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  1. #1
    Journeyman Gorgar's Avatar
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    Talking Yet another noob



    noob here. I stumbled across this site last week while searching for something totally unrelated. I read the forum

    for a few hours in fascination and then ordered the newbie starter kit. I'm a 43 yr old married Caucasian man,

    6'1" 215 lbs, could stand to lose a few. I recently quit smoking.

    I checked the mail on my way to work and found

    that my starter kit arrived. Upon opening I found a nice bottle of Edge and smaller bottle of musk oil, a small

    packet of SOE and an Edge towelette. My main interest is in gaining a social edge so I'm saving the SOE for a party

    on Saturday night.

    Curious, I decided to play around with the bottle of Edge so I mixed it 50/50 with the musk

    oil in the atomizer as the instrutions suggested. I wanted to see how my wife would respond to it so I sprayed

    myself once in the chest as I was leaving my workplace.

    I stopped of at a local store just before I got home to

    see what I could see. The store was mostly deserted as it was 1:30 am. There was a hot 40ish blonde in the outdoor

    section so I walked slowly past her. No noticeable reaction. This was not a good time and place to play with this as

    there were so few people here. I didn't want to be seen as looming and leering so I picked up a few items and left.

    The cashier (late 30's caucasian, slim) had a nice big smile for me but that doesn't really mean anything.


    arrived home and killed a few hours before my wife woke up to get ready for work. I drove her to work and there was

    no reaction from her. She's asian so perhaps the one spray of Edge went unnoticed? I'll try two sprays next week


    Anyways, I ordered a some packets to try out. Chikara, SOE and Perception. I belong to a private club

    and a little social edge would help me out a bit. The party is tomorrow night and I'll report on how well I did

    with my little packet of SOE.

  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    At your age - it indeed

    might be that one spray of TE wasn't enough. It also depends on your own personal `mone signature.
    I myself am

    used to TE as I use it almost daily and I know what amounts to apply after experimenting for a while. I am young

    though (23 years young), and for my age, `none products like TE are good `coz they don't have too much `none in

    them. For your age, I hear `none heavier products work better. Try a largeer amount each time, until you get

    it right. Just be aware that if you try too large of an amount, you might OD (which is easy to do with products that

    contain `none). So don't go too far... Try raising the amount by small jumps and when you get a reaction - stay at

    that amount for a while until you get used to noticing the reactions even the subtle ones).

    Also, I think it's

    better to first try it outside the social-club enviourment - because the ODing effects of `none are to be persieved

    as unsocial and entimidating at times

    and good luck

  3. #3
    Journeyman Gorgar's Avatar
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    Thank you for your advice. I had

    a feeling 1 spray was perhaps too little as it was cut to 50% strength with the musk oil.

    My experience for

    last Sat night is inconclusive. It was a nice turnout.

    I used the whole packet of SOE as it looked a little

    small. I dabbed some on my wrists, my neck and across my torso. The scent was a little strong at first but mellowed

    out after a while. I applied 2 sprays of the Edge on my chest as well.

    My wife was very touchie feelie that

    night. Much more than usual. She also was watching me like a hawk for some reason.

    There was an older woman,

    70ish, an acquaintance of mine. She latched onto my left arm and held it against her bosom and ran one of her hands

    up and down my arm.

    My observation skills could use some work. I didn't notice much anything else out of the

    ordinary. Except that I had to tend bar later on that evening.

    Nobody was rude to me while I tended bar, folks

    were friendly and respectful. The tip jar was very full.

    I will try out this combo again this weekend. My little

    bag of goodies has arrived. Fast shipping!

    In a few weeks perhaps I'll try out the packets of chikara or


  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    I advise you first sit

    down and be sure of the cuantities of your current products before buying more. I myseflf bought 8 different

    products back when I first bought from LS for the first time, and it took me ages to get to know them all hehe.

    Don't underestimate nor overestimate the strength of these `mone products. A full package of SOE gel is not of

    little substence. With that said however, you seem to have stumbled upon some luck, as for you it seems to be

    a good amount of application judjing by what you have described so far (I'm guessing it has to do with the fact

    that you two are maried and with both your ages)

    The SOE (non-gel) takes a bit to get to know

    (amount-wise) as it is different from the gel-packages in a way (not in formula though.. the formula is the same if

    am not mistaken). Yet it shouldn't get you too long to figure out what amount to use as it is easy to measure

    (inches and stripes) `coz it's a roll-on top

    Bare in mind that the same results are not promised to come by

    again often... you have to be patient with your experiments and find the dosage that brings in avarage the best

    I have a feeling it's not going to be too hard on you though. You seem to be patient and enjoying the

    experimantation, which are both great bonuses when dealing with `mones

    The 70ish experience sounds very

    interesting. I wonder if my 80 year old grand-ma` would like lots of SOE + a bit of TE on me

    Good luck

    with the rest of your experimentation. Keep us posted
    Last edited by tenaciousBLADE; 09-10-2007 at 10:19 AM. Reason: Spelling correction

  5. #5
    Journeyman Gorgar's Avatar
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    I was a bit worried about

    applying the gel, it was difficult to judge how much was coming out of the packet. I remembered reading that the

    packets contained just over 1 full application so i went ahead and used it all.

    We're having a dinner event at

    the club this weekend. This event should be laid back so I'll have more time to observe the folks around me and

    there will be more time for my 'mones to linger in one place.

    Yes, that woman kinda caught me off guard, I

    never expected anything like that. She normally touches an arm or shoulder when saying hello but nothing like that.

