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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default are pheromones drugs? Re:argument


    another discussion board, there was a thread on pheromones that came up. The poster who started it was quickly

    double-teamed by two guys who at first didn't believe pheromones worked. After a while, the poster who started the

    thread posted links to scientific articles via James Kohl's site. Then the poster was still double teamed. The

    two guys attacking the other one are very anti-pheromone and they have said that using pheromones are equivalent to

    using date rape drugs or dropping something else in a woman's drink without her knowing. They seem to be beating

    the crap out of the other guy who insists that pheromones are not drugs and are not the equivalent of using date

    rape drugs. I find the conversation interesting because I've never heard that pheromones are drugs. One of the

    posters there said that pheromones have been classified by the FDA as drugs.

  2. #2
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    Do you have the

    documentation of pheremones to be listed as drugs?I definetaly don't consider them drugs by any stretch of the


  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Neither do I consider them drugs.

    There is a guy on the another discussion board who has stated that the FDA has classified them as


    Quote Originally Posted by Iaskalotof?'s View Post
    Do you have the documentation of pheremones to be listed as drugs?I

    definetaly don't consider them drugs by any stretch of the imagination.

  4. #4
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    Does he have

    documentation?Otherwise its just bogus science.

  5. #5
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    No, he's just going by the

    definition of drugs.

  6. #6
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Glue and paint are other

    substances that classifies as drugs if properly inhaled, but that doesn't say that it's illegal to cover yourself

    in glue if you think that makes you a "chick magnet"

    I'll quickly add that pheromones already exists

    naturally in your body sweat and urine so it makes no sense to talk about drugs when you can actually produce the

    same results with a big workout, avoid showering.

    Let the non believers think what they will. Besides what are

    they doing discussing things they don't believe in, and if they don't believe it works how come they think it's a


  7. #7
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Several of the people who used

    to post here got on the bandwagon about the FDA classifying pheromones as drugs. There was a lot of hype but nothing

    ever happened with it. Pheromones are not classed as drugs by the federal government. A couple states talked about

    it a while back but nothing ever came of it. Pure propoganda.

    Pheromones as date rape drugs? That's the

    best stupidity I've heard in a long time. Please, everybody that has had girls wildly humping them or semi comatose

    from pheromones please raise your hand...Anybody...Somebody...?

    Can you imagine if pheromones were like date

    rape drugs? Don't shower for a week and have all the women chasing you.

    Ignore it. It's ignorance talking.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  8. #8
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    Pheromones are addictive like

    drugs according to my credit card lol. Just kidding I can't believe people think pheromones are drugs.
    Last edited by ontimenow; 09-24-2007 at 05:21 PM.

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    Pheromones as date rape drugs? That's the best stupidity I've heard in a long

    time. Please, everybody that has had girls wildly humping them or semi comatose from pheromones please raise your


    Ignore it. It's ignorance talking.

    I couldn't agree more.

    mean, I can see why the ignorant people (ignorant at this matter that is) would be able to think

    `mones might be like rape-drugs. I can see why the first impression of `mones being deceptive might come up in their

    minds. I even had a girl-friend claiming (by words only) to loose interest in me after discovering a

    `mone-related web-page in my browser history and assuming I use `mones (which was true but never mind that). She

    felt I was decieving her; she never knew or never even bothered to ask how `mones work and she never got to realize

    that without personality, humor, etc. the `mones are nothing (nothing that'll make a significant difference


    Those people fail to realize that exploration of the matter is requiered before they make up their

    minds on it.
    Let them think what they think - it's no buisness of ours I'd say.

    Besides... That only means

    there's one less person out there to use `mones and one more to count as our advantage anyhow

    I can see

    where they're coming from - still, it doesn't make it any less stupid

  10. #10
    Newbie Unity's Avatar
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    To me I see mones equal to being

    dressed nicely or having a nice haircut or some intresting nice accesorie. These will all get a girls attention

    etc... and give you better chances with that girl but they wont make her not function to the point where she cant

    say no like the date rape pills.
    Thats a newbies opinion

  11. #11
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    Isn't this just the whole

    pheromones are only a tool argument?

