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  1. #1

    Default External Variables

    truth questioned the role personality plays with pheromone usage. I think it\'s worth exploring.

    We\'ve covered the age thing (and alongside that, the issue of natural phero output). This includes member recommended products and usage instructions.

    We\'ve covered, to an extent, the \"whens and hows\" with respect to womens responsiveness to phero\'s. This includes very lengthy debate and discussion from our knowledgeable phero\' heavyweights.

    I suppose people have occasionally dropped hints regarding how one conveys themselves when interacting with their targets, but it\'s never been thoroughly discussed. I think it might be worth its own topic, especially from the viewpoint of a 23 year old virgin [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] I sure do have to wonder about how people really acted, when so-and-so just wanted to jump their bones. The manner in which it is described, makes the situation sound like it \"just happens\". Life has dictated otherwise to me, else I wouldn\'t be bent out of shape about it!

    truth asked, \"Theoretically, what should an outgoing vs. shy guy wear?\"

    I\'ve actually pondered that before. It is not enough to just say, \"Just be outgoing\", because I have had enough occasions of being turned down or just ignored, and that is well before I can get any words in. How the hell, then, can my personality be judged unworthy, when I haven\'t been given the chance to show it? I wanted to think pheros would allow me that chance. I\'m definitely a split Intro/Extro. I can be content just being quiet, but eventually I snap and have to say something. I\'m usually received well by strangers (ala car enthusiast gatherings) but not by women.

    I don\'t see where I can be intimidating, either. I mean, I look about as diminutive as the former Saturday Night Live comic, David Spade. I\'m 5\'8\", 150lb, with young features. I\'m pretty small compared to the average person.

    Would it be possible, even, if today\'s younger women, perhaps more dependent on looks (which I KNOW should not be an issue, but still) might see me, with the pheros, and wonder to themselves:

    \"This guy seems interesting, he\'s got this sexy vibe, but he doesn\'t look like that kind of alpha-male type. So I\'m not interested.\"

    Maybe James might have good insight on it. But something does not make sense. I have only revealed to one friend (who\'s about as unlucky in relationships as myself) about my phero usage. How the hell is it, that I can be the only one wearing pheros, but yet my friends (who don\'t need pheros or attention, since they\'re mostly taken(!)) basically get \'hits\'. Did I just make them somehow seem better?

    On top of that, nobody that I know had to go overboard, spend many $$ on wardrobes, go to clubs, bend over backwards, etc. I have always regarded myself as an eligible dude, and it should even be better now that I have a new job. I paid my dues now, and it\'s time to collect.

    Anyhow, given all that I\'ve said, and what truth has asked, let\'s get some input, please.

    Thank you.

  2. #2

    Default Re: External Variables


    If you are a quiet guy why don\'t you try somewhere more condusive to your personality. When I was your age I had good success at libraries,bookstores,smaller parties. I wouldn\'t suggest going to noisy clubs or bars. Now that I\'m older my \"strong & silent\" gig doesn\'t work as well...i.e. now the pheros to hopefully kick start my social life. Actually, I suggest you go practice at a local bar just to get more experience talking to women. I used to do that sometimes with no intention of anything physical(not into bar skanks like some of my friends!). You\'ll find with practice that talking is the easy part. Closing the deal is where artistry and experience can help. But again just be confident. Good luck.

  3. #3

    Default Re: External Variables

    Had that problem for a while i guess you need to wear the pheros but stop looking for sex and really make an effort make them come to you and work out a little build up and you might notice a slight difference there is something in being bigger lead those that are interested along and you will notice that after a while things will get interesting get a wide group of acquintences and it will raise youre chances a litte.

  4. #4

    Default Re: External Variables

    Actually i had another thought while wearing pheros and getting to know women make a point of doing things to improve youre lot in life work out investing working etc and make a point of rubbing it in to these women in a nice way and just stay friends let them see the improvement and when they get frustrated that youre getting ahead and they arent slowing you down in life (women like to do this if someone they know gets things done its uncomforting to them and they will fuck you blind to keep you distracted from getting ahead in life - my weird logic again but it worked for me thats the missing ingredient that you need trust me lol.

  5. #5

    Default Re: External Variables

    Hey, I\'d like to hear some thoughts about the personality/phero issue. Some say that -none should be used by outgoing guys and -nol by shy guys. However, -none may get a shy guy noticed more, and too much -none on an outgoing guy may be intimidating.