    She's a nice lady though so no harm no foul.

    I'll keep you posted.

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Sounds like a good

    Good luck

  7. #7
    Journeyman Gorgar's Avatar
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    Default Report

    Saturday night I was

    standing at the bar drinking a Labatts and this woman seated next to me, very nice looking, grabbed me by the head

    and planted a big kiss right on the top of my head. At that time I was wearing SOE only, about 3/4 of a gel pack on

    wrists and neck.

    Later I try a little of the Edge wipe along my forearms and a little strip along my torso. My

    wife likes the scent of the Edge wipe, I told her it was a cologne sample. I did not use it all as it's

    hard to tell how much is being applied. The scent was strong but pleasing to me

    Nothing much else to report as I

    had a decent beer buzz later on in the evening and my observation skills were affected. Folks were happy and polite

    but that could have been alcohol effects as well.

    I've got a little something waiting for me at the post office

    from Ham Firl. I'll see what I can see for next weekend.

    I still haven't tried the perception or the chikara

    yet. No rush though.

  8. #8
    Journeyman Gorgar's Avatar
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    It was another Saturday at the

    club. I was sitting at a table with one of the guys watching MSU football in the bar. I had applied a drop of TE on

    each forearm and covered with some scented oil I received from Ham Firl. Very interesting scent, it lasts a looong

    time and my wife likes it. Just a tiny bit to cover the mones was used. I also had a bit of SOE on my neck and

    wrists, perhaps 1/3 of a gel pack.

    Anyways, we're watching the game and this woman comes and sits between us and

    immediately stops talking and looks straight at my forearm and seemed at a loss for words for about 10 seconds or

    so. Another woman was staring at me for a long time.

    Later that night an argument broke out and I was able to

    calm the angry party instantly with a soft word and a touch on the shoulder. I know this guy very well and that was

    unusually fast. He's usually focused on his rants and it's hard to get him to stop so quickly once he gets going.

    There seemed to be much respect towards me from the guys, smiles from the ladies.

    I took my turn tending bar for

    a few hours. Tips were excellent for a night without live entertainment.

    I'm not at all sure how much the

    'mones has to do with all of this but I suspect they played at least some small role.

  9. #9
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    I'm sure that and

    Spartan football had something to do with it.

  10. #10
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorgar View Post
    Anyways, we're watching the game and this woman comes and sits between us and immediately

    stops talking and looks straight at my forearm and seemed at a loss for words for about 10 seconds or so. Another

    woman was staring at me for a long time.
    I can't judge for sure, as I was not there to witness the

    situation myself, but to me that sounds like a DIHL... in a way

    It wouldn't mean the `mones are

    involved... only she looked you right at the application spot, as you say... So it might have at least something to

    do with the `mones

    All that about getting respect from the guys and being able to calm things down like

    that sounds wonderful. The key factor in all that, I assume, must be your personality and the way you handled it

    Did you feel the `mones helped you there?
    I know I have had similar things happen to me since I

    started using `mones (TE included, though I never used the wipes). I feel much more at ease with them in that manner

    So... What would you conclude about the application amounts and spots from that evening?

    It sounds to me

    like you have very good observation skills

  11. #11
    Journeyman Gorgar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE View Post
    All that about getting respect from the guys and being able to calm things down like

    that sounds wonderful. The key factor in all that, I assume, must be your personality and the way you handled it

    Did you feel the `mones helped you there?

    So... What would you conclude about the application

    amounts and spots from that evening?
    I would say that the 'mones were a benefit in calming down

    that gentleman so quickly. I've been in the same situation many time before as the gentleman in question is

    actually my father. He's getting to be quite a crotchety old coot as he gets older. When he gets a couple of beers

    in him it takes a while to calm his temper, that night he let off instantly and he seemed a bit surprised when he

    did. We had a little chat about his temper a few hours later.

    I'm not sure what to make of the amounts and

    placement of my 'mones that evening. TE on the forearms I think was a good idea, but the effect on the woman at my

    table is not what I was after. She did seem to zero right in on that spot. My arm was resting on top of the table

    and as she was sitting down her face passed right over my arm at about 1' distance. She seemed to just blank out

    for a moment.

    I'll try a little less TE and a little more SOE next time. I'd like to fine tune it before I

    start messing around with my perception and chikara gel packs. When I run out of SOE gel packs I'll probably try a

    bottle of unscented SOE.

    We have a black tie dinner this weekend so I'll make a few adjustments to my

    applications and see what happens.

    Thank you for your insights, they are a big help in getting me thinking about

    the reaction I'm getting (or think I'm getting).

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorgar View Post

    would say that the 'mones were a benefit in calming down that gentleman so quickly. I've been in the same

    situation many time before as the gentleman in question is actually my father. He's getting to be quite a crotchety

    old coot as he gets older. When he gets a couple of beers in him it takes a while to calm his temper, that night he

    let off instantly and he seemed a bit surprised when he did. We had a little chat about his temper a few hours

    Wow... Interesting confession there
    IMHO, it sounds like a good step. With or without

    relation to the `mones I'm assuming it's good that it happened.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gorgar View Post
    I'll try a little less

    TE and a little more SOE next time. I'd like to fine tune it before I start messing around with my perception and

    chikara gel packs. When I run out of SOE gel packs I'll probably try a bottle of unscented SOE.
    I admire

    your patience. When I started using `mones I wasn't so patient and it took me some time to realize sometimes

    patience is the best way to fine-tune my best formulas.
    Let us know how it goes

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