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  1. #1
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    Default my thoughts on masters

    well i have

    used it for 3 days now sence i got it. even tho i havn't used it all by it self i think i can atleast post 1 thread

    on it.

    ok so where do i begin,...... other then saying I "F"ING LOVE IT.

    before i begin let me explane my

    "badboy" mixes. yall probelly heard me use this word alot and i remmber helping someone with this mix and he seemed

    to have gotten very good reations with it and started spreading the word around for a while. so here it is badboy

    mix = AE + NPA. the basic virsion that i wear is, 2 drops AE and 2 daps (not drops, with droper removied) NPA. my

    fave is 2:3 and i would get mad hits and very sexual too, and all eyes are on you. so if you want no attention dont

    try this. but it dosn't work like two days in a row. you got to space the days apart. shoot im takeing too much

    space on this mix, i got to get to masters.

    ok so lets start from the begining. when i got it i put a line under

    my nose like it said, like the smell it smell very familla. and i was just walking around the house. i seem to be in

    a really positive mood. (oh under the infulance of masters i remmber makeing the tread call "if you had 3 wishes..."

    in the open discution forum feel free to check it out)

    well i take a shower getting ready to go to the mall with

    my sister to return some shirt i got for my mom (she didn't like them ) so i put on my badboy mix 2:2 + a drop

    of est-nol and masters around my mouth like a gotee and traced my jaw line with it. on the way to the mall, me and

    my sis were in a very good mood, my sis had some nervous body launage once in a while so i dont know what that was

    about cause she normally dosn't have any of those. at the mall, i was loud and very upbeat. im normally am not this

    loude or upbeat at the mall.

    i stoped at the sunglasses stand and started trying on glasses and was posing (not

    new, i do this when ever i try on new things ) when the sales person came up and started talking to us. this is when

    i started noticing it. he got in a really good mood we chatted we told jokes, we laughed togeater. very fun

    experiance. then after that every where we went i noticed that every salepersons were same as the first guy. and

    yeah you may be thinking well they are in sales they are suppose to be like that. well i used to be in sales too.

    and you can not fake that kind of interations. and plus i can tell when they are trying to sell me stuff. plus most

    the time we would just end up talking and haveing fun and not even trying to sell or buy stuff. i remmber this girl

    actually held my hand in this clothing store when i was trying to get a different size shirt. in every situation in

    the mall i was very alpha , well not even alpha i just felt very confident so i just did what i do best, and its

    haveing fun. didn't have that little voice in the back of my mind stoping me, didn't have filters stoping me from

    saying what i pleased. and what a fun day.

    the other 2 days that i have used masters was at work, and woo the

    last 2 days have been the funnest days at work. ok im going to give you my though process that i get when im at work

    before and after. i kind of new at the palce. i work in this factory thats very hot ( and i mean hot, espetially

    when these giant ovens are open, and if you stand if front of it for about 30 sec, you'll see your hair on your

    arms start to burn. ) and its loud. so half the time when i have something to say if its not that important i dont

    even say it cause i dont want to bother with repeating it again and again. and i dont want to have to listen to what

    people have to say only to catch half of it and ask them what they said. but when i do speak tho, its pretty much

    with girls where im kind of bossing them around in a flirtatious way, and some genral flirting. and with guys its

    just the normal guy convasation. but after wearing that stuff man everything changed. i talked so much, flirted so

    much. talked to people i never talked to. theres this girl at work and for somereason, im afride to say it but she

    intimadate me. i dont know why, i make sure i dont show it tho, if she looks at me (and she dose alot, like most

    people , cuase i walk aroumd that palce like i own it ) well i ended up sitting next to her on one of my break

    and we started talking laughing and haveing fun, even tho we were kind of talking about death and shit, i made it

    fun. and theres this other girl that i work with in my area, even tho i had game built up from before (talking about

    realationships, sex, girls i been with, more sex and relationships) the alst day was the shit, i was busting on her

    balls so much we were laughing so hard that we were in pain. then after that when ever i talk to her she would start

    blushing like theres no tomorrow. and mind you that she is 9 years older then me has a kid, and is about half a foot

    taller then me. (im very short). and she has even told me she only date taller guys but those are only words so i

    kept gameing on. she ended up asking me to go to IHOP with her after work but i said no sence i did not want to go

    in to there all nasty after 12 hrs of work. also i had fun socializing with the guys too.

