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Thread: PI Q?

  1. #1

    Default PI Q?

    Is it a good idea to wear PI (primal instinct) for a job interview where you don\'t know your interviewers If they\'re all guys will it have an effect either way (good or bad)? I would like to know your experience using this product? I just order my own and would like to have some testimonials from real people.
    Thank you !

  2. #2

    Default Re: PI Q?

    Um real testomony right across the forum we are all real people james is the producer of one product bruce is the owner of the love-scent site im from australia and heavily into this stuff it actually does work all the posts over the last six months are all real experience and all the other 700 odd people here are customers from all over hte world and only represent a small fraction of actual customers, number in the thousands. If you dont believe in it then leave it alone and let the rest of us get the advantage over non believers and get more women etc etc.

  3. #3

    Default Re: PI Q?

    ok, just so you know I just bought PI and was asking for anyone\'s opinions about the product (guess that makes me more of a believer than not).
    I also believe that most of the messages on this forum are from real people, but I haven\'t found much about PI except that it might smell like cat piss.
    It\'s increible what some of you have to share and I plan to post my own experiences. Of course I don\'t expect big things, but small changes for the better are always welcome.
    This forum is great!

  4. #4

    Default Re: PI Q?

    sorry cali dude i was just pissed off earlier with all the spam shit ive been getting through my email looks like it came out in the posts dont want to scare off new forum members either. PI is none heavy so use lightly or use the pit trick which is applying a product to your underarm area and letting your natural bacteria break it down, the effects of concentrated pheromones being broken down is as good as the product freshly applied, just a trick us pros use.

  5. #5
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: PI Q?

    cali dude,

    Whether or not it smells like cat piss to you, PI smells bad to a large percentage of people. Some people smell it, some can\'t.
    Don\'t use more than one drop going on an interview. It\'s much better to put out a MINIMAL phero signal than it is to take the chance of smelling bad to even one man OR woman that might be interviewing you. Neither you nor your \"target audience\" need to be able to actually smell it to be effected by it.

    Put one drop in the palm of your hand and use the forefinger of your other hand to fingerpaint it over a wide area of your upper body. Then cover it with a conservative amount of a cologne. Be careful not to over-do the scent either, many people find an overdose of fragrance to be offensive too. And nobody\'s going to hire someone that they think might end up gagging them on a daily basis.

    Since it\'s hard to get just one drop out of PI\'s bottle,(you wait several seconds for the first drop, then the second one comes out on the heels of the first), you might just want to try a few DABS until you\'ve got a feel for the dropper. This will give you better control.

    Good Luck!
    Oscar [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    [ January 20, 2002: Message edited by: Wilde Oscar ]

  6. #6

    Default Re: PI Q?

    damn, nice post oscar. That will help me too thanks man.

  7. #7
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: PI Q?


    Thanks! Always happy to help! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: PI Q?

    Hey Oscar,
    You put your finger over the plastic nib on the PI bottle and swivel your wrist to get a dab. Is that dab about a drop or say maybe half a drop? Do folks still use spoons as underarm applicators? I am tempted to get a couple of old spoons at the thrift store and take my framing hammer to them in order to get a nice flat spot and use then as a none applicator. Thanks in advance for any insight.. I am new to PI and am worried that I would end up with litter-box hands.
    Wingrider [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  9. #9

    Default Re: PI Q?

    I just apply and get a nose for it (but ive been doing this for four years experienced so i just naturally know whats happening i also have the record for most postings here at the forum , have come up with a lot of the ideas expressions along with help from others) but yeah its happening really suddenly now, once we hit 400 forum members its just got insane in general.

  10. #10

    Default Re: PI Q?

    Hey All;

    Good Ole PI. This stuff works constantly hands down. But it is not your lighter mixed phero product. It is a stand alone potent product. It being oil based makes application to skin and hair easier. The smell if not used in heavy dosage is minimal. I am saying minimal in a phero application. Yes you can smell the mones but it is easily covered by a bit of cologne.

    I have found New West (No longer being made, but still can be found) works well with PI. I use it daily fo rthe office. Conversations with those (both male and female) goes very easy. Tudes get placed back in a normal attitude quickly etc.
    I love this stuff.

    I bought my PI in the Used product section. Both bottle I received were approx. 3/4 full. Great price and product.

    y current Girlfriend loves the combo of either Xyrus or New West with PI. Says I smell divine and very masculine. She loves to cuddle with her nose in my neck.

    So if any of you want to try PI without shelling out 69.00 try the returned products PI.


  11. #11

    Default Re: PI Q?

    What\'s the ratio of West to PI that you normally wear? What are your results wearing just PI (assuming you have done this)?
    Curious dude

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