  6. #6
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: External Variables


    I believe that we can all use pheros to our benefit if we take what we know about other people\'s perception of ourselves and work from there.

    There\'s the huge, outgoing, neanderthal brute, and the shy, diminutive, girly-man. Like most of you, I fall somewhere between these descriptions. I think the best way to take advantage of the range of Pheromones at our disposal is to attempt to approach the mid-point of this line with the image that we convey.

    That\'s not to say that we should ignore the pheromone or the projection of the image that typifies our particular type. Both the caveman and the sensitive guy are desirable personality types to women, and we should try to enhance the projection of both images.

    A small or shy guy who does not project a \"larger than life\" image would do well to use the maximum effective dose of A-None to give himself more \"presence\", more \"impact\". But he should also use A-Nol and A-Rone to supplement and thus enhance the characteristics that he already projects naturally.

    On the other hand, the big intimidating guy should maximize the A-Nol/Rone dosage to mitigate the effects that his size might contribute to his perceived image. But again, add some small bit of A-None to complement his masculinity.

    One of the most important images to avoid projecting is the \"trying too hard\" image. Regrettably, after repeated lack of success, this is an image that it\'s very hard NOT to convey.
    While I can\'t endorse all the prescribed methods one sees on seduction type sites elsewhere, I will contend that to some degree a cavalier attitude is more advantageous than detrimental.
    You don\'t want to give the impression that you don\'t give a shit whether a girl likes you or not, but then neither do you want to convey a sense of desperation. Again we must find a balance, an equilibrium of interest/desire and indifference.

    Public Speaking courses teach various ways of controlling nervousness when speaking to large crowds, such as picturing the audience in their underwear, or naked.
    It helps to have a method of talking to girls along this line. Pretend that she DOESN\'T have something that you desperately want. Imagine that you\'re just striking up a conversation to pass the time. Talk to her like she was a guy. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  7. #7
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    Default Re: External Variables

    Hi guys,been lurking here forever and the old forum to.Intresting topic.had to jump in on this one.Wilde,I\'m 6\'3\"tall,weigh about 185 so I\'m not really what I would call huge.I\'m also very shy.Now I\'ve found that at my height I tend to intimadate alot of guys let alone females.So what do you think wouid work for this type?Oh yeah.I\'m 44.

  8. #8
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: External Variables


    Welcome Aboard!
    I\'m 47, 6\'0\"/@250 and I get great results from an Issey/NPA (5:1) sprayed on chest, with SOE @2 in. under each ear, 2 to 3 in. on center of throat, and @2 to 4 in. on wrists and backs of hands. I roll out the SOE onto the back of the hand, then rub it in with the opposite wrist.
    Other stuff has worked well for me too, but this is what I\'m using now.
    Smiling and eye-contact help a lot too!

    Good Luck!
    Oscar [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  9. #9

    Default Re: External Variables

    I started using pheros because like all of us here, we want some improvement in our lives, if not sexual, at least social. My personality is really conflicting from the image that my physicality projects. I learned from my old friend that when she first met me, I looked like unapproachable and that I have a big problem and that made her not want to approach me. In contrast, I think I\'m actually asking myself why is it so hard for strangers to make friends with me. Since then, I\'ve learned to be just as happy as I could and not worry about other people. Even if I\'m walking alone, I make sure that I\'m wearing a little smile on the face and I look at people\'s eyes. Doing this, it makes me feel comfortable around people and it uplifts my whole personality.

    I don\'t care about what people think of me anymore. I make myself happy and the rest follows. The pheros that I use is just an added emphasis to what I project physically. I maybe wearing NONE but it should not intimidate people because they can see that I\'m happy and I\'m lively. So if the girls see me lively, smiling and joking, but still they feel that I\'m in charge (ANONE), then maybe there\'s romance lurking somewhere.

    So it doesn\'t matter what you wear. Do this for yourself and don\'t expect too much from others. Make yourselves happy and people will want to be around you because they want to feel the same as you do.

    [ February 10, 2002: Message edited by: Redcapp ]

  10. #10

    Default Re: External Variables

    My main reason for bothering to look up this kind of info, was that I wanted something that could really help. In my environment, I am somewhat \"the odd man out\".

