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  1. #1
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    Question Newbie to 'mones. Which one should I start with?

    I am an asian male, 18 years old, 5' 7", ~220 lbs. On a scale of 1 to 10 for hottness, i'd

    rate myself a 3.

    now, I know that my physique alone will scare pretty women off...but i'm working on it. now

    that i'm in college, i dont have asian parents that call me every few hours checking out what i'm doing and

    yelling at me to study...leaving me with more time to work out at the gym and not eat my mom's incredibly greasy


    anyways, there's this girl that i'm friends with. we've known each other since our freshman year of

    high school, but we really didn't hang out much until the start of college last month. at the moment, we walk to

    places, hang out, have lunch together, etc. last week, she invited me in to her dorm ...except

    to talk for 2 hours straight

    sure, things might sound like it's going well, but

    i'm afraid that i'll fall into the "gee what a nice guy friend" category instead boyfriend. i hope that pheromones

    will lead her in the right direction and give me an edge. in all honesty, even though sex would be nice, right now,

    i just want to be more than just friends with her.

    any suggestions for what pheromones to try? i'm looking

    at something around $30 or less (kinda broke at the moment)...perhaps the edge, NPA, chick, or SOE. just to let you

    know, juding from my level of horniness, it seems that my testoserone level has been on the decline since june. i

    would assume so are my natural pheromones. man i hate adulthood lol.

    as for the girl, she's a petite blonde,

    about 5' 3", 18, and allergic to stong colognes/perfumes. i guess i have to avoid the deer musk smelling ones then,


    thanks in advance,

    P.S. i know this whole pheromone process isn't just some

    miracle potion and that it takes time, $$$, and field study/research to find the right mix. I'm totally committed

    to doing so, but i want to see what people suggest I start off with.

    (hope I don't OD on my 1st try

    Last edited by AznPheroNoob; 09-18-2006 at 02:51 PM.

  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast
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    First you need to work on

    your attitude by smiling/joking/flirting with every female that does not matter to you (even old ladies and

    impossible girls).

    The fact that you know it is not about sex will let you just get into flirting for the joy

    of seeing them smile. FYI: Flirting is not about saying how pretty they are. Go read up various sites about how to

    flirt. Go ahead and get a couple books on the subject. Read and practice them.

    If you really are a 3, then yes

    you probably need to work on it a bit. However, even as a 3 you need to have:
    Clean, well groomed hands.

    not ratty clothing that fits properly and matches whatever your personal style is.
    Clean teeth and mouth.

    body by your culture's social standards. (i.e. bathe daily in most parts of america but maybe every few days in

    other parts of the world).

    Then you need to pick some kind of activities that you enjoy that have females in

    them. For example, I've seen many a "3" light up the face of "6" girls on the floor with good dance moves.

    As a

    young person, your -none is probably high (tho if way overweight you could have a lot of estrogen bringing it down).

    Just to make friends, I think SOE is a great first start. Others recommend WAGG. As a mixed "friend + a little

    heat", WAGG-N seems okay on a limited budget.

    You will probably need to find a personal scent that is compatible

    with the mones that is popular with your age group. For example- you could just ask some girls your age what they

    liked on guys. I read here that musk is generally out for young girls these days.

    I'm sure the others will have

    more to say.


    If you have a particular girl you want, you are probably all ready in trouble because you are

    probably being a "nice guy" (i.e. wus). If you want to turn it sexual, you are going to need to bust her, tease

    her, make her laugh, joke about sex, get her thinking about sex when you are around, and touch her (neck rub,

    backrub, etc.), a little alcohol won't hurt but don't be stupid. NEVER EVER talk about being in love with her, or

    how much she means to you or write her any letters or any of that crap until you have a solid physical relationship

    established. All those things will do is make her feel creepy and uncomfortable. You need to be the fun guy she

    feels comfortable with. Mr. Lovey Dovey is okay *in moderation* once you have a committed closed relationship. But

    to be honest, as I get older, I wonder about that even. Somehow you have to combine saying you are in love with

    them while still letting them know they never ever own you.

    For god's sake, at your age, whatever you do, do

    not lock onto a girl that wants to be just friends. Establish QUICKLY if she wants to be friends only and if so,

    move on except for doing things that you enjoy anyway. For example, if you want to see a particular movie and have

    no date, it's great to have a "bud" along.

    Seriously, I had a friend do this and he wasted 13 YEARS of his life

    before he finally broke free of the girl. She used him mercilessly and he never even got a kiss. She knew he was

    in love with her. He missed a lot of opportunities with other girls while he pined for this one.

    Lovescent also

    has a limited number of free sample packs for men and women if you order another product. You might add those to

    the order along with your regular order.

    In my opinion, mones are dynamite and they work fast (on you as well as

    on others btw). But having the physical and mental package to go with them helps a lot.

  3. #3
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    thanks for the tips,


    I totally know what your friend has been through...I liked this one particular girl all 4 years of high

    school...until I finally snapped out of it at the end of senior year after realizing most of my problems had root in


    as for learning how to flirt, i've listened/watched David DeAngelo's 6 part Double Your Dating

    series, so I know what you mean by not being a wuss/pussy and all that "romantic" shit (which only lands you on the

    "he's such a nice friend" ladder). any ideas on where I can find some real flirting advice online? all the sites

    that pop up on google talk about saying how she's so beautiful...etc etc. aka: the junk wussies use.

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Just search for angelo and

    the terms you see in his book and maybe "maniac pickup" on google and they will come up.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxo-texas

    search for angelo and the terms you see in his book and maybe "maniac pickup" on google and they will come

    alright will do.

    after much research and thinking tonight, here is what I think my route for

    mone exploration will be:
    Order #1:
    Chick Gel
    SOE Gel
    Free Perception Sample
    Xcite wipes for women

    (which is supposed to work for guys too as well as gives super hits for the young women demographic [aka


    If I estimate correctly, order/phase 1 will last me a few good months..probably until November if not


    Question: Since i'm one of those asian guys with low -none ratings, would SOE even work for me? I

    looked at the pheromone ratio and SOE doesn't even have any Anone in the mix. The last thing I want is to have

    people think i'm a friendly guy due to all the anol.

    If all of those products don't work, I will proceed

    with phase 2:

    Just out of curiosity, can anyone tell me what the pheromone ratio for regular WAGG

    is? The page for WAGG in the pherolibrary doesn't exist.

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast
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    I don't know man.

    For me,

    SOE is about intimacy. Getting in past the surface level.

  7. #7
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by maxo-texas
    I don't

    know man.

    For me, SOE is about intimacy. Getting in past the surface level.
    alright. I'll use

    it later on in my pheromone experiment.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Just an update:

    Today, I

    went to wal-mart to look at colognes/a cover scent (and was shocked that they sell LaCoste cologne at wal mart!).

    After much thinking and sniffing, I went with a cologne by Jovan called "Sex Appeal." Sure, it said it was

    "guaranteed" to get you a girl, but that wasn't what I was after; it had a really good original scent to it. it

    smelled like wilderness, the morning mist in an evergreen forest instead of the usual scent of raining on a fresh

    cut soccer field that most college males wear. Anyways, I hope I chose a good cover scent that won't make girls

    associate me with their ex-boyfriends.

    As for my pheromone purchase, my check card is empty at the moment, but

    after I make the deposit later today, I will buy my 1st order and begin testing.

    Once my experiment begins, I

    will create a new thread to log what happens every day.

    Thanks for all the help so far,
    TAG Body Spray. Pheromones for idiots.
    The Pheromone Experiment.

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