    They help maybe 5 - 10% of the 100% needed to get a girl. Just factors

    like age, money, confidence, power etc. etc. If you don't have the other things going for you and at the very

    least passable looks all the pheromones in the world won't be enough.

    For me, they help break down the shyness

    barrier both in myself and with women.

  12. #12
    Stranger Mathias the OK's Avatar
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    Just ask those idiots how

    banning a substance that is naturally secreted by the human body would work. Police now have to carry next to their

    cuffs hormone detection wipes.
    Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.

  13. #13
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    this does raise an issue i was

    intending to post. not that mones are a drug, that is indeed idiotic but what about the morality of using

    pheromones? isnt it like...deceptive?

  14. #14
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    So far as I know, Pherin Corp. is

    the only entity trying to develop the concept into something that would get the FDA's full




    This would probably depend on what claims were made for therapeutic use.

    James V. Kohl
    The Scent

    of Eros

  15. #15
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Lokua View Post
    this does raise

    an issue i was intending to post. not that mones are a drug, that is indeed idiotic but what about the morality of

    using pheromones? isnt it like...deceptive?
    No more deceptive then fake boobs , short skirts , high heels

    , lipstick , blusher.

    The last two are designed to enforce the image thats shes turned on by you. Think about it

    , what happens to a womans body when you make love? She blushes and her lips get full because she's sexually

    Make up artists claim it enforces a youthfull (mateable?) look , I belive it has to do with an

    evolutionary urge. We all want a healthy mate , hence "make up" to "prove" their worthyness to carry on the gene


    Holy crap, don't expect another answer like that for a while...


    JV Kohl ,
    Are you working on any further products we may be interested in? I'm a big

    fan of SOE so just wondering if you anything more planned for future release?
    early 40's white male or or

  16. #16
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    In my personal

    experience, many times the `mones actually give me more of the freedom needed to truly act different. It's not

    deception - It actually does somewhat changes the person wearing them.
    Well I guess it wouldn't be like

    that for everyone, but for me personally - when I wear the right amount of `none & `nol mixture - it actually makes

    me feel more responsible, and more self-confident... even when I'm just alone at home for no one to judge.

    Besides... I also support the lipstick claim that gaf suggests.

    JVK, I read that paragraph you linked

    and haven't understood half of what it says there. Does it have something to do with pheromones or just steroids?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiger4 View Post
    On another

    discussion board, there was a thread on pheromones that came up. The poster who started it was quickly

    double-teamed by two guys who at first didn't believe pheromones worked. After a while, the poster who started the

    thread posted links to scientific articles via James Kohl's site. Then the poster was still double teamed. The

    two guys attacking the other one are very anti-pheromone and they have said that using pheromones are equivalent to

    using date rape drugs or dropping something else in a woman's drink without her knowing. They seem to be beating

    the crap out of the other guy who insists that pheromones are not drugs and are not the equivalent of using date

    rape drugs. I find the conversation interesting because I've never heard that pheromones are drugs. One of the

    posters there said that pheromones have been classified by the FDA as drugs.

    The first thing that

    catched my attention was that those two guys attacked the poster because (they believe) pheromones DO NOT work, but

    then they attacked the poster because now they believe pheromones in fact DO WORK. They even go as far as to call it

    a date rape drug.
    So it's like no matter what weather it is, it still sucks.
    It seems to me it was more a matter

    of personal things and emotions than rational thinking.
    Now the topic about pheromones as a date rape drugs is

    worth a few more additional words.
    For some reason I remembered red womans lingerie. I mean just how many helpless

    guys where lured in by using it! Isn't it a date rape drug? You know, sometimes you still have to spend some time

    experimenting with mones and mixing them before you can get even close to it!

  18. #18
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gaf View Post
    JV Kohl

    Are you working on any further products we may be interested in?
    Yes, but I'm also waiting to

    see whether recent research findings will be published in a reputable scientific journal.

    Quote Originally Posted by gaf View Post
    I'm a big fan of SOE so just wondering if you anything more planned for future

    Thanks for your interest. Any future release is most likely to come directly from my


    James V. Kohl
    The Scent of Eros

  19. #19
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE View Post
    JVK, I

    read that paragraph you linked and haven't understood half of what it says there. Does it have something to do with

    pheromones or just steroids?
    I apologize for linking without thinking. The connection between

    steroids and pheromones is that some steroids metabolize to species-specific pheromones, which then alter the

    production of steroids in other members of the same species. This link, from their effect on steroid hormones in

    others, is also the link from pheromones to their affect on the behavior of others.