    I turned here to find a new approach toward breaking the ice with women. Obviously, I would need to get past this part before anything else can happen.

    Of course, now I\'m aware that SOE might help in this regard.. but so far, the jury in my head is still out. At least it\'s a step in the right direction.. at work.

    I happen to be at a prime in my life, with the exception that I\'m basically the only one who never has a GF, never gets any interest signs, and have zero experience. This issue is rather sensitive to me now, because I cannot talk to very many people in my peer group without being insulted for virginity (from both guys and girls) and how dare people say something is wrong with me!

    I really do not like making plans with friends in advance, only to have them canceled and trumped because their GF\'s want to do something. Being a third wheel is damn aggravating now [img]images/icons/mad.gif[/img] So is hearing about friends my age throwing in the towel already (marriage) and the only naked women near my age that I\'ve seen was in the strip bar. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    I\'ve learned some hard lessons, without much good coming from them. Sure, I got to figure out firsthand what a DIHL was, but that was well before my exposure to \'mone\'s. I know how I got there, and I know about that \"KINO\" thing, which works wonders. But I obviously have to have the chick\'s interests first! And I don\'t mean rebound!

    Anyway, to answer Donald, get this. The same person that gave me a DIHL... well, sex wasn\'t at the top of my list (then again, what would I really know) and really did not go past 1st base. So, go figure, what does she do the next day? Go screw her ex. That was last year; I vowed, never again will that happen.

    Needless to say, Donald, I\'m pretty far ahead...especially with respect to all the friends I have that ARE getting some. I\'m reasonably intelligent, I have a great paying job, am young, and decent looking. Not to mention I\'ve been investing towards my retirement since 18... so if I live that long, (and especially if the US dorks up social security for me) I will be well off. Anyway, since nobody is \"slowing me down\", as you put it, I suppose I need to get that first hand in the Outback? [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    In fact, that\'s the irony. If I put up just a picture and show it to strangers, it gets rated favorably. My older coworkers all think I\'m a cassanova (little do they know). Hell, many people might think that! So where is the attraction, then? It\'s non-existant!

    In all honesty, I can\'t bear this charade any longer. I don\'t want to have to make up stuff, or have to decline participation in discussions about this in social groups. I wish it were as easy as \"oh, just ignore it, deal with it; it\'ll pass\" Well, I get hammered by peers, coworkers, and even family. Again, I\'d like to simply \"not care\" but people are concerned, because they can\'t see how such a thing would be so difficult for me.

    I\'m just tired of living a lie; I want to have and eat my cake, too. I deserve it now, for the hell I went thru. Akin to Wilde\'s thin line suggestion, mine must be the width of a human hair. Why my midpoint has to be an unstable equilibrium, I don\'t know.

    But this past Friday, where my \"target\" refused to show, I couldn\'t have been in a better mood despite all else that was wrong that day (2 of my cars broke down) No butterflies, no nonsense, I was ready to at least get some digits and be on my merry way. In hindsight one would think this should act like insurance in case I get other hits, but there were no hits.

    I take the suggestions of the forum seriously, and I thank everyone for their insights. Jaggy, I\'ll definitely try your suggestion in the other thread, about NPA. Finally, I apologize for busting everyone\'s balls. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    [ February 11, 2002: Message edited by: Technologist ]

  11. #11

    Default Re: External Variables

    Geez, technologist, where do you live? Here in Silicon Valley, guys who don\'t hook up are not perceived badly since most guys are single.

  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: External Variables

    Technologist, your social life sounds pretty much the same as mine was for a long time, although I have had gfs here and there over the yrs., but had to put much more work into this than many of my friends did or other folks I knew did. So I decided to ask female friends I knew what gives?? The answers varied from you seem at first glance so serious and unapproachable, even stuck-up, and then also (I guess the nerd factor kicks in here) you seem so smart etc. so I figured we wouldn\'t have too much in common coz you talk about stuff I have no interest in etc. And then when they get to know me they said now I was a \"nice \" guy someone they saw as a really good friend but didn\'t see me \"that way\". So I decided had to make some changes the first was reading stuff on the web and three web sites in particular really gave me a lot to think about and and . There are a lot of good tips there and while all there is not for everyone (you have to find your comfort level with what you feel will work for you), I have to admit, these guys know what they are talking about and even without pheros, I noticed a dramatic change in the manner in which my interaction with ladies now proceeds. And combined with pheros I think the combination is unbelievable - whereas before I was lucky if I got laid in 6 months or even longer [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img], now I can honestly say that has turned around 360 degrees. I have a gf now (who\'s nuts about me too!!) and two or three serious prospectives on the side if ever things don\'t work out between her and myself. So I\'d recommend to anyone who can\'t figure out why they\'re having trouble getting a gf/getting laid etc, use the pheros yes, but visit sites like the ones I mentioned coz the stuff works, and if you take the time and actually try it (not just read about it), you will see results. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: External Variables

    This article here sums up a lot - thought I\'d post the link in case anyone wants to read.

