sorry about the delay in

posting. OK, so on Friday night I put 5 drops of unscented AQ on my jaw line. It smelled considerably like NPA to

me and being concerned that I was smelling bad I asked Sue to take a whiff which she did and she really didn't like

it at all. So, I decided to cover it with about 1/3 of a scented SOE packet. We both then agreed that I was

smelling ok. We went out to a bar that we frequent and pretty much know everybody there. I got close up to several

women that I know and didn't get any kind or reaction that was out of the ordinary. One of our friends there is a

lesbian who's strangely enough married to a guy who was also there. I decided to ask her to just smell my

"cologne" and had told her it was an experimental scent and I wanted her opinion on it. She loved it. She then

went on in great detail that it reminded her of the scent of guys who were very clean but had been working out and

were sweating (she admitted that although favoring women, this sweat scent was very appealing to her). I was now

sitting one person away from her (Sue was between us) and she then told me that the fragrance was very aphrodesiac

to her. She pretty much stayed put near me for another hour or so (this is very untypicial of her, she's usually

bouncing all over the place or playing pool). At some point I must have been distracted a bit and didn't notice

that she had left the bar, her husband was now sitting where she had been. He told us she had left with some other

people to go to another bar, he didn't want to go and she had gotten angry with him and went on her own (she does

this frequently, sometimes going off for a week or two to be with a female lover). I'm a bit perplexed about her

and the mone reaction as I had read somewhere (perhaps here?) that lesbians in a controlled test did not care for a

male pheromone signature. I can't say for sure if she has sex with her husband as it's never come up. She's 32,

has piercings and tats, boy's haircut, wears masculine clothes and can't stand anything frilly or feminine, (one

of her tats is in Chinese characters and is translated to "I love women". One has to think that if it walks like a

duck, talks like a duck..... it must be a duck. I know an awful lot about her but won't mention much more, she's

a very heavy drinker and trusts Sue and I greatly so she's been very candid with us over the past few months. Sue

and her would get it on if it were possible.

Sorry if I am rambling on a bit with this but it interests me

regarding mones and bisexual women / lesbians. Almost all of our female friends in the 'swinging" part of our

lives are bisexual and they all react very well to AE/M with SOE. So, I'm thinking this new product has potential

for me. I'm convinced it works and would like for other posters to test it maybe in a more direct fashion by just

flat out asking females to take in a good whiff when they are wearing it.

Is anyone else also picking up on

the NPA smell?