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  1. #1
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    Lightbulb NPA vs PI [ Ultimate Showdown ]

    Testing Method:

    1 dab of PI applied between 3 spots (cheeck, neck, ear) on the right side of the face, and 1

    dab of NPA applied on the same 3 spots on the left side of the face. Covered with cologne.

    To test for: Which

    side will the girls start/prefer sniffing.

    Reason: I'm trying to find if the secret ingredients in NPA makes

    it better or defuses the effect, making pure PI none better.

    Theory: I've had better sexual results wearing

    pure NPA compared to NPA+SoE, so maybe pure none is also better without the secret ingredients of NPA.


    this is the best method to test them as when you wear both on different days there are just too many possible

    variables that can affect the results.

  2. #2
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    haha, dude, you are going to

    od! the only thing they will perfear sniffing is fresh air after they run out the room you in.

    even tho i dont

    have PI, i guess i can put some coment in here sence i have used the chem set None and NPA. i seem to get better

    results witth NPA and have worn and loved wearing just NPA with cover scent. as for the chem set none. even if i

    wear just a tiny drop, i get none like reactions but not as good as NPA, so all i can say is, ether the secreat

    ingredent in NPA is alsome or im just not doseing the pure none right. but i do like NPA tho. and i dont think im

    going to buy pi at all sence i have a none product that work and price.

  3. #3
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    You really think 2 dabs will

    be OD?

  4. #4
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    from what i heard, 90% of

    people are oding from just one drop of PI.

    but i dont do pi so i dont know. but i think a dap of pi + a dap of

    NPA would alittle too much none. it just seem logical to me.

  5. #5
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    I think a drop is like 2,5

    dabs... and npa is 50% none so it's 60% of a pure PI drop.

  6. #6
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    Anyway, I'll give it a try on

    a date tonight. It's one of the women I had problem putting my hand on her back with on the first date (that I

    mentioned in the other thread), so will be interesting to see how things go without SoE.

  7. #7
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    How old are you, Visual. You

    really should try 2 drops of PI annnnnnd 2 drops of NPA, or 2 drops of PI mixed with 4 drops of JB1 + cover

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  8. #8
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    early 20's... 2 DROPS of PI

    and 2 DROPS of NPA.... haha, are you kidding or serious?

    I'm not worried about the aggressiveness, but

    worried about there might be really bad smell for some people, specially as I can't smell the pheros.


    I've never had negative comments about smell with PI, even at huge OD doses like 6 drops during 5 years of constant

    use, but when I started using NPA, got multiple indirect comments regarding smell... it's probably the secret


  9. #9
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    've never had negative

    comments about smell with PI, even at huge OD doses like 6 drops during 5 years of constant use, but when I started

    using NPA, got multiple indirect comments regarding smell... it's probably the secret

    You're just guessing as you can't smell 'none. Plus most folks won't comment on your

    stink out of politeness. I can smell none and it stinks like kitty wee and pit. No woman likes that smell so wear a

    good cover. If you sniff the chemset androstenone--pure none and alcohol carrier--you'll find it smells almost the

    same as NPA but a bit stronger and more pissy.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by visual999
    early 20's...

    2 DROPS of PI and 2 DROPS of NPA.... haha, are you kidding or serious?
    Nope, I'm not kidding. NPA

    does have a naughty scent to it, but something causes it. I haven't figured out how or why. I've got the pissy

    smell from both NPA and TE, but I've worn tons of it lots of times, and only smelled the pissy smell a hand full of

    times. I think it's the wrist's pulse points.

    Anywho, JB1 would be a SAFER use, but I've used

    straight NPA with PI and a cover. Things went just fine.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  11. #11
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    Ok, did the PI + NPA test


    Was 48 hours without pheros, first time in a long long time, showered 2-3 times, clean clothes without

    phero trace.

    I wanted to test without pheros because last time I was without them for 14 days (on vacation in

    woods) and then got back to town, I got a lot of looks from women, more than I had usually gotten with pheros, so

    wanted to see if none increases or decreases (creates none overdose) the attention.