  14. #14

    Default Re: External Variables

    proteus is so damn right! i don\'t know if you\'ve been to that site but there are so many things you can learn from it. not only that, you\'ll find some answers to questions like why do girls go for bad boys instead of the \"so okay\" guy. based on your descriptions about yourself, it seems (like proteus said) like you are too much of a good guy, everything is so straightened out, so stable and does everything right. well of course this is a positive attitude, but only for the married couple. a wife always wants her husband to be good and stable. on the other hand, you are still young and of course the women you are looking for are in the same age group too. if you think about it, ages 19-24 are mostly in the \"looking for excitement\" stage. many of them have been restricted by their parents or religious affiliations since their childhood and adolescent age and are prohibited to do things that cause excitement in life. but when they turned 21, that\'s the only time they can really hold their own lives. so the fun begins and what they\'re looking for is not yet the marrying type of guy, but instead someone that can tickle their interests. someone who is cracking up jokes naturally, outgoing (not necessarily clubbing), just plain mall-hopping, park visits and all that, those little things that teenagers do.

    of course i don\'t have the right to judge you, i don\'t exactly know how you act around people and how people see you, but this is my insight and i believe that a lot of women really fall for bad guys just because they\'re so exciting to be with. i know this woman who once was to choose who she\'s supposed to marry. the good-natured, loving guy or the trashy band member who is so stud. of course she chose the stud because she felt lucky to have him despite of all the girls who go after him. in the long run, it turned out that this guy is still the same trashy, careless guy eventhough they already have kids. and she wishes she had married the good-natured guy who is now a family man who works for a big company and handles all the finances well.

    so don\'t blame it all on you. maybe these girls around you is exactly like the woman in the story. as long as you\'re doing everything right, it will work for you in the long run. but in the mean time, do you consider acting like this trashy band member?

  15. #15

    Default Re: External Variables

    Technologist, first, let me tell you, there is nothing wrong being a virgin. Actually you can use it to your advantage. Tell the girls you are virgin because you are waiting for Miss Right. They love someone who has so much will power!

    I had the same experience. My first experience was after 21st birthday. I was very anive and actually waited for Miss Right to show up. Ultimately I ended up in bed with Miss Right Now...

    Also it is very important to take off the pressure you are feeling. There is a very old Zen saying that states \"the harder you try to get something, the less you

  16. #16

    Default Re: External Variables

    Sorry but the previous post sis not get through complete! Here it goes again.

    Technologist, first, let me tell you, there is nothing wrong being a virgin. Actually you can use it to your advantage. Tell the girls you are virgin because you are waiting for Miss Right. They love someone who has so much will power!

    I had the same experience. My first experience was after 21st birthday. I was very anive and actually waited for Miss Right to show up. Ultimately I ended up in bed with Miss Right Now...

    Also it is very important to take off the pressure you are feeling. There is a very old Zen saying that states \"the harder you try to get something, the less you are going to get it\". There was a short tale about a mouse that was very intelligent and no cat could catch it, so a Zen cat was brought over. This cat would spend the whole afternoon sleeping and everyone thought he was no good. Even the mouse thought the same so it started going out of his hideout carelessly. One day the cat in a flashing fast move, killed the mouse.

    What this little tale means is that you have to act natural, but be aware of what is going on around you. And that when the opportunity shows, get it as natural as it came.

    I remember the first time I got laid... I was so nervous my performance was a complete disaster. I did not know then that it was the social pressure was driving me this way. I wanted to be a \"real\" man so hard I messed it bad. Fortunately she was older than me and very understanding so, slowly I found my sexual identity.

    That moment is probably one of the most important ones in life. You will feel fulfilled and right. It is wonderful, but remember that to get it, you need to relax and not really look forward to it very hard.

