The past 6 weeks I have excluslively used chikara to test how works it for me and to find out what is

the difference between Chikara and the combo SOE/TE!

Whereas SOE/TE gives me constant good hits, the Chikara

results are more differently. A mathematician would say Chikara-results have a higher correlation-rate. I have

noticed that the number of VERY good hits are higher if I use Chikara than SOE/TE! But the big disadvantage is that

if I use Chikara, most I get no or few results!

I have not exactly count my hits with SOE/TE and Chikara, but

following estimated figures show what I mean:

Results with SOE/TE:
  • very good hits: 10%
  • good

    hits: 80%
  • no or few results:10%
Results with Chikara:
  • very good hits: 20%
  • good

    hits: 20%
  • no or few results: 60%
The idea what I have had was to mix Chikara with TE and/or SOE,

but this has not enhance the success-rate!

My presumption is that Chikara comprised a pheromone, that is

attractive to a few women whereas the majority of women do not like this mood on men!

I think I will return to

my favourite SOE/TE, because a success-rate of 40% like with chikara is to less for me!