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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Do Women SMELL or SENSE Pheromones???

    Do they actually smell a specific scent that makes you appear more attractive, or do they sense something about

    your presence?

    What about men? It seems like I make guys really nervous around me as well. To the point where

    they are scared to death and intimidated and don't know why.

    People in general can get quite agitated around

    me. Yet women are drawn to me. Is that because I smell like shit, or is it because they SENSE something about my


    I use very strong cover scents, and apply PI.

    I ask this because it seems everywhere I go people

    get pretty nervous around me...and I want to know is it because I smell or because this is an effect of the PI? I

    don't mind girls getting nervous/flirty, but when guys get nervous it's weird.

    Thanks for any



  2. #2
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    I've also noticed situations

    where there's girls showing signs of obvious interest and other guys in the vicinity seem


  3. #3
    Phero Guru
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    Default sounds like

    a PI OD (overdose)
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by koolking1
    a PI OD

    So, let's say I OD'd...but I'm wearing A LOT of cover scent, to the point where the 'girls

    in China could probably smell me'

    Do you think it is possible to OD but people not smell the -none, and only get

    the effects of it? (since my cover scent would block it out..?)

  5. #5
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    And one more thing about

    PI...when it makes women nervous, does it make them nervous the same way that it makes men nervous?

    Because I

    know women may feel like, why is this guy making me nervous and get hot/bothered...but guys will get

    I'm wondering if women are also just getting scared even though they seem drawn to me?

    I've OD'd a bit too

    many times in the past couple I'm definitely going to ease up on the PI for a little bit

  6. #6
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    Maybe you are not OD'ing on


    Maybe it is too much cover scent.

    Honestly, if people can smell you from 3 feet away, you are

    wearing too much.

    People do not like that at all. Especially when they get close to you. They do not want to

    taste your cologne in the air. When I smell someone wearing too much cologne, I assume that they are trying to cover

    up the fact that they haven't showered in a week, or it makes me nervous and uncomfortable becuase the smell is so


    That's where the saying: "too much cologne" comes from.

    On another note, you might be OD'ing too.

    But it sounds like you are getting the hang of this almost. You know that you are getting amazing reactions. But

    there is a neg reaction that you are seeing too.

    My suggestion, take two days off, I am doing this right now, I

    hate it becuase I like to play with this stuff.

    Then, try half of the dose that you normally use, and work your

    way up to the reactions that you were getting before with the least amount of PI.

    AND.... dab your cologn, do

    not spray, ask people if your cologne is too strong, they will tell you. If your are using LS cover scents (which I

    love, they are oil based so they last forever, they smell like the real thing, and they are cheap, and small enough

    to carry with you) LS, since it is an oil, if you use more than three DOTS (not swipes) you are wearing too much and

    people can tell. I have asked people and they say it almost hurts their nose.

    Take it easy. I will let you know

    my experiments with PI soon, I just ordered it becuase of your reactions.

  7. #7
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    Based on my experiments with

    five different ladies, they can definately sense the mones.

    However, their reaction is "wow you smell nice" or

    even just trancelike head burying against my chest and breathing deeply.
    They don't say "You smell nice but like

    something alien is on you".

  8. #8
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    Yeah, I think I used too much

    cover scent this morning, but I think it was also the -none.

    I went home early and jogged around the block.

    Then I did some pushups...all of this to work up a sweat, thinking it would be a good idea to 'sweat off' the


    Then I did one hell of an exfoliating process. Scrubbed my application spots with a wash cloth and

    anti-germ sanitizer, and anti-bacterial soap, several times over.

    Then I took a really long, exfoliating shower,

    literally scrubbing the skin off my application spots, until they were red. I came out of the shower smelling like

    lots of soap.

    I put on 2 sprays of cologne, some deodorant, and went back outside to a cafe.

    People seemed

    frightened by me. Damn, it's like the 'mones sink into your blood or something. I don't really know how to rub

    them off except to give it time.

    I've definitely noticed that different girls have different reactions to it.

    One girl was turning beet red and shaking her leg while standing beside me in line, while the girl to my other side

    showed absolutely no reaction. But the guy fixing my drink was acting really weird. He was one of these really

    muscular tough guys who rarely is in a good mood when I go there. But this time he was really smiley and did all

    these weird sorts of things like acted like I'm some sort of God or something. It was really odd.

    Anyway, I

    decided to stay home for the rest of the day. That's one thing about OD'ing that really sucks. Last time I OD'd

    on PI, I literally freaked my coworkers out. They were scared to death around me, and I just said I'm taking a

    break and never came back. That was Saturday. That same night I went clubbing and the OD on -none got me some

    looks, but a lot of fearful glares as well. And my wing felt really anxious and uncomfortable the whole night with

    his hands in his pockets. He kept saying that something didn't feel right.