    Remember John Lennon\'s song... \" is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans...\"

    Hope this truly helps.

    Best Regards
    PS. I am a unix guru. What is your field?

  17. #17
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: External Variables

    Well, I dunno, I guess that sometimes you have to let things happen on their own and not try too hard, that is true. However, I\'m also often reminded of the expression \" if you want to keep getting the results you\'ve been getting, keep doing what you\'ve been doing\". I agree that there is a whole lot of stuff to read at sites like, and I don\'t have the time or inclination to read it all and study all the stuff there - but I did get some general concepts that I feel have made a huge difference such as the 3 second rule - approaching a gal you\'re interested in immediately without thinking about what you\'re going to say, not being a doormat and setting certain boundaries, \"rules\" if you like, which if a gal I\'m seeing/want to see breaks, she loses my time/attention (basically not putting her on a pedestal, and calling her on any bs/games/flaking out she might try to pull) and lastly understanding the importance of \"feelings\" in a women which is where the NLP stuff comes in. I guess you gotta find what works for you, but the point I\'m making is that obviously if you aren\'t getting the results you want there are some things you have to change and that can only happen by stepping into the unknown, which could be any number of things not just the pickupguide stuff. Hope I don\'t sound preachy etc. - just been where you are and I had to make some changes to get to where I am now so figured I\'d chime in with my two cents here. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  18. #18

    Default Re: External Variables

    and folks if you are really worried about youre virginity i had some advice a couple of years back from someone i knew that if it gets in the road go pay for it first time round ( i waited and it happened without going that far but if it is legal in youre area then it may be worth looking into to get the nervousness out of the way) and then when you meet chicks u can say well its done and i may not fuck you tonight or ever but you will at least have some confidence.

  19. #19

    Default Re: External Variables

    All the things A.K.a did couldnot be done if he didn\'t let himself flow and be comfortable.
    Also TECHNOLOGIST go to and buy their meditation tracks. They helped me alot in kind of getting out of my own way and also seeing the real Dalesalsa (by that I mean the one I\'m projecting, the one that is making the decisions, the one that is holding down my success)and It may help you alot but tell them that you have already meditated on your own and that you want to skip the kindof crappy first stage and go directly to the 1st deep level w/ subliminals I\'m on the 1st deep level. It still hasn\'t gotten here and although I did experience alot of growth from the intro level for the money I would like to just go to the 1stdeep level w/ subliminals. I have also heard of other techonologies outthere so look around but Centerpointe has 3 badass technologies right now. They are lower carrier waves, Silent Subliminal, and Virtual Audio. The meditation is caused by making the person hear two sine wave beats one for each ear and then the brain will resonate at the difference of the two waves so you can be taken from waking brain waves to deep sleep meditation waves and w/ the lower carrier waves you have a much more deep meditation. Then Silent Subliminal is a new way to make subliminal messages. It makes messages into speacial hi-frequency sounds that only the little bone in your ear can demodulate and you nerve picks it up but your ear drum doesn\'t. That explanation is not exactly right but it has just been declassified by the US gov\'t were it was used to demoralize the badguys in Desert Storm and gave them confusing battle instructions. Shortly after they all surrendered even to just US Army ambulances, they didn\'t even have to be armed. Marines would show up, armed or not, and the enemy surrendered.
    The next thing is Virtual Audio. Oh man this is badass. It has just been developed like maybe almost a year ago. It makes sound into truly real sound. It gives sound a real 3dimentional feel. It gives it depth, height, and tone and frequency. unlike stereo that just changes it from ear to ear and makes it lowder and quieter. All of hollywood wants to use this cause damn its crazy. Also they can send you a demo, but I\'m not sure if they are still offering that but ask for it because it is super fun. They take you through this sound ride that is crazy.
    But feel free to use whatever man. I think there are other technologies on this out there. The key here is trying to improve your look at life.
    hope this helps and thanks again bad Grass!!!! All of the begining is caps because I was a little excited. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]
    Lates [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  20. #20
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: External Variables

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Technologist:

    I suppose people have occasionally dropped hints regarding how one conveys themselves when interacting with their targets, but it\'s never been thoroughly discussed. I think it might be worth its own topic, especially from the viewpoint of a 23 year old virgin [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] I sure do have to wonder about how people really acted, when so-and-so just wanted to jump their bones. The manner in which it is described, makes the situation sound like it \"just happens\". Life has dictated otherwise to me, else I wouldn\'t be bent out of shape about it!


