I had about 3/4 of this TE gel/pkt opened and sitting around for a few months and after my shave

i just decided to use it spread around under my neck and ears, just to get rid off it, Not long after i was called

out to drive someone home, and ended up in an exclusive womens fashion shopping area, so i ducked into one of the

better fragrance stores and was very soon approached by this young attractive woman who just about standing on top

of me proceeded to open the mens displayed fragrances, even after i said i was only looking she did not want to

leave me, and the shop was filling up with paying customers waiting for service so i had to tell her to serve them,

she said come back and try anything on, i left and was hanging around the 100 or so shops in the area and the amount

of full on female attention i was receiving could only account for one thing, i was certainly amazed as i was

dressed in shorts plain scruffy T shirt and thongs, not only was i the centre of female attention but i felt a

remarkable smooth and floating in air type sensation, so the TE seemed to be working its magic on me as well, And i

just did not even expect or plan on getting hits as i was just sort of using the stuff as an aftershave soother, One

thing is certain, i will definatelly have more respect for the power of these little packets in future.