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  1. #1
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    Default Just a questions. But important one!


    think this question is important.

    I read a lot of topics, and much of it was from people with success using the

    pheromones, but I saw that many of them was from guys who look good or average. Is there any guys who don't look

    good or who look ugly even and got hit and/or even seduce an alpha female?

    I need answer to this question because

    it's important to my second question which I'll post later with a new thread. My second thread will be realy


    And a third and stupid question (just like that). What is a DIHL?

    Sorry about my low level english

    and thanks.

    Last edited by leto44; 03-11-2011 at 08:57 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Looks are only a part of it.

    Your personality, your confidence, your humor, how you dress are all part of it. Just because you don't believe you

    are attractive doesn't mean you cannot make yourself attractive to somebody else. Its all perspective.


    means Deer In the Headlights Look.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    Looks are only a

    part of it. Your personality, your confidence, your humor, how you dress are all part of it. Just because you don't

    believe you are attractive doesn't mean you cannot make yourself attractive to somebody else. Its all


    DIHL means Deer In the Headlights Look.
    Yeah, but I know alot not good looking guys who

    have problems with women and then all my good looking friend have not.

    The look is realy important, sometimes is

    like you don't exist for a woman and you are not saying anything to disturb her. I'm sure that there are not any

    male models or movie stars in this forum, am I

    Last edited by leto44; 03-11-2011 at 08:58 PM.

  4. #4
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leto44
    Yeah, but I

    know alot not good looking guys who have problems with women and then all my good looking friend have not.


    look is realy important, sometimes is like you don't exist for a woman and you are not saying anything to disturb

    her. I'm sure that there are not any male models or movie stars in this forum, am I right?
    I will tell

    you this.. That's not true..!
    Me and my friend is decent looking (he probably a little better than me even though

    I never would admit this towards him) and a few years ago we hanged around with another guy..
    He looked really

    shitty.. He was skinny, didn't shave, or shower reguarly, he stunk, never cleaned up and was really provokative and

    overall a really bastard.. Not towards us because we were his friends but we had to "save him" from trouble many

    And me and my friend couldn't understand it because at every party he got chicks and he looks like

    Normally me and my friend also gets chicks but he always got them.. Sometimes we didn't and he did, others

    we all did..
    But my point is he looks like and smells a little like a bum and even though he always got chicks..

    So looks aint always something that matters (nor smell aparently)

  5. #5
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Uhm, actually, we've had

    several here who claimed to be models over the years. We've also had claims of being successful pick up artists

    here too. The forum makes it hard to be certain of anybody so we just have to take them all at face value (forgive

    the really poor pun)

    Of course it is easier for the more attractive person to find dates. That isn't news. But

    facial features aren't everything and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Don't simply assume you can't because

    that will assure that you can't. Instead, try. The worst that can happen is you get told no. You'll still be where

    you started. However, you just might be told yes where if you hadn't tried you wouldn't have had that chance.

    Attitude means a lot. Believe in yourself.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  6. #6
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    I know there are not so good

    looking guys that are realy attractive to women (I know guys), but this is rare thing and that's not the point. I

    wan't to know if there are any not good looking guys (in this forum) who hit or seduced a really good looking woman

    (chick, alpha or wathever you call it).

    What is the main reason people come here? Isn't the main reason a

    problem with the oposit sex? Why would a guy who never had a problem with women be here

    Honda Cr125R
    Last edited by leto44; 03-11-2011 at 08:58 PM.

  7. #7
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I am married as is the owner,

    Bruce. My pheromone use is business related mostly. That, and its a lot of fun to play with them.

    My own looks

    are not that great but my wife is very nice looking. Kind of the beauty and the beast situation.

    You have to

    remember that a lot of attraction has nothing to do with the concious mind. Rather, the subconcious makes decisions

    that have more to do with chemicals than looks. The best thing I can suggest is to try the gel packs. They are

    inexpensive and easy to use. If they don't work for you there is nothing gained. But please remember that the whole

    package counts. One of the long time forum members is fond of reminding us that you can't put mones on a corpse and

    expect women to attack it. You have to work on the whole package to make it work.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  8. #8
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    It's not all because I never had

    a date. I had but this time is different. I won't even try to seduce that girl without pheromones.

    Ill tell more

    about the situation later in thread I told you

    Norbert reithofer
    Last edited by leto44; 03-11-2011 at 08:58 PM.

  9. #9
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Some is here because the

    mones just "helps" with some things.. When you talk to girls you don't know they can be more receptive towards

    There's lots of reasons to be here..

  10. #10
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    Yeah, but what is the main

    Last edited by leto44; 03-11-2011 at 08:58 PM.

  11. #11
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    We all have different

    reasons for using mones..