    other random thoughs

    on masters.

    i think the reason masters work is because it raises test lvs in you. cause 6 hrs mark after aplying

    it and working in a very hot hot place. i was still acting like the first min. i put it on. also i not saying it

    will work with everyone, because from what i see, i think if a shy quit person used it, i dont know what kind of

    reations he would get cause all i know is, when i use it, im at my 100% when im gameing. i see alot of potential for

    masters for people that are already alpha, or know alittle about social interations even with strangers.

    i think

    this is going to help me alot with my game when i go out to work on my game and the anxiaties start to come up. so

    you playas out there (i know theres acouple here, i can tell by the way they type or things they say ) make sure you

    get this. it will help you!!

  2. #2
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by slickracer
    before i begin

    let me explane my "badboy" mixes. yall probelly heard me use this word alot and i remmber helping someone with this

    mix and he seemed to have gotten very good reations with it and started spreading the word around for a while. so

    here it is badboy mix = AE + NPA. the basic virsion that i wear is, 2 drops AE and 2 dabs (not drops,

    with droper removed) NPA. my fave is 2:3 and i would get mad hits and very sexual too, and all

    eyes are on you. so if you want no attention dont try this. but it dosn't work like two days in a row. you got to

    space the days apart.
    Slick and anyone else having good results and not scaring the hell out of people

    using AE:NPA, I'd love to hear more on the how much and how you're applying them.



    to the previously scheduled program ... Masters
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  3. #3
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Awesome post slick!

    Would you say something about the scent? Does it smell like a real female's real scents?

  4. #4
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    hey gfunk, the masters smell

    kind of girly but not su much like girl juices. but there is a very familla sence to it tho. every time i put it on

    i get that familler sence and my brain starts to feel doozy and heavy. this effect can be kind of stronger when i

    reapply it. so im thinking the familla sence that i get is my brain reconizing all these jina juices. again, i love

    this shit and will be order more when im all out.

    ok i guess i'll explane my badboy mixes alittle bit

    more. oh wait, alittle bit about me. i am 19 years old. as built wise im not very intimadating at all. but the way i

    talk, act, and just carry my self, can sometimes intimadate people. but thats only one in a blue moon tho, most

    girls that i have interactions with will have a blast as i LOVE to flirt and tease with them i also like to be kind

    of bossy. oh if you know anything about astralogy stuff im a sagittarius. read this link about usi think it kind of

    hit us right on the nail.

    another thing, my thoughts on ODING. I do not beleive that ODing is a real thing. i think peple just thing they

    are ODing because the interations get out of thier confort zone so they just say ODing. you guys need to know that

    you guys are playing with very powerful tools and you need to know how to deal with the challanges that come with

    the power that you are given. and plus most the time girls are just testing you to see if you are really like how

    they sence you to be. so to say the least, oding dose not exist, its not real. and im sure others with more

    experiance with tell you. if it dose how do you think (i think ether geo or majin i dont remmber which one but they

    can wear 10+ daps of NPA)

    on to the badboy mixes. let me start by saying AE is my fav stand alone item that love

    sent has to offer. because the way it is made, -none heavy, it just scream badass. and i feel like a bad ass when i

    wear it too. popele have talked about wearing AE and SoE and tried it. i did not liike or get that much reations

    with it. i suspects that that while AE was giving off a badass vibes SoE was giving off super friendly vibes and its

    just takeing the sexual tention out of it. cause im starting to notice that that saying less is more is very

    incompleat. yes, less is better but its not how much you wear that effects the outcome its the "RATIO" of what you

    are wearing that matters. and when you are wearing AE and SoE all it dose is pretty much even things out not one

    paticular mone stands out. thats why it takes the seual tention out of the interations. after realizing this and

    haveing tried NPA all by it self, and seeing how much sexual tention you can create with it, i said, mabey my badass

    vibes can use more sexual tention. and badboy mixes were born.

    but i decited to not give you guys exact numbers

    and ratios with the mixes so people can play around with it, to give yall the best results. so all im saying is try

