hi all,
I am new to this pheromone thingy so I need a lil help.
First lemme describe myself, I am six

feet, fair, not thin
not fat(just right) and posses a french cut beard and
slightly unshaven on the cheeks to

get the rough look.I
come from south east India and currently reside in sydney,
AUstralia.I can be easily be

mistaken for an Arab since I
am tall fair....and dont have a Indian look.
People tell me (example:- freinds and

family) that I am
good looking but the problem is I still suffer from
inferiority complex and am very shy, but

whenever I try to
act confident(i.e fake it)...I feel self concious and I
think I am making a fool of

I have been browsing this forum for week for any pointers
that could help me...but nothing informative

regarding my
problems.I find the people here very intersting, and hope
to be an active member of this

Now comes the sensitive part...there is this girl at
work,she is 21 and from Arab origin. She is outright

gorgeous and very humble.She is very nice to me...but we
hardly get to talk, but whenever we talk..I cant seem

take the authority...just the other day I gave her some
chocolates and she said "Am I special?" I couldn't

say a
I need some confidence.....or I want her to take the
I have just order the

scented chikara and NPA....would
this be a good start? Should this combo trigger her