    First few hours tested

    without any pheros in the mal, i know it sounds like a short time, but it was definitely enough to notice the


    good thing - the people (specially women) pumping into me thing was gone, women didn't pay any

    attention to me that I could notice, or to any other good looking men around as far as I could see... they were all

    in their little self-centered worlds with blank eyes.

    Applied 1 dab of NPA + 1 dab of PI:
    whoa, women are so

    sneaky, they're good at hiding their interest, but definitely could see the difference:

    1. Lots of moving in

    one direction, and then acting like "oh wait, I forgot to go there" and doing a 180 degrees and walking towards


    2. Lots of eye contact

    3. When I went into a men's shops that I know are usually empty (i'm there a

    lot), but after like 30-40 secs, women started appearing there. I was in the middle of the shop and they were moving

    like back and front, back and front, back and front, like zombies, trying really hard to get my attention, and then

    just standing close to me with really open body language, like "comeon, come talk to me". It was funny, I could see

    they couldn't find an excuse to be there or know what to do as it was all men's clothes.

    3. None

    made me a bit nervous/jumpy - it usually does - my suggestion is not to have coffee when you're on none. Or go to

    gym that day before you use it, so you have better body control.

    4. Women blocking my way a lot - they walk in

    front of me and start walking really slow and so that I couldn't pass them - basically like they're looking for me

    to touch them and say "excuse me" to pass.

    5. Bumping was back and hardcore, damn I hate that, women are walking

    _hard_ into me, I can see them coming 10 metres away and try to get out of the way, but still they come into me, I

    quite often have even bruises from it.

    I felt I should have added more, as Mobley suggested, gonna try

    adding 1 more dab of PI and 1 more dab of NPA tonight and will see if it gets better results.

  12. #12
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    Basically I liked the pure

    none results better than I like the SoE or none+SoE, as I'm a very friendly/open/fun person anyway, so SoE makes me

    go over the top to pure goofy.

    SoE+alcohol = can't keep a serious face. There was a sexy icequeen type chick

    in club few weeks ago, was standing further away at first, saw how she rejected some guys asking her to dance, so I

    went and just stood there in front of her, put my arms across my chest like she had and imitated her angry icequeen

    look/posture, then just started laughing at her and making crazy faces. Could see she was struggling to keep the

    angry face.

  13. #13
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by visual999
    Basically I

    liked the pure none results better than I like the SoE or none+SoE, as I'm a very friendly/open/fun person anyway,

    so SoE makes me go over the top to pure goofy.

    SoE+alcohol = can't keep a serious face. There was a sexy

    icequeen type chick in club few weeks ago, was standing further away at first, saw how she rejected some guys asking

    her to dance, so I went and just stood there in front of her, put my arms across my chest like she had and imitated

    her angry icequeen look/posture, then just started laughing at her and making crazy faces. Could see she was

    struggling to keep the angry face.
    Where are you putting your 1:1 dabs of NPA:PI Visual? It deserves a

    week or two of testing before you jump to 2:2. It's part of the process ... a process that I've never followed!

    What kind of cover scent are you using?

    When you're done testing that 1:1 ... you can take a

    small bit of SOE, and place it on your neck's pulse points, and then apply your PI:NPA on top of it as well.

    Keep testing, and keep posting what YOU think!

    Isn't it amazing that for so long, people say

    it's an age thing, but Visual is 20+, and it's not killing his hits?

    Is he low on his natural -none levels?

    That's what most would say, but how do we really know?

    -None is only liked by older women? That's not

    true either.

    -None is liked more by black women? I've found that to be true, but I've seen white women fall on

    their knees to a good -none slap as well.

