I like the fact that you posted a thread about this
And yes, I've got some expirience with this. My

best friend (defenetly an alpha type... but he's got so much natural `none, that some women get intimidated after

two times of f**king with him) - he & I used to do this all the time.

It starts with us both doing a

contest... that makes her watch it and get another angle at this... so it subconsiously makes it a bit tougher on


Now the twist I have to add is it the way we start the contest...
It doesn't simply start with

standing\sitting face to face and waiting for one of you to lose. Oh no ... It starts with both of you

looking to one direction (ex. you to your right and her to her left), your bodys facing each other. And then, you

both count to three (at the same time of course). At the count of three you should both be facing each other, not

just the bodys but the faces as well.
The point here is it makes it funnyer. think about it... she's

looking at some bird or wahtever, and then suddenly the third count comes, she quickly moves to face you, and with

no real warning she sees the funniest face ever, or the most rediculous, or something of the sort.

Look at Jim

Cary's movements & faces for some ideas. For instance, you know the "Aaaaallrighty then!" he does? well while

saying it, he usually makes a move of the sort you need to make at the count of three (or two and 4/5).

even just making the most serious face would make her laugh and look away. especially when she least expects

From there on it of course gets to the same point... don't look away.

Try it... it makes her laugh... and

when she laughs (while sniffing your `mones, as you suggested), you got her half way in