it is not advised to go and mix it all with cologne untill you are positive about the

    concentrations that suit you, so in the initial trials with your first NPA it is advisable to make up small test mix

    batches so as not to waste the entire contents if you get it wrong.

    NPA can also be dabbed on the body or clothing, and with a little blast of cologne and you are

    away, For some reason i get better results by applying several dabs under the ears or a drop on the tip of my chin

    gives amazing results, or a drop between my wrists and another on the chin or couple dabs below the ears, it all

    depends on what my main agenda is at the time as to how much and to where i will


    The reason that my dabbing preference may be more

    effective is because i may not be skillfull enough in my mixes with NPA, Even so i have good success when mixing

    Alpha 7, or A314, sometimes i mix these two together at 1 x A 7 + 2 x A314 which i consider a very magnetic mix once

    the ice has been broken with the chick.

    In answer to your

    question re comparing A7 with NPA. It is understandable that A7 is a more approachable formula and less blatantly

    sexual as NPA because the Androsterone in the A7 softens it and adds a somewhat smooth gentleman effect,It's real

    enticing stuff, and with a little game sweet talk the girl will be yours.

    But if the girl is bang material then NPA will get her over the line into the moisture zone most

    Last edited by terry0400-40; 10-04-2007 at 04:19 PM. Reason: add word
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  30. #30
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    For some reason i get better results by applying

    several dabs under the ears or a drop on the tip of my chin gives amazing results, or a drop between my wrists and

    another on the chin or couple dabs below the ears, it all depends on what my main agenda is at the time as to how

    much and to where i will apply.
    This is very interesting T, would you please tell us the

    different reactions on the different application points? Also when you say tip of your chin, you mean where you have

    sideburns? Also do you cover it up these places?

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