    Someone once said that an OD is not always a bad thing. That, I


    Test ... test ... test. That's what we need to keep doing.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  14. #14
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    Mobley, my experience is that

    the hotter (more alpha) the woman is, the more she is affected by the none, the 24 year old shy mice might get

    "scared" away by 2 drops, while a 16 year old really alpha chick, or a bit older and experienced/secure women can

    handle it. SoE pulled in lots of the less attractive not-alpha chicks for me - lost the few alpha ones with it that

    I wanted, alpha types i guess want the strong none-filled types.

    Basically I think what it does is makes the

    women feel a bit submissive and a bit sexually nervous / jumpy... it sure makes me jumpy...

    I applied 1:1 dabs

    of NPA and PI in the morning, and now tried adding 1:1 more in the evening... but PI didn't come out as dab so I

    dropped, and messed up all calculation, probably got like 3 dabs PI and 1 dab NPA in addition to what I put on in

    the morning.

    Anyway, a not attractive chick was a bit shy, some ugly chicks in the next table, one of them soon

    started talkin really loud about how much money her family has when I sat down ("get a friggin extreme make-over

    then" was my thought), but an alpha chick on the table on the otherside stared me hardcore... really strong sexual


    She was the hottest most-alpha chick there, was talking to her bit less hot/alpha gf and then suddenly

    just turned her head 90 degrees to where I was standing talking to the waitress and gave me a strong 3 second "I

    want You! Take me right here! Right now!" stare. She gave me a total of like 4-5 of those 3 second direct into eye


    Now problem was, I've been on low none & high SoE mixes for some time before that, and imho takes some

    time to build up tolerance to a phero mix change - I was feeling too aggressive to have any interest in the chicks


    So far I prefer NPA/PI over SoE - don't get me wrong SoE was also very effective, but I'm very

    fun/un-serious without it, and adding SoE makes me just too goofy.

  15. #15
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    I'd love to hear about all

    result/effect differences people here have had with wearing just PI vs just NPA.

  16. #16
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "my experience is that the

    hotter (more alpha) the woman is, the more she is affected by the none"
    My experience agrees with

    this observation except on one point. Alpha females are not necessary hot! Some are butt ugly but powerful and

    respected leaders. Also, most attractive females are not alpha females. That is, being attractive does not afford

    them leadership abilities. It is more likely to put them in a position of being a sexual object or, if they have

    leadership abilities, they have a difficult time being taken seriously. I see hot women employed in the lowest rungs

    of society all the time, e.g., hoe, stripper, sales clerk at department stores, etc.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  17. #17
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    Thumbs up Gegogi for President!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    My experience agrees with this observation except on one point. Alpha females are not necessary hot!

    Some are butt ugly but powerful and respected leaders. Also, most attractive females are not alpha females. That is,

    being attractive does not afford them leadership abilities. It is more likely to put them in a position of being a

    sexual object or, if they have leadership abilities, they have a difficult time being taken seriously. I see hot

    women employed in the lowest rungs of society all the time, e.g., hoe, stripper, sales clerk at department stores,

    You're always on top of things, G!

    Visual ...

    PI - THUG
    NPA - Sexxxy Thug

    Both can be

    sexual. It all DEPENDS on the target.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  18. #18
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    So far I prefer NPA/PI

    over SoE - don't get me wrong SoE was also very effective
    well with NPA, PI and SoE, you are getting

    what you pay for. you don't have to justify your opion. sence you are looking for more sexual hits its only logical

    that you like NPA and PI better then SoE. and im sure before when you were looking for interations with poeple such

    as being open and freindly you probelly liked SoE more.

    hey visual, do you dap your NPA with the droper top off

    or on the bottle?

  19. #19
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    With the dropper on - the

    amount of one PI drop comes out of the NPA bottle even like that, with the dropper off, then the dap would equal to

    about 4 drops out of PI bottle, imho.

    Anyone else here feels that NPA makes you more jumpy/nervous than PI,

    which kinda makes you macho-cool and slow-moving?

    Is there any info somewhere on what effect the secret NPA

    ingredients should have?

    I've read a lot about NPA = more sexual and PI = more respect, but have had a solid

    sexual record with PI over the years... haven't tried NPA that much yet though.