    Sometimes it does “just happen”:

    Several months ago I was just sitting at a dive bar, wearing two sprays of TE and Drakkar. A Tall blond, way overdressed, woman (early thirties) sat right next to me and ordered a glass of wine. I just glanced at her and she made this insulting comment about “mall rats” that rubbed me the wrong way. Then we got into this political discussion (big mistake) that was really pissing me off. I disagreed with everything she said and suggested she read a couple of history books.
    Then another guy came over and started hitting on her. She was busting his balls right and left, but he was too drunk to realize he was going nowhere. I felt embarrassed for him and asked for my tab.
    As I got ready to leave she asked me to walk her to her car. When we got outside it turned out her car was about six blocks away, in her garage. When we got to her house she said, “OK. You can come in for a cup of coffee; but then you’ve got to go.” (I didn’t even ask to come in.)
    I declined the coffee and asked for some water instead. We talked a bit, she flirted a lot, I played dumb, then she said I had to go. I said “OK” and she asked me for a hug. I gave her one and she said I gave good hugs. Then she took my hand and laid it right on her crotch. Naturally, I caressed her. Then I kissed her neck, lifted up her skirt, and started caressing her through her panties.
    Then she asked me to spend the night.
    The next morning I woke up with a horrible headache. The Drakkar had faded and I smelled very bad. She kissed/licked my chest but I said I really had to go. She told me I could come over and give her hugs anytime. But I called several times and she never returned my messages.

    Sometimes you’ve got to be very bold:

    A couple of years ago I was rollerblading with generous amounts of APC on my neck and chest. I passed a woman with incredible legs (that was also rollerblading) and glanced back to see what the rest of her looked like. It was incredible as well. I went about 100 yards then turned around to meet her.
    I said “Hi.” and she said “hi” with a big smile on her face. I told her that I rollerbladed this trail a lot, but had never seen her before. She told me that she usually biked, but decided to take up rollerblading for a change. I told her she was very good for a beginer and she seemed flattered.
    We rollerbladed for a while, asking questions about each other... Then she told me she was an investment banker and I thought she was BS’ing. But I played along and told her she seemed very nice for a banker.
    When we’d gone around the trail twice, she said that was enough for her. Then I asked, “Are you really a banker?”
    She said “yes”.
    “Then show me where you live.”
    She lived in a condo nearby and it was certainly way out of my league.
    “Wow.” I said. “Can I see the inside?”
    The inside was beautiful. She gave me tour and when we got to the bathroom I noticed a huge shower with double heads and tile benches.
    “We could both take a shower in this thing.” I commented.
    She laughed.
    “Let’s do it.” I said.
    “But I don’t even know you.” she said.
    “What do you want to know?” I asked.
    Apparently there was nothing else she needed to know. We got into the shower, soaped each other up, and I noticed that her incredible body had been surgically enhanced. This kind of turned me off, but not enough to stop. I told her I needed to grab a condom out of my pants. Which was true, but I also had some more APC in there, which I dabbed on to my wrist and neck. Then I got back into the shower and within minutes we were doing it on the tile bench. Then we dried off and went to her bed, fondled each other for quite a while ( this is what happens when you get old, but I’ve studied a lot about tantric sex since then) and she started talking about how we were going to take a trip to the Caribbean together, which made me very nervous since I was recently divorced.
    I told her that I didn’t know her that well. So she got angry, threw me out of her house, and I never got seconds.

    Sometimes you’ve got to be very traditional:

    I recently had my heart set on a woman that seemed to like everything by the book. First we exchanged numbers, then I called her up, then I wined and dined her, then I gave her a good night kiss, then she called me up to say what a great time she had, then I invited her over to watch videos, then we got it on. (Then I found out she had a low opinion of guys that smoke herb, and the romance fizzled out pretty quickly.)

