During the time I've been using PI for the past 5 years and interacted with hundreds of women, this

has _never_ happened, and it has occured multiple times this week, so i'm 100% sure it's pheros.


I've been doing the NPA+SoE mix to clubs and dates this week and exact same thing happened THREE times on separate

nights with different women.

Basically I'm at this stage on date or at club or cinema where I've been talking

to the girl for some time and we're sitting and I put my arm on her back or around her neck in movies and like 5-10

seconds later she gives some sign it's not ok (yet?), or says I should "behave myself" or something like that.

Is this the NPA secret ingredient? Or SoE making me non-sexual? With PI they love the touching and being hugged,

no games or BS, maybe the SoE friendliness causes them to start playing hard-to-get games.

Anyone else

experienced this? What are your thoughts.