  12. #12
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leto44
    Yeah, but what is

    the main reason?
    If you are trying to get somebody to say that most the users here are losers with

    women, you are wasting time. Very few come here that really are losers with women. The few that are get suggestions

    about clothes and personal appearance and other such factors. Some we've even managed to help.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  13. #13
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leto44
    Yeah, but

    what is the main reason?
    I orignally stumbled upon this site years ago when reading through perfuming

    forums as I was looking for some different scents then they sell commercially in the US. I had a lot of free time

    back then so I started reading these forums and thought to myself wow, there might be something to this. I got my

    newbie kit and followed the instructions with that I got my first amazing hit. I was at the bar with some friends

    when a very definitive lesbian friend of mine ( the one that plays the man role) was talking to me and started

    sniffing me. She couldn't stop and then started kissing and licking my neck. I had known her for years and never

    seen any behavior like this from her before. Since then I have been a believer.

    So why do I use them.

    Originally after that expierience I thought wow with this stuff I would just own any woman that I wanted but soon I

    realized that they help but certainly doesn't accomplish anything on their own. I continued using them still as an

    added tool for meeting woman, just like dressing nice, and approaching them are tools. Since then I have also

    enjoyed the social observations that I can have when wearing them (watching the reactions of others arounds me) Some

    NOT ALL will blush, fidget, or say comments that they shouldn't. Now I continue to use them for the two reasons

    above but am also incorporating them into my job which is a commision based sales position.

    I hope that helps


  14. #14
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leto44
    I know there

    are not so good looking guys that are realy attractive to women (I know guys), but this is rare thing and that's

    not the point. ?
    You are simply missing the point! Looks to woman is only a small part of the equation

    and that is why not so good looking guys can still get attractive woman (very rare to be seen in reverse). The

    reason that ugly guys don't get pretty woman is because they think they are ugly and have no confidence which is

    the most attractive think about a man to a woman NOT LOOKS!!!

  15. #15
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    So most* of the users here don't

    use the pheros to seduce women?! Thats realy bad suprise. Sorry to bother

    Last edited by leto44; 03-11-2011 at 08:59 PM.

  16. #16
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leto44
    I wan't to

    know if there are any not good looking guys (in this forum) who hit or seduced a really good looking woman (chick,

    alpha or wathever you call it).
    I used to think that I wasn't that attractive. Hell read my body

    description below, and I will tell you that's not from being in the gym because I don't work out. So I'm turning

    32 soon have a little pot belly, but I had built myself from within and know I'm damn good looking!!! The girls I

    attact/ go after well the last 2 that I went out with a lot (I don't get in commited relationships) and slept with.

    1st one 22 y/o 5'10" great body, pretty girl from a rich family. When I would walk away from her for a while guys

    would always be up there talking to her, but I didn't care LOl. The most recent one 20 y/o absoultely beautiful

    face, good body practically worships me. Will do anything I ask in public or in private.

    So there are the

    answers to your questions you are looking for. Any not so good looking guys in here? Hell yeah different girls

    like different things. Some girls like muscles, some pot bellies, some short, some tall. I have know girls to like

    rail thin guys, and I have even known attractive girls to prerer fat guys and refer to them as teddy bears. We men

    are the superficial ones and almost of all of us want the same basic things. Women are sooooo much different and

    although looks matter to them, they matter very little. It's what's inside us that makes us good looking and for

    that we can say we are blessed to be guys!!!

  17. #17
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leto44
    So most* of

    the users here don't use the pheros to seduce women?! Thats realy bad suprise. Sorry to bother you.

    bother. Alot of us, probably most, use them to seduce woman. We just know with our expierience that it takes more

    than just mones to get a woman.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marlboro_man
    I used to

    think that I wasn't that attractive. Hell read my body description below, and I will tell you that's not from

    being in the gym because I don't work out. So I'm turning 32 soon have a little pot belly, but I had built myself

    from within and know I'm damn good looking!!! The girls I attact/ go after well the last 2 that I went out with a

    lot (I don't get in commited relationships) and slept with. 1st one 22 y/o 5'10" great body, pretty girl from a

    rich family. When I would walk away from her for a while guys would always be up there talking to her, but I

    didn't care LOl. The most recent one 20 y/o absoultely beautiful face, good body practically worships me. Will do

    anything I ask in public or in private.

    So there are the answers to your questions you are looking for. Any

    not so good looking guys in here? Hell yeah different girls like different things. Some girls like muscles, some

    pot bellies, some short, some tall. I have know girls to like rail thin guys, and I have even known attractive

    girls to prerer fat guys and refer to them as teddy bears. We men are the superficial ones and almost of all of us

    want the same basic things. Women are sooooo much different and although looks matter to them, they matter very

    little. It's what's inside us that makes us good looking and for that we can say we are blessed to be

    Do you think the pheromones have somthing to do with it (for you

    Digital Scales
    Last edited by leto44; 03-11-2011 at 08:59 PM.

  19. #19
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Is there any guys who

    don't look good or who look ugly even and got hit and/or even seduce an alpha female?
    Back to the

    original question... Yes, I do. An alpha female is simply a leader, a woman with power and position in her

    environment. The profession of nursing tends to attract alpha female types. However, she is not necessarily

    attractive or exclusive to alpha males or any particular type of male. It all depends. Two alpha personalities will

    often suffer conflict due to a constant power struggle, so alpha females often prefer men they can boss

    around...pussy whip types.