    Sometimes you’ve got to break the rules:

    My longest relationship, since my divorce, was with a girl (13 years younger than me) that I picked up in a supermarket. In fact we still correspond and I’m looking foreword to one of her visits in the Spring.
    I followed her around the store trying to get her attention. (I was wearing APC.) She seemed oblivious to me (or my pheromones) so I asked her a stupid question about whether she could tell if a cantaloupe was sweet from smelling it. Then I started up a conversation. I found out she was a photographer, asked to see her portfolio, she invited me to her place. We looked at pictures, smoked herb, drank wine, talked... She said I could sleep in her bed if I kept my clothes on. The next morning I woke up first, went to the bathroom, dabbed a bit of APC on my neck and wrist, laid back down, she woke up, I brushed the hair from her eyes, she caressed my hand, we kissed, hugged, fondled, undressed each other, and had some of the most intense sex of my life.

    OK that last story got me a little sentimental. So that’s all for now.
    I hope you get the picture. It’s not like a technique or a formula or a strategy.
    It’s like there’s a “Pheromone Zone” ( are you familiar with the old “Twilight Zone” series?) where conventional assumptions no longer hold true and you’ve got to open yourself up, trust your instincts, and — like Elk Dreamer said — GO FOR IT!

    May the mones be with you

  21. #21

    Default Re: External Variables

    I suppose last weekend\'s black cloud has finally left; when I took one of my cars to the dealer, I had to give them my keys. In so doing, I dropped my loose housekey, without seeing that there was a sewer grating under me. The key got caught sticking out of the grating! [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] I recovered it.

    Anyway, yeah, layguides and pickup guides. A couple issues: one, unless I dope up on nootropics, I could never gather everything I needed from there. And besides, what good is it to spend time, by myself, reading something so voluminous? (like tax code, hah). They have helped a little. The concepts they discuss have helped my pattern of thought. Nobody I know, however, had to go through such rigors. You know that saying, \"even a blind squirrel finds a nut?\" I must have seen too many get free handouts.

    Although I\'m at a loss for words, but say, if the layguide was meant to teach me how to drive stick..

    No matter how much I read about it, see it happen, imagine or visualize it, I\'m not gonna know how to drive stick until I do it.

    And no matter what, I cannot \"act\" like I have done something that I haven\'t experienced. The layguide is like a \"crash course\" to a one night stand. People of that type, as we know, aren\'t gonna be privy to \"breaking me in\".

    Anyway, I\'m making an appointment with the dentist.. Just gonna rent his chair and some IV sedation for V-day. Make me pass-out and forget the day existed. Ahhhh, much better. j/k [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  22. #22

    Default Re: External Variables

    You are welcome Dalesalsa. Actually I feel that this is all very simple, and that I did not write nothing specially important but just observations about life in general.

    Remember that for example in \"Zen and the art of archery\" by Eugen Herrigel, it says that \"the bow and the arrow are just a pretext but not essential for meditation\". I mean, do not became a tech junkie!!!

    Back to the issue that brought us here, I think one has to relax, be your own self and try to swim with the flow and not against it.
    This is valid in all aspects of your life.

    Of course I mean, that there has to be a balance between working to get your ultimate objectives and letting go.

    Women have a special ability to sniff out a desperate guy!!!

    Improving our social life is important. I am about to start taking salsa dancing lessons, for example (lots of hot chicks!).

    This is like a wheel, once you get it rolling, you start getting all you need.

    The problem starts againg when you settle with one babe...

    Best Regards

  23. #23

    Default Re: External Variables


    You need to study the material. And I mean spending a lot of time studying it because what you really need is a complete attitude change. And that is not going to happen overnight. Go to and read read read. Immerse yourself in it. That\'s what it\'s going to take to change your perspective on women. Read the material then modify your behaviour towards women and then read some more and make more adjustments.

    \"Although I\'m at a loss for words, but say, if the layguide was meant to teach me how to drive stick.. \"

  24. #24

    Default Re: External Variables

    Also to add to the things that\'s been said, i\'ve read from somewhere about a guy who never had so many girls around her and when he finally got one, suddenly he noticed that girls are checking him out whenever he walks in the mall or grocery store. The explanation was because when you are trying hard to get girls attention, the girls feels your desperation and turns them off. When he finally got a girlfriend, this desperate aura disappears and he appears as a contented, confident guy, thus making him attractive to other girls.

    Actually, I noticed that myself because lately, I stopped all the crap about seduction picking up and I don\'t go girl shopping anymore. I just do what I want and walk where I want. Unaware, I noticed that some girls are checking me out and i just look at them for a couple of seconds then turn my back. I\'m trying to look not so desperate but still I had my pheros on. I just want the pressure off my shoulders. So it doesn\'t matter if you\'re virgin, that can be an asset if you play it right. Just take the pressure off your shoulders, you\'re not old yet.