    Sunday was great. I went to a small

    eatery and got more hits in 2hrs than I've gotten in entire days. It was the day after my OD on Saturday.

    maxo, thanks for mentioning that about women 'sensing' the 'mones. It's just been hard for me to tell if

    I'm OD'ing or not because lots of people are starting to get colds and sniffle, so I don't know if it's because

    I smell bad or what. I guess I smell fine and it's just their cold.

    Hey SoCal...

    I hope your PI experiments

    go well. One reason I think I've OD'd a few times (or felt I've used too much) in the past couple of days is

    because I got lazy and stopped doing my thorough exfoliating at nights. I think when I haven't washed off the

    'mones at night it's really built up during my sleep and possibly gotten stronger the next day.

    One thing I do

    now is I've taken little pieces of wax paper, and I put the drop of PI from my dropper onto the piece of wax paper.

    Then, using another slice of wax paper, I split the 1 drop into portions. Even 1/2 a drop has killer effects. At

    this rate I probably won't run out of a bottle of PI for over a year.

    Like you mentioned, yes, there's days I

    just don't wear anything and the build-up does the job. Despite all my exfoliating, there's still a heck of a lot

    of build up.

    I didn't know about the LS cover scents. I'll probably buy those, hmm. So do you dab the

    cologne right onto where you applied the 'mones? Seems more logical than spraying, for sure.

  9. #9
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    A good way to make cover scents

    is to find you favorite perfume and buy unscented e-oil then add about 30% or 40% of it to the oil and there you

    have it, a cover scent which will last all day. I did this with CK1 and NPA. So the mix is 40% oil, 30% CK1 and 30%

    CK1. I can't really vouch for the hits because I'm just learning how to use the roll on. I normally get smiles but

    nothing else really unless the person is really close. And speaking of Asians I did sit by one on the bus with mix

    and SOE gel and I definitely got hair twirling and leg bouncing out of the blue as she was very still and silent

    then suddenly started doing this.

    Last edited by jambat; 10-18-2006 at 02:29 AM.

  10. #10
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    PI from my experience is a very

    powerful product. But you are on the right track. Try finding you limits for it and stick to it.Then attempt to

    play, by using a nol based product to somewhat counteract the -none.

    For me .5 to 1 drop is more than enough.

    Good luck .

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast silksand's Avatar
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    Just wanted to offer my

    experience as a woman, regarding your question about whether women smell or sense pheromones ... my husband doesn't

    usually wear 'mones but I asked him to do an experiment with me and wear a bit of a gel pack around me sometime

    without telling me. It was Alter Ego/m and when he wore it, I could not smell it at all, had no idea he was using it

    (it was weeks after my initial request that he try some) but I got rather aggravated being around him for no

    particular reason. So in my case anyway I'd say I reacted to it without smelling it.

    PS - so now he won't

    wear 'mones, no way no how!

  12. #12
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    It was Alter Ego/m and

    when he wore it, I could not smell it at all, had no idea he was using it (it was weeks after my initial request

    that he try some) but I got rather aggravated being around him for no particular reason.
    Hi Silksand.

    Haven't seen you around for a while! I had a GF that any 'none product seemed to aggravate as well. However it

    also made her horny so a good fight was usually followed by great sex. However the ritual was a bit over the top for

    regular use.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast silksand's Avatar
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    Hi Gegogi! Some people can

    fight in a way that clears the air and invigorates (not the ugly kind of fight ...) and I love a great debate

    myself, but my honey really hates to fight and it would only lead to him exiling himself to the couch, I'm afraid!

    A pillow fight, maybe ... but yeah, 'none and I don't get along so well.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by jambat
    buy unscented

    That seems like a great idea because I didn't find Armani or Curve (my favorite colognes) in the LS

    roll-on cover scents.

    But I'd rather not mix my pheromones with the cover scent...if it ain't broke, I won't

    try to fix it. I also think mixing can be problematic because if you don't get the proportion right you waste the


    To each his own...though I'll definitely get some of that e-oil. Are you sure it's called "e-oil"? I

    tried searching for it on google and all I got was vitamin ads.

    Quote Originally Posted by woofa1
    PI from my experience is a very

    powerful product. But you are on the right track. Try finding you limits for it and stick to it.Then attempt to

    play, by using a nol based product to somewhat counteract the -none.

    For me .5 to 1 drop is more than enough.

