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  1. #1
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    Default Newbie Intro + question


    all, awesome sit here.

    I stumbled upon this site the usual way from that crap failure I mean

    Pherlure. No hits whatsoever. Just smells nice like my aqua de gio. I totally believe this pheromone shit. All my

    life I couldn't attract the girls I wanted, cute ones. Sure I can get the fuglies no problem. They give me that eye

    fuck look like they are looking at a twinkie, but nothing from the cuties. So off I go on my journey learn skills

    from the great pickup artists and boom it works! I can pull em in my world where I become a god to them. My cousin

    watched how I took command of a convo one night and all 3 girls were their mouths were gaping open hovering on every

    word I was saying. Anyways I bring my cousin into this cause he pumps natural pheromones that gives him the hotties.

    He does no effort whatsoever. Me, I have to climb a mountain while spinning china plates on sticks to get these

    girls. He does nothing. He talks about his dumb happenings like running away away from someone on a beach just

    because they were screaming something and the girls are in same gaze when I play with their heads and convince them

    they want me bad. I studied lots of hours and practice many months in field like close to a year to get where I am

    and he does nothing but talk crap and boom the girl in the end of the night kisses him! And he never knows how he

    gets em. he just gets em. Plus he stinks and I keep telling him to bath. So definately he is pumping that phero that

    pulls the hotties. I produce the phero that pulls fuglies. I feel this is one more weapon in my arsenal to take the

    winning edge in the game.

    Anyways here is my question...I am an elevator mechanic and all day we

    move heavy objects that leave me sweating all day and smelling like grease and dirt and sweat. Would it be sensible

    to wear mones before work, after work, or just leave that for clubbing or going out? I ride the trains in the city

    and I see lots of opportunities but I don't unleash my guns since I stink like I mentioned before. Even sometimes I

    can't wash all the greease of my body like on my arms and hands when I am going home after work. I read somewhere

    that sweating will make the mones stink even more. And I know that after work I completely drentched in my own mones

    but like I said it calls the moose and not the goddess of aphrodite. BTW I am 30 latin and in fit shape since my job

    forces my body one way or another. I will be ording the newbie kit to test it out how it works with my body before

    upgrading to the NPA and SOE.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings,


  2. #2
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Girls like working men, but not washing greasy coveralls

    Quote Originally Posted by zatoichi View Post
    Hello all, awesome sit here.


    stumbled upon this site the usual way from that crap failure I mean Pherlure. No hits whatsoever. Just smells nice

    like my aqua de gio. I totally believe this pheromone shit. All my life I couldn't attract the girls I wanted, cute

    ones. Sure I can get the fuglies no problem. They give me that eye fuck look like they are looking at a twinkie, but

    nothing from the cuties. So off I go on my journey learn skills from the great pickup artists and boom it works! I

    can pull em in my world where I become a god to them. My cousin watched how I took command of a convo one night and

    all 3 girls were their mouths were gaping open hovering on every word I was saying. Anyways I bring my cousin into

    this cause he pumps natural pheromones that gives him the hotties. He does no effort whatsoever. Me, I have to climb

    a mountain while spinning china plates on sticks to get these girls. He does nothing. He talks about his dumb

    happenings like running away away from someone on a beach just because they were screaming something and the girls

    are in same gaze when I play with their heads and convince them they want me bad. I studied lots of hours and

    practice many months in field like close to a year to get where I am and he does nothing but talk crap and boom the

    girl in the end of the night kisses him! And he never knows how he gets em. he just gets em. Plus he stinks and I

    keep telling him to bath. So definately he is pumping that phero that pulls the hotties. I produce the phero that

    pulls fuglies. I feel this is one more weapon in my arsenal to take the winning edge in the game.

    Anyways here is my question...I am an elevator mechanic and all day we move heavy objects that leave me

    sweating all day and smelling like grease and dirt and sweat. Would it be sensible to wear mones before work, after

    work, or just leave that for clubbing or going out? I ride the trains in the city and I see lots of opportunities

    but I don't unleash my guns since I stink like I mentioned before. Even sometimes I can't wash all the greease of

    my body like on my arms and hands when I am going home after work. I read somewhere that sweating will make the

    mones stink even more. And I know that after work I completely drentched in my own mones but like I said it calls

    the moose and not the goddess of aphrodite. BTW I am 30 latin and in fit shape since my job forces my body one way

    or another. I will be ording the newbie kit to test it out how it works with my body before upgrading to the NPA and


    Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings,

    Z, Women like working

    men they really do but they are sometimes a little reserved in making this fact known to there peers and also to

    their professional type friends.

    I really think starting and finishing the day

    with a little blast of fragrance and pheromone on your hair or collar or sleeves if you are wearing overalls or work

    gear when travelling can give you a good edge seeing you come into contact with women when


    There are enough cute chicks to come under your charming spell especially if you display some

    easygoing self confidence in your approaches.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Talking Welcome to the chimestry world ;)

    I agree with what's said above me.
    And I would say you made a great choice of

    `mone-products for a beginner

    I myself took 8 different products as a beginner, and ended up using

    mostly SOE (though unscented), TE (well more like "Edge Essentials", but it's basicly the same

    thing...), NPA, and rarely Chikara.

    I have now added A1 to my arsenal and it

    works great, but that one is not so much for attracting women as it is for making them want to stay and be in a

    long-term relationship with you; so I guess it won't be your thing at the moment.

    I do think that at your age

    though, you might wanna try PI too. I recommend you read a bit about the difference between PI &

    NPA (there's a small difference.. but they are different in essence). You may want to read treads like

    NPA vs PI [ Ultimate Showdown ] , or

    others like it.