  25. #25

    Default Re: External Variables

    Another thought same here latley i have just been toatlly forgetting about all the women around me and for some people who are saying well it never happens to me my advise chcuk the pheros on go about your normal business forget you are wearing the stuff unless its to experiment and if a female is really interested they will talk to you and the ones that sit back and say look at me im beautiful (most of the time they are) and when you ignore them they will do one of three things
    * Get pissed off and walk off (her loss there are other targets respondants around anyway)
    * Try harder to get youre attention but still just showing non verbal responses (still without saying anything - the saying i expect all men to be mindreaders and perfect) you will commonly here their complaints about how men dont understand them but they never actually talk anyway - the lazy ones
    * Or they will ask the time or say something and then its up to you as to how you respond.

    Anyone is free to chuck extra comments on i know that some guys will talk to em anyway and chase em to the end of the earth even if they are stuck up bitches and good luck to these guys also.

  26. #26
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    Default Re: External Variables

    Hey Technologist,
    I\'m an engineer and I know first hand how people with brains get a bad rap. And again engineering school does not really prepare you to reenter life with \"regular\" folks especially women.
    The way I look at it is I just apck on my basic JB #1 and let the mones do all the work. I don\'t have to worrry about groveling etc. because if a girl is slightly interested, the pheromones will draw her in.
    Also I recommend a book called \"Love Signals\" by a U Of Washington prof that will give you some pointers as to who is interested and who is not. Lots Of luck.

  27. #27
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    Default Re: External Variables

    Hey Technologist,
    I\'m an engineer and I know first hand how people with brains get a bad rap. And again engineering school does not really prepare you to reenter life with \"regular\" folks especially women.
    The way I look at it is I just slap on my basic JB #1 and let the mones do all the work. I don\'t have to worrry about groveling etc. because if a girl is slightly interested, the pheromones will draw her in.
    Also I recommend a book called \"Love Signals\" by a U Of Washington prof that will give you some pointers as to who is interested and who is not. Lots Of luck.

  28. #28

    Default Re: External Variables

    Hey Tech dude
    thanks for having some nuts to confront your feelings, but the truth is that it\'s probably not that bad.
    I\'m on basically on the same boat as you are: an engineering student, 25 year old, who has NEVER had a girlfriend, and gotten laid only a few times.
    If you were to look at me you wouldn\'t believe me because I look like the bad-boy type who can have any girl he wants. The fact is that when you\'re so busy planning your life you don\'t seriously take into account the importance of a girl by your side.
    I\'ve basically have thrown great opportunities away because I had this stupid idea in my head that no girl was not \"good enough\" for me. I thought that if I was a little more patient I would find a better one to love me even more. Yeah I was dumb.

    So here I am alone typing up my non-sense when I could\'ve had something special.

    However, I NEVER EVER EVER show any chick that I\'m desesperate. Right now I\'m trying to figure out why I\'m getting so many girls that are one-nighters, which is far from what I\'m looking for. It\'s not that hard finding these girls so long as you act as a fun guy who\'s main objective is not to get laid (at least that\'s what works for me).

    If it sounds sad, I didn\'t mean it that way, but just think about those opportunities you once had and be able to correct your mistakes.

  29. #29

    Default Re: External Variables

    that\'s true cali dude! when i was in my teen days, girls are all around me and actually doing all the moves. me being dumbass, i thought that those girls were not the one i\'m looking for so i just ignored all of them. i only went out with the ones with mutual feelings. of course its the right thing to do but now i think my mojo is starting to expire and im finding a hard time getting girls to work their guts out and approach me. i am now regretful of all the chances i could have had to be with a girl when i was younger. now i advice my younger brother and cousins not to follow my footsteps. my bro is one stud to the young ladies\' eyes but he just doesn\'t do anything about it saying that he doesn\'t like any of them. but i saw one of these girls who are going after him and i think she\'s a hottie! i was telling him, what do u think ur doing? u know u have to at least spend some time with these girls if u don\'t want a relationship. if he gets older, his mojo might expire too like mine and he will regret all these!

  30. #30
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    \"Love Signals\" - I remember that book. I second Wingrider\'s recommendation on that one.

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