    Personality, I try to avoid alpha females as I hate fighting and struggling all

    the time.

    As to male attractiveness, women are less fickle than men. Looks are helpful, but social position,

    power, money, lifestyle, personality, etc., matter more.

    And, yes, I too mainly use pheromones to enhance my

    social and professional interactions. With better social interactions women are naturally drawn to me and I can take

    it from there. It doesn't mean I don't try to make her horny with a little NPA, but realize she is there because

    she is attracted to me. It's a done deal. The pheromones merely amp things up a bit.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  20. #20
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    I just thougth the alpha females

    are the sexiest one. Another

    Last edited by leto44; 03-11-2011 at 08:59 PM.

  21. #21
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leto44
    Do you think

    the pheromones have somthing to do with it (for you personaly)?
    Yes they are a small part of the equation

    as I have previously mentioned, but they aren't everything. They seem to affect more as woman get drunker and they

    let down the conscience walls a bit.

  22. #22
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    one of the main reasons im looking

    into these mones are for business/networking purposes. In hospitals, many authorities are females and it would be

    alot easier to get them on my side with an extra help, even though my intentions are good natured. On the other

    note, i do get some girls that are 10's and 9's while there are alpha's lurking around and preying on them. and

    im not a model.

  23. #23
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    Lets start clean here.

    Tell us your whole story and we can give you complete advice. There is a HUGE mental game to meeting women that

    MANY men overlook. Meeting women is more a mental game than a looks game, that I can promise you. You've stated

    that there is another thread to soon follow so I'll wait until I read that thread before say anything else. Oh,

    I'll say this, I came here because I thought this would be a cool suggestion for Mythbusters! LOL, I ended up

    buying some after do some research

  24. #24
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snaxs


    start clean here. Tell us your whole story and we can give you complete advice. There is a HUGE mental game to

    meeting women that MANY men overlook. Meeting women is more a mental game than a looks game, that I can promise

    you. You've stated that there is another thread to soon follow so I'll wait until I read that thread before say

    anything else. Oh, I'll say this, I came here because I thought this would be a cool suggestion for Mythbusters!

    LOL, I ended up buying some after do some research
    You thought this was a myth that

    could have been untrue?
    WorkingMann - you've been there, done that!

  25. #25
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snaxs
    I'll say this, I

    came here because I thought this would be a cool suggestion for Mythbusters! LOL, I ended up buying some after do

    some research
    The biggest problem I see with that is MythBusters is a joke. They come to obviously

    wrong conclusions constantly and their methodology stinks. They really have no clue what they are talking about half

    the time. For entertainment, its fine. For a reality check, they are hopelessly lost. I don't know what would be

    more disturbing, they figure out that mones do work or that they don't.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  26. #26
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    I saw an article in a magazine

    (Popular Science.. I SWEAR) that talked about mones and how effective they are. I continued to do research

    and found pro and con articles. Well, that is when I got the idea about Mythbusters. However, once I found this

    site I decided against the idea... and ordered some mones . Anyway, lets not derail the topic.


  27. #27
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    I'd consider myself a good

    looking male.. not alpha - but can appear so at times. I give off characteristics of being alpha - and to some I may

    appear so. I haven't always been like this though. When I was younger I was just that 'cute' kid.. I used my

    personality and humor back then and it worked wonders. Now that I've matured and grown up more, I've became more

    of a man and more attractive due to my lifestyle and changes I've made.. ie: appearance, phsyique, personality..

  28. #28
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Anyone can apear to be alpha when

    in their own domain or element. Few are alpha all the time. That MacDonold's manager is all the shit at work. In

    society he probably won't get much respect no matter how much he postures and beats his chest after they see the

    Big Mac logo on his vest...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  29. #29
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Anyone can apear to be

    alpha when in their own domain or element. Few are alpha all the time. That MacDonold's manager is all the shit at

    work. In society he probably won't get much respect no matter how much he postures and beats his chest after they

    see the Big Mac logo on his vest...

    Ha Ha , I know that guy..... seriously, I do!
    A good

    friend of mine is a manager of a local mccafe , doesn't understand why no one pays him any respect outside of work,

    especially when he mentions the "goldern arches".
    (He's a McD lifer...)
    early 40's white male or or

  30. #30
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi

    MacDonold's manager is all the shit at work. In society he probably won't get much respect no matter how much he

    postures and beats his chest after they see the Big Mac logo on his vest...
    Actually if you've been boss

    or manager for mac D you more easily get jobs elsewhere.. Because you can in a short period of time get to be

    manager and you can then use that as a jumping board..
    At first I also thought "Phh Mac D manager.. Wee I will get

    so many jobs with that on my resome.. Year right!" but actually it's a good starting ground to get work

    But with regular people you will not get their respect by that I agree..
    WorkingMann - you've been there, done that!

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