    I would also make you notice to the fact that TE & NPA are the same product, only

    TE is more diluted (I use TE more often... I think it has a better effect on women at the age range of 20-25, which

    is what I want to attract).

    But the most important advise I have to give you, is the same advise I always

    give to newbis here or anywhere... Read

    The CookBook to the fullest...

    from beginning to end!
    It is the best and most organized place to start from.
    Take into account that since it has

    been writen, there are some new products on the market - but still, it is THE best place to become aware of what I

    call real `mone usage

    Another good thing to read is:

    The Minimalist


    And for your specific case, I'd advise to (just in case) have one of these in you pocket\bag

    at all times:Purell Hand

    (although I like the one with Aloe in it better).
    I started using it after reading about

    sanitizers on the LS forums. I don't remember the thread itself so I can't link you that one; but... sufice to say

    that is the ONLY thing that'll wash the `mones off in case you want to refresh them and you're afraid of ODing (I

    hope you kow what ODing is.. if not... READ The Coockbook hehe).
    A shower in most cases won't wash off the

    `mones (you'll find that to be a GREAT fact when you'll have either a girl-friend\partner, or just sex in the

    shower hahaha). But if you put some of this sanitizer on your skin and let it dry off a bit - then it'll wash off,

    and you can feel free to refresh the aplication. Bear in mind, it dosen't work for all people - so you might try it

    and find out you ODed anyway... for me it does work, an as I understand it seems to work for most people who've

    tried it... but just FYI - be aware

    Yeah.. next and last advise is: read the forums, and most importantly:

    experiment and have lots of fun

    ... and post your experience as much as possible



  4. #4
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    Hey thanks for the replies. All

    very helpfull.

    Well when I receive my beginners set I will try it out before work for one week then before and

    after work the 2 wk and then without for 3 wk. I plan on doing a real methodical study and not just trying here and

    there. I like doing logs and using excel sheets for my experiments. I did one for my electric usage in my home which

    brought my electric bill from $70 a month to $45!

    Read all the links you gave me tenaciousBLADE. It really

    brought out the scientist in me. The ideas and expectations I had before, have changed to something more to my

    liking. I think I will go with the PI first. I think it's more my style.

    Already coming up with some theories

    to test out. And looking forward to getting the Phero Chem set to make my own batches but that is for the future.

    I think I produce enough nol but not enough none. Everyone says I am a great guy and they always trust me. Even

    when I obviously do bad. I sorta use that to my advantage sometimes If I mess up they forgive me instantly

    no grudges whatsoever.

    This so reminds me of that movie perfume.

    Well can't wait to get started. I will

    begin first off with TE and log results.


  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by zatoichi View Post
    I like doing

    logs and using excel sheets for my experiments. I did one for my electric usage in my home which brought my electric

    bill from $70 a month to $45!Z

    Can I get a copy of that?
    I belive I can never be too


    I recommend that you download the spreadsheet in the pherolibrary. As you seem like a

    methodical person the spreadsheet will be a big help in your up coming weeks as you find out what works best for

    you. Also, be carefull with the heavy none products as you are physical at work and still young so are probably

    putting out a fair bit of natural none. SOE and NPA are a great start as you can work out your nice guy/SOE , tough

    guy/NPA ratio.
    early 40's white male or or

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by zatoichi View Post
    Already coming up with some theories to test out. And looking forward to getting the Phero

    Chem set to make my own batches but that is for the future.
    Nicely put ... that is for the

    I had the same feeling about A1 when I first bought from LS. Although I bought so many different products,

    I didn't buy A1 back then as it's more of a chem set kinda` product. And indeed, now that I bought another round

    (of SOE uncsented & Edge Essentials *Arouser Blend), I also put in my very own A1. So what I'm saying is you'll

    probably feel much better buying the chem set after doin your research on products like TE, SOE and maybe even PI

    etc. etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by zatoichi View Post
    This so reminds me of that movie perfume
    LOL... when that

    movie came out, I was so extatic about it, yet I coudn't tell ANYONE why I like it so much
    As I keep my

    `mone usage a secret haha.

    Oh and gaf... great advice
    The pherolibrary is very usefull in such a manner

  7. #7
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    Yeah I gonna try with TE not to

    OD first and increase my -none first before raising my -nol. I really believe I produce more than enough -nol. I

    will be using that excel sheet from the Phero library. Yeah love playing with numbers like that.

    As for the

    electricity usage. My sheet will not help much since its tailored to my home. Plus It's not user friendly all

    numbers with charts and images of wires in my house and percentages of ampage use. But I won't leave ya in the


    This is the site I learned everything I needed to

    start saving money on eletricity. I also implore you to get the Kill-a-watt device to measure actual watt usage from

    your devices. It cost me 20 bucks but I have seen it after I bought it around 14. Amazon is good for that.

    Basically everything electrical uses certain amount of electricity and what is worst when you turn items off, they

    sometimes keep drawing power. For example my audio sys. was using 22w while I turned it off! Imagine 22w for 30 days

    at 24 hrs:

    (22w x 24hrs x 30days = 15840wh)/1000 = 15.84kwh

    If you look on your electric bill the KWH is

    what they use to charge you. Since I am in the city of NY they charge us $.18 per KWH

    so my audio system that I

    thought was off is robbing me (15.84kwh x $.18) = $2.85 per month

    Same with my cable box. It was at 13w WHILE

    OFF!!! came to $1.68 a month. And so on and so forth.

    After you log everything in your house you will see how

    sensible it is to use a powerstrip with an off switch so when your not using things you can group those items and

    turn em off at the powerstrip for savings.

    Go to the website for more understanding and tips on how to


  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    cool - thanks

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