Moderators, please don't delete this thread. I promise it will not contain any useless rants or

raves, and I won't delete my posts. I wanted to wrap up my last thread, but you guys got rid of here is my

message. I think I have something important and relevant to say with regards to my experiences with PI.

So, the

last time I touched PI was Monday of last week, about 8 days ago (10/6). I claimed to have "permanently OD'd" and

that everywhere I went people were staying far away and holding noses/faces/mouths.

It got to a point where I

skipped work, avoided parents and friends, and just isolated myself. Everyone I knew thought I was acting crazy or

I'd dropped off the face of the planet. I finally told my parents about 'mones...unfortunately, they didn't

believe a word of it. My mom kept saying how she's really sensitive to smell, and if it was so, then she would

have noticed long ago. My dad felt similarly. I even told friends, and none of them believed me. I called a

doctor, and he had never heard of 'mones. I asked people who rubbed their noses if I smell...most of them had no

clue what I was talking about.

So, I went out the other night with a good friend to show him what I was talking

about. I was very relieved when he pointed out how natural it is for people to touch their noses casually or their

faces. I even do it myself! He also pointed out that if something smells bad, you usually scrunch up your face,

not touch your nose. He was right, what I was saying didn't make any sense.

I've come to the following

conclusion...and I hope no one else falls into the trap/paranoia I fell into.

First off, don't be too

ridiculously over-observant. A couple times people were asking me why I was always looking around, like I was

paranoid or something. I remember once someone even asked if there was someone after me! Of course if you keep

looking at people you'll notice them rubbing noses or touching their faces. I was just becoming really aware of

something that usually happens anyway. This leads me to my conclusion...

That I probably wasn't stinking at all

most of these times. It's starting to get cold here and lots of people also have allergies. It's more than

likely that they are touching their noses for other reasons. Moreover, a lot of times I jumped to conclusions and

judged certain actions of women as hits. Oh, she rubbed her ear...that's a hit. Or, she scratched her head while

looking at me, she must want me. No, LOL. And what an absolute idiot I was for thinking that way.

As one poster

said, I probably mislead a lot of readers into thinking PI is pure magic of some sort. Now, it's not to say I

didn't get real hits. Girls have approached me, and I can look back and say there are times I was clearly drawing

stares or girls getting in my personal space. However, today is 8 days since I last applied 'mones. I got 1-2

reactions that I would consider "hits" today. Was it the 'mones? Who knows really. They were pretty obvious

signs of attraction I would say. I've mentioned that I used to catch these "signs" in the past, so it could just

be my good looks. If anything, I still give PI 2 thumbs up.

Clearly, even if people rubbing their noses is for

other reasons, I do notice that a sense of leadership falls upon me, and people look to me for approval when I have

'mones. I also notice that in general women do tend to approach or be more near me with them on. In that sense,

PI is a solid product because it opens those opportunities. On the other hand, you could say that wearing PI

sometimes gives you a sense of confidence from these reactions...that in itself just starts a chain reaction of good

things happenening. For example, girl approaches you, you feel great, so you get really good at approaching some

other girls, they give good reactions...and so on. It doesn't mean those were ALL hits, maybe just 1-2 was due to

'mones, and you couldn't know which ones. I don't think it's a placebo because sometimes I've felt like total

shit, and a girl approaches me out of nowhere and smiles even though I'm frowning. But to sit somewhere and

analyze every single body movement of a woman and nitpick saying this or that was a hit...that's leading nowhere

but to a state of paranoia. Because then you start thinking the same thing when guys scratch their heads or rub

their I smell, etc.

My word of advice is, first off, it seems showering too often or rubbing your

application spots does create more 'mone strength. Definitely it helps to sweat and exercise to get rid of

'mones. Not sweating is actually pretty bad. I also think wearing the same clothes is bad, as well as not

laundrying often. Perhaps washing sheets and towels more frequently also helps because you'll have residue on them

from sleeping and drying yourself. It's not overboard, it's just taking precautions, especially if you have the

tendency to perhaps OD or think that you OD.

I also used to use A LOT of cover scent. I think that's one of the

biggest reasons people held their noses or got repulsed. I would wear 10-20 sprays of cover scent, or more.

Someone here once mentioned that too much cover could be the problem, but I didn't realize the significance of

their comment until now.

But also, more than anything. Stop focusing so much on the reactions of other people.

You'll drive yourself insane. I think I've finally reached the point today where I don't know if it was my

'mones or just my attractive qualities or personality that got me those 1-2 hits. And I think that's the best

state of mind to be in when using 'mones...when you have no clue if it's you or the 'mones.

So why keep

using them? Because, like I said, they definitely do work. It's just the overanalyzing that can kill you.

Unfortunately, I had to go through a week of hell to learn my lesson, but I've got it now.