havent been using mones too long and have so far really only tried the PCC, which seems to be working decently, as

at least 5 people at work seem into me since wearing it. The thing is, I have a serious, albeit unrequited, "thing"

for this one guy at work and I want to really get his attention, but he is the elusive type.

I recently got a

bottle of EW and I mixed some into what I had left of the PCC yesterday. Put on a ton of it and went to work. Really

got nothing out of anyone! Even people who are usually responsive to me. Then, waiting for the train on the way

home, this thugged out guy started hitting on me, asked me if I wanted to go home with him, etc. I dont now if that

was the EW or just a random encounter. I got home and mixed even more EW into the PCC.

Today though I put on

considerably less, and covered with some body spray, hoping maybe that will get his attention.

But should I be

trying something else? I dont want to spend huge amounts of cash, but it would be worth it for this guy, if it

worked. I seem to be reading about people having success with the Edge? And what about X-cite wipes? What should I


I am shy and unassuming and the guy I like is kind of the same way. He's also latino and I am white, though

I dont know if that sort of thing makes a difference when it comes to mones or not?

I really like this guy! Any

help would be greatly appreciated!