    Also wondering if I should

    even mix NPA and PI, maybe the makers of NPA have used the best ratios of none+secret and adding PI to the mix makes

    it less effective.

  20. #20
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default NPA dis shit is de real deal

    It was just after 3 am thismorning, I had just read recent posts

    on TE and NPA, So just before going back to bed i applied a small dab NPA to side of neck and covered with 1/4 small

    dab of Beautiful parfume by Estee Lauder. When i awoke i discovered my girl was wrapped around me and nuzzling up to

    the application area asleep, she did not want to let go. You dont exactly have to be a rocket scientist to see that

    this stuff delivers the goods.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  21. #21
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    [quote=visual999]Also wondering

    if I should even mix NPA and PI, maybe the makers of NPA have used the best ratios of none+secret and adding

    PI to the mix makes it less effective./quote]

    Follow the liiiiiiight! Stay in the liiiiiiight!

    Open your eyes, Visual. Let your test results be your guide.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  22. #22
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    I have had great sucess

    with NPA but never have tried PI. It's been a great sexual weapon for me and along with SOE it will stay with me

    for life (or until something better comes along)

  23. #23
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    Terry, could u do the same

    test with PI?

  24. #24
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    I've had great success with

    PI, no scoring results with NPA yet... at this moment I'm theorizing it may be because NPA gives the though playboy

    vibe - the guy that only has sex with different women and no relationships.

    While PI gives just the though guy

    vibe that might be more relationship oriented, and as we know 99% of women out there are looking for a relationship,

    not a one-nighter.

    Any comments on that theory?

  25. #25
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Re Pi Test

    Quote Originally Posted by visual999
    Terry, could u do the same test with PI?
    Sorry i did not

    reply earlier visual, but i only just clicked on and read your comment, i dont know why i did not receive a

    notification by email as i usually do. For sure i will do the same test with PI and exactly the same cover scent,

    also when i mentioned that i had awoken and she was wrapped around me and was asleep and nuzzling up to the NPA and

    Beautifull parfum i was wearing, well later on after i had posted this report she told me that she did have a very

    realistic sexual dream after 3am which is the time i went back to bed with the application on. So i will do it again

    with a small dab of PI and report back. And thank you 4 the good idea.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  26. #26
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    Put on some PI this weekend,

    damn , good old reliable PI - 3 clubs in one night, scored 4 phone numbers, of these conversations 2 were

    _started by the girl_ . And offered me their numbers themselves, they were like "can I give you my number... be sure

    to call me..... no really, call me!!!". Then in the last club - walked in, said something like "hey, how You

    doin'", _she_ bought me drinks, and I walked out with her 5 mins later to my place.

    As many have posted NPA

    works better for them than PI, I dunno, I might be doing better with PI as it makes me cool and focused while NPA

    makes me too nervous / jumpy, or it could also be that NPA projects the player vibe while PI the respect / reliable

    vibe. Or it could also be I've been applying wrong ratios with NPA.

    But as usual with PI, I got a LOT more

    (scared?) looks from guys than from girls. Kinda weird when most of the guys in the club are checking you out the

    way you would want girls to check you out

    What I've also noticed that when you date girls while wearing

    PI they keep telling you they're scared of you. They don't seem that scared in the bed though


    much PI did I apply? Well I apply a drop... and the small "echo drop" also that quickly comes out after the drop

    drops on your finger. So it's around 1,4 drops I guess. And heavy cologne on it, so they smell the cologne, but get

    the effect of PI.

  27. #27
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Year man this is reliable stuff

    Quote Originally Posted by visual999
    Put on some PI this weekend, damn , good old reliable PI - 3 clubs in one

    night, scored 4 phone numbers, of these conversations 2 were _started by the girl_ . And offered me their numbers

    themselves, they were like "can I give you my number... be sure to call me..... no really, call me!!!". Then in the

    last club - walked in, said something like "hey, how You doin'", _she_ bought me drinks, and I walked out with her

    5 mins later to my place.

