Hi everyone,

I just joined LS within the last 24 hours, after

stumbling upon it accidentally. I’ve always been curious about pheromones but never had the courage/desire to

purchase one over the internet – abundant stories of fakes, and the large number of ‘suspicious’ products on offer,

put me off. However, after several hours reading various forum posts and sections of LS, I felt confident enough to

make my first purchase without any hesitation (SOE unscented and NPA should be with me very soon!) – the return

policy provided great reassurance too.

Why am I interested in pheromones now? Well, firstly,

I’ll set the record straight: I’m not looking for a quick sexual fix – the reality is, I’m looking for a tool or an

aid. I’m a 32 year-old heterosexual black man, and would describe myself as tall, slim, lean and reasonably

muscular. I’m not your typical macho guy, so I have a sensitive nature that is reflected in my personality (which

many women like). Ten years ago, I had zero confidence but have learnt to overcome this over the years (to such a

point where I feel more confident than most of the men around me, in social settings), so that is not my reason for

purchasing pheromones. In addition, I have no problem in finding women who are attracted to me (especially when

abroad). Also, I dress well, look after my appearance, possess sufficient charisma and have a steady job. Therefore,

my reason for being interested in pheromones has nothing to do with the usual stereotypes or clichés.

However, I do have one problem, which has been bothering me for a long time. As I mentioned before, I

have no problem getting attention from women (there’s also been numerous occasions when I’ve achieved the DIHL

effect without any real effort). However, whenever I’m close to a woman who’s attracted to me, one of two things


1) They are too shy or intimidated to approach me, regardless of my occasional

efforts to break the ice (and by the way, I consider myself to be a very approachable and laidback guy);

2) It never gets beyond the flirting stage – there’s always something that stops them from wanting to

take things further (leaving me with the feeling that I’ve been ‘messed around with’).


I’m not saying that I’ve never had any success but the frequency in which I find myself, in the above two

situations, is very concerning (and I usually stay true to myself, am not a predator and am not one for playing mind

games). I have to admit that people tend to perceive me very differently to your average guy (I even receive

frequent and puzzling stares, from completely heterosexual men, for no reason at all!), so I was thinking that it’s

something to do with my body’s pheromones (an imbalance, possibly?) – that’s my personal reason for deciding to

‘invest’ in pheromones.

The potential to experiment with people’s perception of you

(especially women’s) in a social situation intrigues me, and if this helps my dilemma then that’s great. I’m not

expecting pheromones to be the miracle cure, but I’m hoping that they will help increase, not my level of

attractiveness but, my chances of greater sexual (and social) success. I’m really looking forward to ‘playing’ with

SOE and NPA, when they arrive. I hope they’ll aid me to better understand the human (and feminine) psyche a great

deal more.

Thanks for reading.


P.S. Could you please recommend an ideal third phoromone product to compliment SOE and NPA.

The ones I've read that have received rave reviews include AE, PI and A314. Could you also give reasons for your

personal preference. Cheers.