
Just got some more of my favorite cologne tonight (Traded a 2floz bottle of D&G Original for 2 .5floz

bottles of Preffered Stock, score ) Anyways I was just wondering what everyone loves to use as a cover,


noted before I love Preffered Stock, however alot of people dont lol, I also use BJM by Versache, Vault and my all

time second favorite Gravity.

I find Proffered Stock has a very musky aroma, with lots of spice, Where as BJM

has a sporty smell, Vault(Meaning to get rid of this one, blah) Has a very sharp smell, sort of acidy. and Gravity,

for thoes who dont know, Is VERY deep smelling, Its wonderfull. I use Jovan Musk as well, but i havent had any of

that around for almost a year Il have to buy some more sometime haha

Thanks for your future replies