    As many have posted NPA works better for them than PI, I dunno, I might be doing

    better with PI as it makes me cool and focused while NPA makes me too nervous / jumpy, or it could also be that NPA

    projects the player vibe while PI the respect / reliable vibe. Or it could also be I've been applying wrong ratios

    with NPA.

    But as usual with PI, I got a LOT more (scared?) looks from guys than from girls. Kinda weird when

    most of the guys in the club are checking you out the way you would want girls to check you out


    I've also noticed that when you date girls while wearing PI they keep telling you they're scared of you. They

    don't seem that scared in the bed though

    How much PI did I apply? Well I apply a drop... and the

    small "echo drop" also that quickly comes out after the drop drops on your finger. So it's around 1,4 drops I

    guess. And heavy cologne on it, so they smell the cologne, but get the effect of PI.
    Yeaar, Visual i call the PI old reliable, as it simply gets the job done when applied in the

    correct quantity.Happy New Year... terry0400-40
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  28. #28
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    damn right, PI scored for me

    again tonight... got 3 phone numbers... 6 chicks (girlfriends) were competing for me like crazy, and 3 of them had


    I'm not saying everyone should go with PI now, I think it's just what compliments my persona the

    best - added 1,5 drops again. Been adding that every day for 3 days, no OD yet.
    Just have to re-apply cologne like

    every 8 hours, because while the cologne's smell weakens, the PI smell stays much longer I think, so have to

    re-hide it.

    PI works wonders with a group of chicks - maybe that one hot chick isn't affected that much at

    first, or isn't showing it, but one of the girls in the group will be hit hard by PI and will get you into the

    group, where you can slowly start turning the chicks into competitors.

    2007 = Back to the Basics


    Happy New Year!!!

  29. #29
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by visual999
    damn right,

    PI scored for me again tonight... got 3 phone numbers... 6 chicks (girlfriends) were competing for me like crazy,

    and 3 of them had boyfriends.

    I'm not saying everyone should go with PI now, I think it's just what

    compliments my persona the best - added 1,5 drops again. Been adding that every day for 3 days, no OD yet.

    have to re-apply cologne like every 8 hours, because while the cologne's smell weakens, the PI smell stays much

    longer I think, so have to re-hide it.

    PI works wonders with a group of chicks - maybe that one hot chick isn't

    affected that much at first, or isn't showing it, but one of the girls in the group will be hit hard by PI and will

    get you into the group, where you can slowly start turning the chicks into competitors.

    2007 = Back

    to the Basics (PI)

    Happy New Year!!!
    So you apply "1" drop.. Where do you apply it to and what cover

    do you use?

  30. #30
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    1,4 drops all on the neck

    (easy to clean up) and as women are shorter would affect them a bit more than guys - I've also noticed pheromones

    seem to "fall down"... e.g. when I walk down the stairs, women coming up the stairs show more effect than when I'm

    going up and women coming down.

    Would be cool to add some UV molecules to the phero mix and then wear special

    UV glasses to check out how your pheros flow. It would be super awesome to see how a phero cloud floats towards

    someone and how they get affected the moment it reaches them.... you could target your phero flow perfectly by

    standing exactly where necessary for the wind to carry it to the target.

    For cover scent, I use strong sweet

    cover scents... I'd suggest taking home some samples from the perfume shop and then smelling them 6,12,24 hours

    later to see which is still on there and which has lost its scent.

    Though I get super awesome results with PI

    that I haven't gotten with NPA, I think NPA also has a strong effect on women, had both on, NPA in hair and PI on

    neck a few days ago, and the girl seemed to prefer smelling the hair... have to test it some more, would love to

    hear back from Terry on the PI test results.

    Then again, it's one thing what she prefers to smell and another

    what affects her the way you want her to be affected - e.g. girls love to smell SoE, but it's no PI for sexual

    results no matter how much they smell you.

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