What I've

noticed about none products (TE/m) is the reaction they have on me when i wear them.

1. Right when i put on none

i usually get excited. kinda like an adrenaline rush. This lasts for just a minute.

2. When i have none on i

often get this really bad gut feeling like something bad is gonna happen. its the feeling you get when you're on a

roller coaster going up and youre anticipating the drop. thats why i call it the roller coaster effect.


anybody else experienced this? im pretty sure its from none because i get it when im wearing TE. unless its from the

secret ingredient. i hope this isnt how this makes other people feel about me when im wearing none cause its a scary

kinda feeling. anybody have any thoughts on this? is there any scientific reason this should be the effect on the

user? TE users... how does it affect you when you wear it?