    Good luck .
    Yeah, I've gotten the hang somewhat...but I got lazy and stopped doing my thorough exfoliating.

    How do you get rid of the 'mones? I've found the best way is to wash them off at night with anti-bacterial

    soap / sanitizer and shower the next morning before re-applying. If there was a quicker way though I'd be right on


    There is something called acetone (ie nail polish remover). I'm thinking of buying some of that and

    trying it for removal.

    You know it got me thinking...for everyone here, I'd bet removal is a tricky process

    especially with build-up...and thus, if LS offered a product designed to wipe away 'mones...Bruce you could make a

    lot of money

    Quote Originally Posted by silksand
    Just wanted to offer my experience as a woman, regarding your question about

    whether women smell or sense pheromones ... my husband doesn't usually wear 'mones but I asked him to do an

    experiment with me and wear a bit of a gel pack around me sometime without telling me. It was Alter Ego/m and when

    he wore it, I could not smell it at all, had no idea he was using it (it was weeks after my initial request that he

    try some) but I got rather aggravated being around him for no particular reason. So in my case anyway I'd say I

    reacted to it without smelling it.

    PS - so now he won't wear 'mones, no way no how!
    Great, I'm glad

    you mentioned it confirms what maxo said about "sensing"

    ...I keep learning about how different women

    have different reactions to various levels of -none.

    But it made you aggravated...that's something I'll keep

    in mind.

  15. #15
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by smooth312
    ...I keep learning

    about how different women have different reactions to various levels of -none.
    But it made you

    aggravated...that's something I'll keep in mind.
    Once wore a drop of PI around a friend who

    is usually very laid back , she went nuts and turned into the bitch from hell in about 2mins flat.
    We had

    fantastic sex though several hours later....
    mental note: 1 drop = too much for me

    early 40's white male or or

  16. #16
    Phero Enthusiast silksand's Avatar
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    It may be, though, that I was

    aggravated by the *change* in his 'mone signature, and not the 'none itself. I can wear small amounts of 'none

    myself and not get bitchy, so ... I think it's probably just that I sensed something alien about his signature.

  17. #17
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    It's possible that with none

    on him that he also *became* more aggravating.

    When I have none, I'm more aggressive, flirtatious, confident,

    and care a lot less what other people think and how they feel.

    If I get a rejection, i'm like "woo woo, later

    loser" and move on vs "oh, I hope they are not mad... how could I have said that differently... I should

    apologize!". Engaging in a bit of exageration here but not too much.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by silksand
    It may be, though,

    that I was aggravated by the *change* in his 'mone signature, and not the 'none itself. I can wear small amounts

    of 'none myself and not get bitchy, so ... I think it's probably just that I sensed something alien about his


    Maybe it's a case of your eyes seeing "your man" but your "nose" saying who is this,

    it doesn't smell like my hubby. Your brain gets a bit confused at the potential intruder so reacts aggresively to

    find out if its a friend or foe. ???

    early 40's white male or or

  19. #19
    Phero Enthusiast silksand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gaf
    Maybe it's a case

    of your eyes seeing "your man" but your "nose" saying who is this, it doesn't smell like my hubby. Your brain gets

    a bit confused at the potential intruder so reacts aggresively to find out if its a friend or foe.


    Yes, that's what I mean when I say there was something alien about him.

    By the way, Maxo-Texas, he didn't behave any differently with it on; all he had to do was come in the room

    and sit quietly on the couch and I was annoyed with him! He was about 8 feet away from me at the time and I didn't

    consciously smell anything.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by smooth312
    That seems like

    a great idea because I didn't find Armani or Curve (my favorite colognes) in the LS roll-on cover


    But I'd rather not mix my pheromones with the cover scent...if it ain't broke, I won't try to fix

    it. I also think mixing can be problematic because if you don't get the proportion right you waste the


    To each his own...though I'll definitely get some of that e-oil. Are you sure it's called "e-oil"?

    I tried searching for it on google and all I got was vitamin ads.
    E-oils are made from Vitamin E

    and are generally scentless. You ever see those guys on the bus selling oils in roll top bottles? Those are usually

    made from E-Oils, jojoba or grapeseed oil which you can also used for the mix.


  21. #21
    Phero Dude
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    Try your local natural food

    (organic) shop, they tend to stock the better quality oils. If they don't have them just ask, if anyone will know

    where to get them they will.
    If they ask what for just say they're for your GF who makes her own mixes.
    early 40's white male or or

  22. #22
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    and as far as cologne


    On nights out / make cologne noticable

    Casually & daytime / cologne should be subtle

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