    AE + NPA togeater. and yall will love it. but here is how i apply them, in most of them i use 2 drops of AE (i have

    used more, about 5 drops but i get enough hits at 2 so i try not to wast my AE, i dont know yall realize it but

    mones are expensive as hell, its like liquid gold.) and 2 daps of NPA (just because i can cover them up with the 2

    drops of AE.) i put them on the side of my adamapple and split between my wrist. but when i do the badboy mix 2:3 i

    do 1:1 on my neck then a drop of ae on wrist then the other 2 daps of NPA on my chest area with some colonge to

    cover it.

    just give this mix a cance, anyone that has AE or NPA try it, and post back some results on it. i

    know that tere was a newb a while back that i hlep. and he had really good results with it.

  5. #5
    Phero Pro
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    I wear Realm on a regular basis,

    it does exactly what it claims to do, lift your mood, and apparently realm is alot less potent then Masters. My next

    purchase is this product.

  6. #6
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Wow, getting my bottle back


    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  7. #7
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    Are you still using Masters daily,


    Do you still feel the same way?

    I just ordered it and LT. Would you use those together do you


    Also, how long does the smell and the mones last? Would you mix with any other cologne?


    Slick. I purchased this just because of your post!

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by slickracer
    i remmber

    helping someone with this mix and he seemed to have gotten very good reations with it and started spreading the word

    around for a while.
    wudup slick, that was me!!

    yeah, long time since i've visited here. I actually

    stopped using pheromones for a while because they were too distracting - too much female attention, i couldn't get

    anything done.

    but i just recently started up again the other day. now that's schools back in session, i like

    the extra attention

    that's interesting what you say about this "masters" product...i might try it out.

    great post

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast
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    hey btw, slick, hate to get

    off topic, but since your experience with pheromones was so helpful to me...

    have you ever had good experience

    with PI?

    i bought some a while ago but never used it for fear that it could be too strong.


  10. #10
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    hey socal, yes i do use

    masters everyday. and yes, im still loveing it. the scent actually last pretty long. because yesterday at work i had

    to wear a face mask cause i was useing these chemical cleaners and when i had the mask on i started smelling masters

    again and it caught my attention to it. and i smelled it for about 5 mins and my brain shut of the smell again.

    another thing about masters is that when ever i reapply i get the biggest test rush, i get this jolt of energy. i

    dont know how to explane it but you'll notice it if you ever reapply on it. like i said before i never re-apply

    mones but i will reapply this (oh and i have re applyed LT before too.)

    and to answer your question about mixing

    LT and Masters, i can't really coment on it as i have never done that before. i have used both of them but right

    before i got my masters i ran out of LT so i dont know.

    and i always wear masters on my face so i can smell it

    and i never wear cologne on my face so i can't answer your last question.

    whats up smooth! yeah i remember you

    now, we ended up useing like a page and a half of your thread talking about my badboy mix. and guess what, i been

    working on this mix right now that i wore it to a party once and OMG!! if i can replacate the results at atleast 2

    more parties, i'll post the mix because dang dude i made out with like so many girls at that party and almost got

    into a 3 sum. but the important thing was, i was fearless that nigh and felt like a king!! got a party to go to this

    sat. and im going to try that mix again! im haveing so much fun with the lucky 7 chem kit cause theres endless


    and to answer your question i havn't used PI, i have always stuck with NPA cause its cheaper (dont

    know about drop per drop wise but the bottles are cheaper so i have always brough NPA) but i love nones tho, cause

    the way i see it, if they are hot and wet, it pretty much solves the equation on thier part dosn't it. so thats why

    i focus most of my mixes on myself that makes me feel good. and then throw abunch of nones in and we'll both be

    feeling good.

    dont ever be afride of anything man, for all you know if you would have tried it long when you

    got it first and gotten good results you migh have already been with many girls already. what is there to be afride

    of mones? think you migh get a bad reation? what will that do? not get you any action or attention? well isn't that

    whats going on by not useing it? well good luck

    oh and by the way i wonder what the women vison of masters

    (isn't it call mistris or something) is doing to the ladies?

  11. #11
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    Thanks Slick!

