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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
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    Red face My first experience...



    first of all let me say this is a great forum. Two weeks ago I decided to order myself some Phero's

    called Contact 18 which have been discussed on this board quiet a few times. I know its not from the Lovescent

    stuff, but I hope I'm allowed to share my experience with you as some sort of "general experience" with pheros. To

    be true, I bought the Contact 18 because I was a little bid scared of the other products that include Pheros in a

    much higher dose. I decided to get this "weaker" solution, just to see what happens. Well, but first let me say that

    I'm not totally new to pheros. Years ago I owned a bottle of Realm, the first pheroproduct I ever heared of here in

    Germany. Then somehow I forgot about the pheros until I remembered the time with Realm. I started an intense

    internetresearch on that topic and I really have to say that your site and products looked most competent and

    reliable to me. Well, I didn't like the smell of the Realm, so I decided to take a neutral pheroproduct and see

    what happens. The first day was an usual tryout to my new product. I just took two pumps from the atomizer and it

    was amazing, allthough nothing happened what you girls/guys would call a real hit. I took the bus to the city and a

    young mother with her child just started smiling at me. After that I got into the subwaystation an a very nice blond

    girl came along the way. Could be incidently, but she immediatly stopped next to me, got into the train directly

    behind me and took the seat diagonal to me and looked at me all the time. In the subway I sat also next to an older

    lady. And guess what: She just started talking to me on and on. She was in no way sexuelly attracted to me, but was

    like talking on and on, about my IPod and the music I'm listening to with it. Being very sceptical about such

    incidences I just said to myself it might also derive from some sort of higher selfconfidence like a self

    fullfilling prophecy. But then I was on a party on saturday and I decided to take the mones the second time. Damn,

    if you people call this a low dosed pheroproduct, it seems to be high enough concentrated for me. Its clear to me,

    that the mones are not everything- no girl would get hot on you if you are not her kind of guy. But listen, I got to

    the party and there were two girls. One of them do I know fairly well, the other one not really at all. Well I said

    hello to the one I know, and the other just turned around and said: Oh, well we haven't seen for a long time and

    started taking over the talk (coincedence?). Another girl on the party, I even know only a little (and I never

    touched) started putting her arm around me, pressing her cheecks on me and so on (later on, her friend said that

    they have to go, and her commend was just "well, I think its better so before something happens"). Another one,

    which was hot for me for years now, even joined me on a bed with no one around and started talking about sex (WHILE

    MY GIRLFRIEND WAS ON THE SAME PARTY!) well and then I even started kissing with another girl that was also there.

    And believe me, I feel bad for my girlfriend for that. So let me tell you- the conclusion of my first experiences is

    that mones are a powerful weapon which can lead you into things you might regrad (especially when drinking alcohol)

    I don't want that kissing (or even worser) things happen again, because I only love my girlfriend. But I have to

    wear on mones, just for the scientific reason on that! I'm working in the sector of natural sciences and have quiet

    some knowledge of biochemicals. I hope I can participate to this forum in one or another way. I'll keep on

    experimenting to find out if it's really the mones or siteeffects of the mones like higher confidence and will tell

    you the results.

    I'm very interested if someone has made experiences in wearing higher-dosed mones leading to

    aggression from other males. I'm a very non-aggressiv man, so I have no interest in trying this myself and I think

    those mones wouldn't even fit to me and my personality.

    Would be nice to hear from you. Glad to be here.



  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Again

    Were on a party this

    weekend and had a hit again. Damn, just used it two times on a party so far. And every time there were hits. That

    phero-stuff is scary...

    Don't know what would happen using the more concentrated pheros.

    Yours Sam

  3. #3
    Full Member luxveritas's Avatar
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    The only negative experiences

    I have had with NPA and SOE are being ignored. This is usually only when I draw attention to myself in a negative

    way. (being lone wolf). The only thing I can say for sure about pheromones is that they make people pay attention to

    me. If I am negative, boring, mean, quiet mones will do more harm than good. Booz enhances mones like nothing


    I have not seen an OD yet. That is probably because If i can smell myself and it is strond then I know I

    have too much on. I'm a smoker and my sense of smell sux. So I just give myself a sniff test.
    24 year old, good looking, white guy SOE+NPA works like a charm
    Chikara no results nice scent
    Pherlure cant wear it; strong scent headache
    AA314 good stuff
    NPA girls get frisky, stinks
    A7 almost as good as NPA
    SOE legit

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
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    Default New pheros tryout



    after my VERY positive experience with the phero-product called Contact18 I ordered myself a bottle of

    NPA. I'm very curious about how it'll work for me, because of the even higher concentrated pheros in it. I'll

    keep you informed... :-)



  5. #5
    Phero Guru
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    Sep 2002
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    Default none

    if anything will bring out

    aggressive tendencies in other men, NPA will.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

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