    I think that more people

    may need to learn about steroid hormone metabolism before they can determine which pheromone-enhanced products might

    actually benefit them.

    I'm not sure that if I had to do it all over again, I would start the learning


    James V. Kohl
    The Scent of Eros

  20. #20
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Thanks for the

    explanation JVK. I can't say I fully understand all the implications that link might have on the topic of `mones

    vs. rape-drugs. But I surely do understand the basic idea now that you've explained it

    I assumed steroids

    might have a link with pheromones, but I didn't wanna rush into any conclusions.
    Now I better understand it... I


    So would it be right to say that by using `mones we might sometimes affect the steroid production

    &\or steroid behaviour in other people? And if so, do you (personaly) think it has any moral implications?

    not asking for a profesional opinion, as I recon that might be a tough nut to crack... Anyone who has a personal

    opinion on the moral implications of the topic - feel free to answer the parts of my question you can

  21. #21
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE View Post

    would it be right to say that by using `mones we might sometimes affect the steroid production &\or steroid

    behaviour in other people?
    This effect occurs whether or not we use 'mones, because each of us

    produces them. Production levels are somewhat determined by levels of steroid hormones, and production influences

    steroid hormone-associated behavior in other people.

    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE View Post
    And if so, do you

    (personaly) think it has any moral implications?
    Pheromone-enhancement of an existing natural effect

    has no more moral implications than use of make-up, or fragrance product use to enhance one's personal appeal.

    However, an understanding of how much influence pheromones have on our sexual behavior has huge moral implications.

    If you could explain a spouse's adulterous affair, merely by scientifically reasoning (e.g., that she/he was more

    attracted to the pheromones of someone else--and perhaps had adapted to yours) you could compare human morality with

    philosophies of morality in other species.

    James V. Kohl
    The Scent of Eros

  22. #22
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    Default The morality of using Mones. Rubbish

    Quote Originally Posted by Lokua View Post
    this does raise an issue i was intending to post. not that mones are a drug, that

    is indeed idiotic but what about the morality of using pheromones? isnt it like...deceptive?


    mones is the equivalent of wearing a Rolex watch or flashing the key to a fancy car. Women can sift through the

    bullshit and see the real person. Good or bad. Sexy or nerdy.

    It is the same as a woman wearing cosmetics or a

    push-up bra. We are just looking for a way to set ourselves apart from the crowd.

    Sweet Thing

  23. #23
    Stranger Summer's Avatar
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    I dont think 'mones are

    equavlent to date rape drug. 'mone doesnt seem to work on everyone. Personally I think it does work, only each

    individual responds differently to 'mones. Some may be more sensitive (to one particular 'mon or all) and some may

    not. Everyone's reaction to 'mone also varies depending on when, where, how we apply the 'mones, and our own

    characteristics and personalities.

    To me, (though 'mone didnt seem to work on me 3 years ago) I think the

    'mones work like aromas products. We know certain aromas (scent, oil, or any product that contain certain aromas)

    help people to clam and relax, some excite, some help to focus...etc.
    I believe by inhaling 'mones scent it work

    on us (each at different level) somehow like aroma scent did.
    There is also psychological impact on what we

    believe or expect 'mones to do for us base on reading from all these informations or posts about 'mones on the


    tenaciousBLADE, what you wrote about the girl who felt you were deceiving her by using the

    'mones...somehow it remind me of those voo-doo dools or whatever love spell :P
    Is EQ the way of covering-up one's incompetence?
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  24. #24
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Thanks JVK
    Those were

    valuable pieces of info right there
    I tend to agree with what you say about the extention, of natural

    tools of our body, not being deceptive

    Quote Originally Posted by Summer View Post
    tenaciousBLADE, what you wrote about the girl who

    felt you were deceiving her by using the 'mones...somehow it remind me of those voo-doo dools or whatever love

    spell :P
    haha. I see your point. It can even be percieved as romantic in some point of view - that I

    wanted to attract her and used these... "love-spells" lol

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