    I have read that

    the Masters for Women is taking off. Ten times more sales than the mens. I could be wrong, but that is the

    impression I get from the board. I am not sure of the difference.

    Has anyone ever commented on the Masters smell

    with you? Where women ask what you are wearing or then pay attention to the spots where you put the masters? I know

    it's more for you as the wearer, but is there a noticable difference with the ladies reactions?

    Also, why do

    you never re-apply mones?

    Thanks, Slick!

    Your posts are great.

  12. #12
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    most of the time they would

    look at my lips while i talk. but thats because i have a very sexy smile and lips. they are my most frequent

    complament i get. man all those time i spend smiling and winking at my self in the marrior really is paying off.


    i dont know why i have never re applyed mones but thats just the way i have been sence i have started

    useing them, and if i must i normally wash my app points first.

  13. #13
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    The masters is pretty cool! Smell

    is nice. I have not noticed the personal reaction to it, however I am putting it on anyway because I like the


    One thing does concern me. When I got the bottel, I opened it up and it leaked on a pack of smokes. It

    only leaked becuase I shook it while opening it. But a few drops landed on the box, and stripped all of the paint

    off of it. I wiped it up, and everything it touched became white. It makes a handy pen mark remover. Even though it

    does not leave a mark or burn my lip (little tingling), that concerned me. But I am still wearing it! And so far,

    alone I like it!

    Do you put it on anywhere other than your mouth? I liked the smell and I put it on like a cover

    sceant today (only SOE). I know it will wear off quick, but I thought it might be a cool trick.

    Masters: "The

    only phero product that will attract woman, uplift your mood, and double as a paint remover". "Never leave home

    without it!"

    UPDATE: 45 minutes since I put on the mass amount of Masters, and I do feel a bit

    of a buzz. Could be the 13 cups of coffee (its only 6:30 am), but who knows?
    Last edited by SoCal; 10-02-2006 at 08:52 AM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoCal
    One thing does

    concern me. When I got the bottel, I opened it up and it leaked on a pack of smokes. It only leaked becuase I shook

    it while opening it. But a few drops landed on the box, and stripped all of the paint off of it. I wiped it up, and

    everything it touched became white. It makes a handy pen mark remover. Even though it does not leave a mark or burn

    my lip (little tingling), that concerned me. But I am still wearing it! And so far, alone I like

    Your serious? I hope this stuff is safe? I was just about to order it, does anyone know the PH

    level of this stuff?, the last thing I want is to get chemically burnt. Could it be the copulins that are contained

    in this that caused this effect? Copulins as far as I know, are fairly acidic, and from other posts I have read,

    they have dissolved rubber over time.

    One thing about pheromones, is that alot of products out there are

    unregulated, and do not adhere to any safety health standards that are set up for human use. In my experince,

    products like .none, .rone and .nol are harmless, at least on my skin, they cause no adverse reactions like, skin

    rashes. However, this formula seems a little elusive. I try to steer clear of products that have "unkown" or so

    called "secret ingrediants" for this reason. I like to know exactly what goes on my skin or in my body. I think

    manufacturers have some duty of care to the consumer in this area.

  15. #15
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    I think it is safe... Slick lives

    by it, I am liking it so far. I was exaderating more than anything, I do not think it doubles as a paint remover. I

    am going to keep using it. From what I am seeing online, maybe I am not giving things enough time. I am reading that

    some people it can take weeks of use to work. Well, I am going to give this one that try. I will wear it for weeks.

    If my lip falls off, I will absolutly tell you. LOL... It's not going to.

  16. #16
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I think it a lot more likely to

    have been the carrier than the pheromones that took the paint off. Most carriers have some solvent characteristics,

    they have to or the mones wouldn't disolve well in them.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  17. #17
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    I agree. I do not believe it to be

    the pheros. Infact, I do not believe it to be a problem. I was not making a big deal out of it, I just thought it

    was funny!

  18. #18
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    yeah its def the alcohal

    carrier cause after me useing that stuff as i have gotten it, my nose has become sensative to the alcohal. so the

    first like 20 secs that i put it on, i hold my breath. but after that i dont smell the alcohol and all i smell is


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